Gennesareth; its nature is wonderful as well as its beauty; its soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, and the inhabitants accordingly plant all sorts of trees there; for the temper of the air is so well mixed, that it agrees very... Palestine: Or, The Holy Land - Página 290por Josiah Conder - 1824 - 372 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Flavius Josephus - 1815 - 298 páginas
...its beauty ; its soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, and the inhabitants accordingly plant all sorts of trees there ; for the...coldest air, flourish there in vast plenty; there are palm trees also, which grow best in hot air ; fig trees also and olives grow near them, which yet require... | |
 | Flavius Josephus - 1815 - 298 páginas
...fruitful that all sorts of trees can grotv upon it, and. the inhabitants accordingly plant all s^rts of trees there ; for the temper of the air is so well mixed that it agrees very w£ll with those several sorts, particularly •walnuts which require the coldest air, flourish there... | |
 | Flavius Josephus - 1824 - 596 páginas
...its beauty. Its soil is so fruitful, that all sorts of trees can grow upon it ; and the inhabitants accordingly plant all sorts of trees there. For the...very well with those several sorts : particularly the walnuts, which require the coldest air, flourish there in vast plenty. There are palm-trees also,... | |
 | Flavius Josephus - 1825 - 610 páginas
...its beauty ; its soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, and the inhabitants, accordingly, plant all sorts of trees there ; for the temper of the air is so well mixed that it agreei very well with those several sorts ; particularly walnuts, which require the coldest air, flourish... | |
 | James Mason Hoppin - 1854 - 276 páginas
...its beauty. Its soil is so fruitful, that all sorts of trees can grow upon it ; and the inhabitants accordingly plant all sorts of trees there. For the...air is so well mixed, that it agrees very well with these several sorts ; particularly the walnuts. which require the coldest air, flourish there in vast... | |
 | 1856 - 554 páginas
...nature and beauty. Its soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, for the temperature of the air is so well mixed that it agrees very well...particularly walnuts, which require the coldest air. There are palm trees also, which grow best in hot air; fig trees also and olives grow near them, which... | |
 | Flavius Josephus - 1856 - 604 páginas
...soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, and the inhabitants, accordingly, planx all sorts of trees there ; for the temper of the air is so well mixed that it agree* very well with those several sorts ; particularly walnuts, which require the coldest air, flourish... | |
 | John Ross Macduff - 1859 - 428 páginas
...its beauty ; its soil ia so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, and the inhabitants accordingly plant all sorts of trees there ; for the...there are palm-trees also, which grow best in hot air, fi^-trees also and olives grow near them, which yet require an air that is more temperate. One may... | |
 | William McClure Thomson - 1859 - 570 páginas
...grow upon it, and the inhabitants, accordingly, plant all sorts of trees there; for the temperature of the air is so well mixed that it agrees very well...require the coldest air, flourish there in vast plenty. One may call this the ambition of Nature where it forces those plants which are naturally enemies to... | |
 | William McClure Thomson - 1859 - 582 páginas
...grow upon it, and the inhabitants, accordingly, plant all sorts of trees there ; for the temperature of the air is so well mixed that it agrees very well...require the coldest air, flourish there in vast plenty. One may call this the ambition of Nature where it forces those plants which are naturally enemies to... | |
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