Election to the Board of Education: Hearing...90-1, on H.R. 12454, H.R. 12415, H.R. 12416, H.R. 12574, Providing for Election to Board of Education, August 24, 1967


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Página 53 - LAW In compliance with clause 3 of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by the bill, as reported are shown as follows (existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in italic, existing law in which no change is proposed is shown in roman) : ACT OF OCTOBER 18, 1968 (82 STAT.
Página 40 - Act, other than subsection (h) of section 1, shall apply in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
Página 1 - EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946, AS AMENDED, WITH RELATED LAWS (60 Stat. 23) [PUBLIC LAW 304— 79TH CONGRESS] AN ACT To declare a national policy on employment, production, and purchasing power, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SHORT TITLE SECTION 1 . This Act may be cited as the "Employment Act of 1946".
Página 1 - An Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia...
Página 62 - There is hereby authorized to be appropriated from time to time, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions and accomplish the purposes of this Act.
Página 65 - Board shall determine all questions of general policy relating to the schools, shall appoint the executive officers hereinafter provided for, define their duties, and direct expenditures. All expenditures of public funds for such school purposes shall be made and accounted for as now provided by law under the direction and control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia.
Página 52 - CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW MADE BY THE BILL, AS REPORTED In compliance with clause 3 of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by the bill, as reported, are shown as follows...
Página 35 - Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Congress of the United States be requested to...
Página 65 - Board of Education shall annually on the first day of October transmit to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia an estimate in detail of the amount of money required for the public schools for the ensuing year, and said Commissioners shall transmit the same in their annual estimate of appropriations for the District of Columbia, with such recommendations as they may deem proper.
Página 2 - The organization meeting, and all meetings whatsoever thereafter, shall be open to the public, except committee meetings dealing with the appointment of teachers.

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