... dressed and fed them were withdrawn : the Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes a few of those trees from which it derives its name; but all round about Jerusalem the general aspect is blighted and barren : the grass is... Palestine: Or, The Holy Land - Página 78por Josiah Conder - 1824 - 372 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | John Kitto - 1846 - 202 páginas
...olive-trees decaying, as if the hand which dressed and fed them were withdrawn ; the Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...those trees from which it derives its name; but all around Jerusalem the general aspect is blighted and barren: the grass is withered: the bare rock looks... | |
 | 1823 - 908 páginas
...olive-trees decaying, as if the hand thatdressed and fed them were withdrawn , the Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...doubt whether to come to maturity, or die in the ear." (Vol. ii. pp. 251, 258.) The correctness of the observations in the former part of this passage cannot... | |
 | 1823 - 494 páginas
...olive trees decaying, as if the hand that dressed and fed them were withdrawn ; the mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...those trees from which it derives its name : but all around about Jerusalem, the general aspect is blighted and barren ; the grass is withered ; the bare... | |
 | Charles Powlett - 1824 - 352 páginas
...complain of the length of this note. Dr. Richardson's Travels, Vol. II. p. 252. " The Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...itself, like the staring progeny of famine, seems to doubt whether to come to maturity, or die in the ear. The vine that was brought from Egypt, is cut... | |
 | 1825 - 790 páginas
...olive trees decaying, as if the, hand that dressed and fed them were withdnwn ; the mount of Olives still retains a languishing; verdure, and nourishes...those trees from which it derives its name : but all around about Jerusalem, the general aspect is blighted and barren ; the grass is withered ; the bare... | |
 | Grierson - 1830 - 318 páginas
...olive trees decaying, as if the hands that had dressed and fed them were withdrawn. The Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...general aspect is blighted and barren ; the grass withered, the bare rock looks through the scanty sward, and the grain itself, like the starving progeny... | |
 | Walter Farquhar Hook - 1832 - 360 páginas
...the olive trees decaying, as if the hand that fed and dressed them was withdrawn. The Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...those trees, from which it derives its name ; but all around Jerusalem, the general aspect is blighted and barren; the grass is withered; the bare rock looks... | |
 | 1823 - 888 páginas
...cultivation -, the Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes a few of those ttccs from which it derives its name ; but all round about...seems in doubt whether to come to maturity or die." P. 252. The present Jerusalem has six gates, and our author walked round the whole walls on the outside... | |
 | Lant Carpenter - 1838 - 504 páginas
...only broken up, but every fragment of which they were composed, is swept away.—The Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...bare rock looks through the scanty sward, and the green itself, like the starving progeny of famine, seems in doubt whether to come to maturity or die... | |
 | Lant Carpenter - 1838 - 504 páginas
...only broken up, but every fragment of which they were composed, is swept away. — The Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes...bare rock looks through the scanty sward, and the green itself, like the starving progeny of famine, seems in doubt whether to come to maturity or die... | |
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