Imágenes de páginas

half inches apart, in addition to the fibres of other colors. distributed throughout the paper.



and issues prior to 1869 to be with

The Treasury Department is desirous of withdrawing All defared notes from circulation all notes issued prior to 1869, as well as all mutilated and defaced notes and fractional currency, drawn. and of keeping in circulation throughout the country clean new currency of the latest issue, and has adopted the following regulations and instructions on that subject, and in relation to the redemption of fragmentary notes and the distribution of new currency of the different denominations and of the most recent issue:

I. Defaced and mutilated currency.


1. Defaced and mutilated United States and fractional What notes are notes, each equaling or exceeding by face measurement redeemable at three-fifths of its original proportions in one piece, if clearly face value, and genuine, are redeemable at the full face value of whole notes, in new currency, by the Treasurer, the several Assistant Treasurers, and Depositaries of the United States, and all National Bank Depositaries, and are receivable at their full face value by all officers of the Treasury Department in payment of currency dues to the United States.

2. The officers and Bank Depositaries by whom such Defaced notes currency is received will not use it in their disbursements, not to be used by but will forward it to the Treasurer of the United States at depositaries, &c Washington at the expense of the Department, under the Government contract with Adams Express Company.

3. Whenever the amount presented for redemption at when redeemed, one time to an Assistant Treasurer, Depositary, or Bank how payable. Depositary equals or exceeds fifty dollars in United States notes, or five dollars in fractional currency, it is optional with the officer or bank to either pay the owner its value in new currency, or give a receipt conditioned for such payment when return for the amount has been received from the Treasurer.

When the same person habitually presents currency for. redemption in sums somewhat less than those mentioned, it is discretionary with the officer or bank to refuse to receive it until it has been made up to the required amount.

Department pays expenses of transportation to Washington.

-desires to with

lation defaced

4. The Department will receive at its own expense, under the contract with Adams Express Company, from any person, company, firm, bank, or corporation, United States notes and fractional currency which are defaced or mutilated, or in any way unfit for circulation, provided that the fractional currency be sent in sums of five dollars and upwards, and the United States notes in sums of fifty dollars and upwards. Parties remitting currency for redemption, and especially officers of the department, are, however, requested to make their remittances as large as practicable, and, when it is possible, to remit in sums of one thousand dollars or an even multiple thereof.

United States notes and fractional currency may be forwarded in the same package at the expense of the Department if at least five dollars in fractional currency is inclosed, or if the amount of the whole remittance equals or exceeds fifty dollars.

5. The Department is desirous of withdrawing from cirdraw from circu- culation all United States notes issued prior to the issue of 1869, whether mutilated or defaced or not, and will redeem them on the same terms and in the same manner as notes unfit for circulation.

notes, &c.

Fractional currency to be assorted, &c.


notes, how redeemed.

-when less than half.

6. Fractional currency, before being presented for redemption, must be assorted into the different issues; each issue must be assorted by denominations and inclosed in paper straps at least one inch wide, securely fastened; each strap, if the amount of the parcel will admit, must contain one hundred notes of the same denomination; and on each strap must be written with ink the number of pieces and the denomination inclosed, and the name of the owner. The entire amount must be securely done up in one package, and upon the wrapper the date, the amount inclosed, and the name of the owner must be written with ink.

II. Fragmentary notes.

1. Fragments of United States notes and fractional currency, constituting less than three-fifths of the original proportions of the notes, and notes torn or cut into pieces each less than three-fifths, are redeemable only by the Treasurer of the United States.

2. Fragments less than half are redeemed only when accompanied by an affidavit that the missing portions have been totally destroyed. The affidavit must state the cause and the manner of the mutilation, and the character of the affiant must be certified to be good by a magistrate or other public officer. When accompanied by satisfactory proof,

such fragments will be redeemed at the full face value of the notes of which they are part.

3. Fragments each less than half, but together purport--same. ing to constitute more than one-half of a note, are redeemed only when it appears, either from the notes themselves or from an affidavit made in conformity to the foregoing paragraph, that they are actually parts of one original note.

4. Fragments constituting half or more than half, but less than three-fifths of notes, when unaccompanied by evidence that the missing portions have been destroyed, are redeemable for half of the face value of the notes.

5. In redeeming, under the last preceding regulation, interest notes, with which interest is payable, half of the interest due on the notes will be paid.

6. Demand notes are redeemable in coin by the Treasurer, on presentation at his office, on the same terms as to mutilations as United States notes.

7. Unredeemed fragments less than half are retained by the Treasurer; counterfeit notes are branded and returned.

III. Mode of transmission to Treasurer.

When a person making a remittance, either by mail or by express, fails to give his full name and post-office address, including the State, the remittance is retained until the name and address are furnished, together with a satisfactory description of the package claimed.

An inventory, describing the contents by parcels, denominations, and amounts, should accompany every remittance.

IV. Remittances by express.

when half and less than three


Interest on fragmentary notes

bearing interest.

Rules apply to old demand notes.

Unredeemed fragments retain

ed; counterfeit notes returned.

Mode of transmission to Treas


1. All remittances for redemption should be addressed to by express. the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C.

2. The packages should be put up in wrappers of stout Packages, how paper or cloth, tied with strong twine, secured by careful put up. sealing, and plainly marked on the outside with the amount and nature of the contents, the full name and post-office address of the consignor, and the fact that they are forwarded under the Government contract with Adams Express Company.

3. A letter of advice, written on not less than half a sheet -accompanied of commercial note paper, must be put inside the package, with letter. and a duplicate letter should be sent by mail to the Treasu

rer on the day that the remittance is forwarded.

V. Remittances by mail.

1. All remittances by mail for redemption should be ad- Remittances by dressed to the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, mail.

-how sealed up, &c.

Remittances by mail are at risk of


Return of new

how made.

D. C. Letters or packages so addressed are forwarded without charge for postage, whether they contain money or not. 2. Money for redemption, after being prepared as hereinbefore directed, should be sealed or tied up in paper of suitable strength, and plainly marked on the outside with the owner's name and full address, and with the amount inclosed. The package should then be sealed up in an envelope, together with a letter of advice, written on not less than half a sheet of commercial note paper, stating the name and full post-office address of the owner, the value of the remittance, and the manner in which return shall be made.

3. Remittances to the Treasurer by mail are invariably at the risk of the owners. All communications to the Treasurer, in regard to packages ascertained to have been lost in transmission by mail, are referred for investigation to the Second Assistant Postmaster General, to whom any further inquiry on the subject should be addressed.

4. It is a protection against loss to register letters containing money; but the registry fee must in all cases be prepaid by the party remitting.

VI. Returns, how made.

1. Returns for amounts less than five dollars are usually notes or checks, made in new currency by mail at the owner's risk, but if he so requests, returns are made by check on any of the cities named below, or in new currency by express at his expense.

-how usually made.

Same subject.

Proceeds from

2. Returns for amounts of five dollars and upwards, received by mail, are usually made by transfer checks on the Assistant Treasurer of the United States in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, or San Francisco, as the owner may request; but if the owner desires new currency, it will be forwarded by express, on the terms stated in the next paragraph.

3. Returns for amounts of five dollars and upwards in fractional currency, and fifty dollars and upwards in United States notes, are ordinarily made in new currency by express, at the expense of the Department; but if the owner requests it, a check on any of the above-mentioned Assistant Treasurers will be sent. Returns for five, or more than five but less than fifty dollars, in United States notes, are ordinarily made by check; but new currency is returned by express, at the owner's expense, whenever he requests it.

4. The proceeds of remittances from Assistant Treasurers, Government offi- Designated Depositaries, and other officers of the Government, and National Bank depositaries, are, when they so request, credited in account.

cers credited to

their accounts if desired.

VII. General Instructions.

1. Every officer of the Treasury Department is required, Spurious notes to whenever any spurious note purporting to have been issued be stamped. by the United States is presented to him, to write or stamp

on it the word "Counterfeit.'

2. Notes of National Banks that have failed or gone into Notes of failed voluntary liquidation are received, redeemed, and forwarded banks, how reto the Treasurer by the officers and banks before-mentioned deemed. for retirement under these rules, in the same manner and on the same terms as United States notes of issues prior to 1869. Notes of all other National Banks, whether mutilated or not, are redeemable only by the banks which issued them and by their redeeming agents.

3. In case of the loss or destruction of one of his checks, and of an application for a duplicate, the Treasurer stops payment of the original check, and furnishes the applicant for a duplicate with a form of bond of indemnity, upon return of which, properly executed, a duplicate is issued.

VIII. New fractional currency.

In addition to being forwarded, when desired, in return for old, defaced, and mutilated currency, on the terms already mentioned, new fractional currency is forwarded by express from the Treasurer's office, under the Government contract with Adams Express Company, in sums of even thousands of dollars

1. On the receipt of original certificates of deposit to the Treasurer's credit, issued by Assistant Treasurers and Designated Depositaries of the United States and National Bank Depositaries; and

2. On the receipt and collection of drafts on banks and bankers in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington.

If the amount applied for is less than one thousand dollars, the express charges at contract rates are deducted from the remittance; if less than an even multiple of one thousand dollars, the charges on the fractional part of one thousand dollars included in the amount are deducted.

IX. Government contract with Adams Express Company.

Payment of lost

checks may be


New fractional

currency, how

obtained from the Treasurer.

notes, &c.

1. The Government contract with Adams Express Com- Contract with expany extends to and includes all "points accessible through press company established express lines, reached by continuous railway for transporting connection," within the United States, but does not extend westward beyond Omaha and Nebraska City, in Nebraska, and Atchison and Leavenworth, in Kansas, nor include the

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