No exportation duty to be laid, nor preference to be given the commerce of one state........ 236 Money, how drawn from the Treasury and receipts and expenditures of to be 236 Provision for a President, in case of his death, removal, or inability to serve. 238 Fugitives from justice and fugitive slaves to be delivered up.... Territory and other property of the United States..... Republican form of government and protection of States.. Amendments to Constitution.. Debts of former governments recognised.. What constitutes the supreme law........ 241 241 241 241 241 241 242 242 242 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, Amendments to........ 244 244 Right of the people to keep and bear arms guaranteed... 244 Quartering of soldiers in peace in house without consent of owner forbidden. 244 244 Security of people in their persons, house and papers guaranteed................ 244 Page: CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, Amendments to. Persons cannot be compelled to appear as witnesses against themselves......... 244 244 245 Enumeration of certain rights in constitution are not to deny or disparage others retained by people....... 245 Powers not delegated to the United States reserved to the States.......... 245 245 Mode of electing President and Vice President of the United States........ Act of California of April 11, 1850........ Importing convicts into the State forbidden... Convicts for treason excepted.... Penalties and liabilities for violation of law... Law of Connecticut relative thereto...... Penalty imposed upon persons importing convicts into the State....... Felons from other countries or States subject to permanent disabilities... Penalty to be death in case of return..... 245 245 77 77 77 77 85 85 86 86 87 87 Masters to bond to carry them out......... Penalty in case of refusal or default........ Act of Pennsylvania of March 27, 1789...... Captains of vessels prohibited from importing them...... Act of Pennsylvania of April 15, 1851... Penalty for importing convicts....... Act of Rhode Island on subject........... Provision in regard to importing convicts.. Act of Virginia on subject.... Penalty for importation of convicts.... DELAWARE, revised statutes of, on vessels bringing passengers into the State 85 Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in...... Answer of, to Virginia resolutions of 1798........... 171 269 109 109 109 109 109 145 145 146 146 153 153 154 154 154 154, 155, 156 156 159 159 215 E. Page. EDUCATION, provision of, for minors in act of Pennsylvania, March 19, 1810. 146 EXTRADITION, TREATIES OF. Treaty with Great Britain of August 9, 1842, extract of ............ Treaty with France of November 9, 1843.... Criminals to be given up to either party upon requisition. Not to have ex post facto effect.. Treaty with the Hawaiian Isles of December 20, 1849.. Criminals to be given up to either party upon requisition. Character of crimes of which parties given up are to be guilty.. 195 195 196 196 197 197 197 198 198 198 199 200 Character of crimes of which parties given up are to be guilty................ 200 Treaty with Bavaria of November 18, 1854......... 200 202 Criminals guilty of certain crimes to be given up to either party on requisition 203 205 Persons guilty of certain crimes to be given up to either party upon requisition 205 208 210 Accession to previous treaty with Prussia by Mecklenburg Strelitz, of January 26th, 1854. 211 Accession to previous treaty with Prussia by Oldenburg, of March 21st, 1854... 212 214 Persons guilty of certain crimes to be given up to either party on requisition 214 F. FAREWELL ADDRESS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON.. GEORGIA, Law of, passed February 10, 1787, prohibiting the importation and residence of felons into State..... 86 Law of, passed December 22, 1819, against the introduction of alien passen- 87 Page. GEORGIA, qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in............ 175 195 H. HANOVER, Extradition treaty with, of January 18th, 1855......... 205 I. ILLINOIS, Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in............ 180 215 ... INDIANA, Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in............ 180 Κ. KENTUCKY, Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in......... 179 Resolutions of, in 1798 and 1799........ L. LOUISIANA, Act of, passed March 21, 1850, relative to Charity Hospital and Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in......... Μ. MAINE, Revised statutes of, on vessels bringing passengers and paupers into 279 89 178 State.... 92 Act of, approved June 22, 1848, relative to bond against passengers becom- 94 Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in.......... 161 MARYLAND, Act of, relative to the importation of passengers... MASSACHUSETTS, Revised statutes of, on alien passengers and paupers.. Law of, passed May 23, 1853, relative to the transit of alien passengers...... 107 164 276 MECKLENBURG SCHWERIN, Accession of, to Prussian extradition treaty, January 6th, 1854 210 MECKLENBURG STRELITZ, Accession of, to Prussian extradition treaty, Jan- uary 26th, 1854...... 211 suffrage in............. 189 MISSISSIPPI, Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in....... 177 INDEX. xi 146, 152 MINORS, Provision for the education of foreign indentured minors in Pennsyl- vania..... MISSOURI, Qualifications necessary to exercise the right of suffrage in............ 182 Ν. NATURALIZATION. Dates of the several acts of Congress on the subject.. Remarks on the same.... Act of April 14, 1802, to establish uniform rule of naturalization Alien may become a citizen....... Conditions Exceptions 1, 2 1, 2 3 3,4 3, 4 4,5 4 Condition in case of alien residing in the United States before Jan. 29, 1795. Proceedings in case of naturalization-how to be recorded... Mode of naturalization prescribed.. Registry of free white persons arriving in the United States-mode of.......... 4 4 5 5 5 Act in addition to an act for establishing uniform rule of, approved March 26, 1804 6 6 Widow and children of deceased alien to become citizens when he has com- 6 Act for the regulation of seamen on board the public and private vessels of the Continuous residence of five years a necessary qualification......... Act supplementary to acts heretofore passed, approved July 30, 1813............ Power reserved to apprehend or remove alien enemy any time previous to his Act relative to evidence in cases of naturalization...... Evidence to be exhibited by aliens to become citizens... Admission without the recital of the proceeding of no validity. Condition in favor of aliens settling in United States between 18th June, 1798 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 Proof of residence of the applicant required. 9 Certificate of naturalization... 9 Act in addition to act establishing uniform rule, and to repeal previous acts, ap- 9 Conditions on which a minor alien may become a citizen... 9 Declaration necessary in such case, and proof of residence......... 10 Confirmation of validity of certificate of citizenship heretofore obtained....... 10 |