Mr. Geo. Thos. Congreve's New Work on CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COUGH, AND OTHER CHEST DISEASES, POST FREE for 6d., or LARGE EDITION (bound in cloth), 18. 3d., from ELLIOT STOCK 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, or from the AUTHOR, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, S.E. The following REMARKABLE CASES are selected from the EIGHTH SERIES, which have been appearing ONE EVERY WEEK IN THE WEEKLY PAPERS. REMARKABLE CASE of BRONCHITIS and BRONCHIAL EXTRACT from the LETTER of A ASTHMA. D-, & DISSENTING MINISTER in the North, to MR. CONGREVE, bearing date September 27, 1883 [This patient, who does not wish his name and address to appear in print, says: "You may show them to any enquirer, and I will confirm my statement if needed.] "I had a constitutional tendency to asthma from a boy. . . . Roughing it in the colonies, I became subject to severe pains in the chest, and left for England with a sensation of great tightness and difficulty of broathing. . . . Arriving in the old country, I found myself continually catching severe colds. These became bronchial in character, and accompanied by that peculiar whistling with which asthmatics are familiar. The chest was so painful, and breathing so difficult, that when I awoke in the morning I felt as if I would like a knife to make an incision and let out the air. Soon I had miserable nights also. I consulted five doctors in all, and not one gave me a hint which was of the slightest use. They told me I must leave the country, for this climate would never do for me. I reluctantly prepared to leave, and had arranged for my passage, when I caught my eye on your name, and the mention of your treatment, in Mr. Spurgeon's Almanack. I sent for your book, and was convinced; and, in short, I determined to give your medicine a trial. "At this time I was suffering from a violent Cough. I had an engagement to preach on the Sunday, and was in terror at the prospect. I endeavoured to get a Postal Order to send you, but it being Saturday the office was closed. I was successful, however, in obtaining a small bottle of your medicine of a druggist. I took two doses that night, and three the next day Such relief was experienced that, returning by the train, found myself saying, 'Eureka! (I have found it). All thought of leaving England was from that day abandoned. "I do not mean to say that I was instantly cured. The process was gradual. The early awaking in the morning, and tightness of chest, day by day vanished. In six months I considered myself cured; but, catching a chill, I was again threatened, but in a month was bettor. Then I entered again on the regular work of the ministry, and for a long time now have had no trouble with the disease. I keep your medicine by me, and sometimes take a dose when threatened with cold, or on Sunday, to give me a good voice. "I owe my deliverance from this terrible disease, and my restoration to usefulness, under God, to Mr. Congreve's medicine. I perform full Sunday work, and walk daily for miles in all weathers, and suffer no inconvenience." CASE of a WELSH INDEPENDENT MINISTER. Rev. J. P. DAVIES wrote me in December of last year. He had suffered long with frequent spitting of blood, pains in the chest, and other symptoms. He continued under my advice until June, his strength increasing, cough diminishing, and general health steadily improving. September 27 he writes:-"I am glad to inform you that I have enjoyed splendid health. I got cold, however, last week, through getting wet to the skin, and have consequently had a slight relapse." In a fortnight afterwards he writes:-"I have recovered from the relapse. There is something beyond imagination in your medicine. For 10 months before I consulted you I could hardly preach. Now it is a comfortable and easy thing. "I am telling the Welsh papers that you are known to most of our leading ministers, and I shall feel it my duty to assist you in any way that I can. "The Farm, Deri, Cardiff. Note.-Mr. Congreve's Son-in-law, J. Alex. Brown, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. is now associated with him. Times of Consultation, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, & SATURDAY MORNINGS ONLY. General Baptist Magazine Advertising Sheet, January, 1884. IMPORTANT! TO THE MINISTERS AND DEACONS OF CHURCHES, AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. A NEW feature in the Advertising Department of the General Baptist Magazine is now introduced. Opportunity is afforded to every Church and School in the Connexion to advertise their special efforts in the Magazine at a very low price. Under the heading given below, the Printers will insert advertisements of Special Sermons, Tea Meetings, Anniversary and Recognition Services, Lectures, Public Meetings, &c., intended to be held during each ensuing month; so that throughout the Denomination all may know what their brethren are doing. The charge will be Sixpence per line only, each line counting as fourteen words. A specimen of a shilling advertisement is given below. Stamps must in each case accompany the order, which should be sent to WINKS & SON, Publishers, Leicester. WHAT THE CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS ARE DOING. NEW [EW BASFORD, Nottingham.-Opening of New School-rooms, Sunday, Jan. 13. Rev. J. Greenhough, M.A., of Leicester. Great Tea Meeting on Monday at 5.30. BIBLE AND HYMNAL The Trustees of the Hymnal have pleasure in announcing that arrangements have been made whereby they are able to supply copies of the Bible and Hymnal bound together in superior style in one handsome volume. It is the Ruby or Double-Column edition of the Hymnal, with Bible in corresponding type and style. PRICES:-French Morocco, gilt edges, 58. 6d.; French Morocco, Circuit Binding, i.e., with flaps covering the edges of the book, 7s.; English Morocco, gilt edges, 9s. 6d.; Ditto, Circuit Binding (bound to order only), 10s. 6d. Young People should order at once, as a Christmas or New Year's present to their friends. Also, the Hymnal may now be had bound in one volume with the "Psalmist Chants and Anthems"- -a more complete collection than has been supplied with the Hymnal hitherto. Prices on application to E. MARLBOROUGH & Co., 51, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, Trustees. Publishers to the T BRYANT & FOR READING AT MOTHERS' MEETINGS. WINKS & SON, Publishers, Leicester, will send for One Shilling, post free, MAY'S The Christian Mother MATCHES at Home: HER DUTIES & DELIGHTS. BY J. F. WINKS. With an Introduction by THOMAS |