The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, • Lamentations i. 1—6; ii. 1—9, 14. very low, without chimneys or windows ; they have flat terraces or domes on the top, and look like prisons or sepulchres. The whole would appear to the eye one... Palestine: Or, The Holy Land - Página 71por Josiah Conder - 1824 - 372 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | François-René vicomte de Chateaubriand - 1814 - 546 páginas
...second palace of Herod. The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimnies or windows ; they have flat terraces or domes on, and look like prisons or sepulchres. The whole wonld appear to the eye one uninterrupted level, did not the steeples of the churches, the minarets... | |
 | François-René vicomte de Chateaubriand - 1814 - 548 páginas
...eaatle of Antonio, and the second palace of Herod. The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows; they have flat terraces or domes en the top, and look like prisons or sepulchres. The whole •would appear to the eye one uninterrupted... | |
 | 1821 - 818 páginas
...and terraced lepulchrei. The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimnies or windows : they have flat terraces or domes on the top, and look like prisons or sepulchres. On beholding these stone buildings, encompassed by a stony country, you are ready to inquire if they... | |
 | William Brown - 1823 - 532 páginas
...of Herod. " The houses of Jerusalem," he adds, " are heavy square masses, very low, without chimnies or windows: they have flat terraces, or domes on the...clumps of nopals, break the uniformity of the plan."* I shall only add, what Captain Light says of this celebrated city when he visited it, AD 1814. " Jerusalem,"... | |
 | 1824 - 394 páginas
...Viscount de Chateaubriand's travels in Palestine :— ; "The houses of Jerusalem are heavy, square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows ; they have...on; the top, and look like prisons or sepulchres. Enter the city, but nothing will you there find to make amends for the dullness of its exterior. Not... | |
 | David Macbeth Moir - 1825 - 350 páginas
...The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows; they have Sat terraces or domes on the top, and look like prisons or sepulchres. On beholding these stone buildings, encompassed by a stony country, you are ready to inquire if they... | |
 | 1826 - 696 páginas
...Castle of Antonia and the second palace of Herod. "The Houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows ; they have...domes on the top, and look like prisons or sepulchres. "Enter the city, but nothing will you then find to make amends for the dulness of its exterior. You... | |
 | C. B. Walk - 1828 - 78 páginas
...such labours were actually going on when we passed. The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows ; they have...the clumps of nopals, break the uniformity of the plain. On beholding these stone buildings, encompassed by a stony country, you are ready to enquire... | |
 | 1832 - 670 páginas
...observes, "The houses of Jerusalem are heavy square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows j they have flat terraces or domes on the top, and look...the clumps of nopals, break the uniformity of the plain. On beholding these stone buildings, encompassed by a stony country, you are ready to inquire... | |
 | Hugh Murray - 1837 - 604 páginas
...desolation which pervades it is described by Chateaubriand as extreme. " The houses are heavy square masses, very low, without chimneys or windows. They have flat...steeples of the churches, the minarets of the mosques, and the clumps of nopals, break the uniformity of the plan. Enter the city, you will there find nothing... | |
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