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Selden Peabody Delany, D.D., Editor

February, 1922

Editorial Comment

Vol. 10 No. 6


The Root of All Evil-Honor to Whom Honor-
Church Unity While You Wait-Some Fruits of
the Anglo-Catholic Congress-The English Mod-
ernists and Professor Lake-Is Birth Control a Sin?

Mr. Wells and his Outline

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Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, New Brunswick, N. J., under act of March 3, 1879,

Issued by the TEMPLE PUBLISHING CO., 1 and 3 Peace Street

New Brunswick, New Jersey

EDWIN S. GORHAM, Business Manager
11 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y.

The American Church


For 1922


Rev. Selden Peabody Delany


"I am very fond of the MONTHLY and hope the paper stress will not affect the financial condition and future prosperity of the Magazine."


"It is worth a lot more than $3.00. I look forward eagerly for its coming. After all, where today can reading matter of the same character and amount be purchased at so low a figure? NOWHERE."


"I greatly enjoy your interesting magazine. I always forward it after reading to a clergyman friend."


"I want to express my especial interest in the last number (March) of the Magazine. I consider it is a very ably edited MONTHLY."

A Bishop.

"We have been reading the AMERICAN CHURCH MONTHLY, edited by Rev. Selden P. Delany. It is the organ of advanced Anglicanism and, unlike the Living Church, it is constructive in tone. We feel sure that the spirit animating the editor and those responsible for the Magazine is an earnest desire to further the cause of Reunion."

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R. C. Weekly, Columbus, Ohio.

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(Just Ready)

12mo. $2.00

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Mr. Gorham is about to republish one of the most spiritual and at the same time most practical works of a great teacher of the American Church. Dr. Barry sets forth the work of the Holy Spirit in the world, in the Holy Scriptures, in the Church, and in the individual human soul. The Spirit is the Life-giver, the One Who is the source of all physical life on this globe. He is the Life-giver, the source of the Spiritual life of the Church, and of the individual Christian. He is the inspirer of the Holy Men who wrote our Bible. He is the One Who has guided the Church into all Truth and preserved her from error, and His presence and work in Her gives to the Church Her Authority. He is it, that informs and directs the human conscience, that leads the soul into its conversion which is its long and arduous process away from sin and to God. He is our personal Friend and Guide, coming into the closest touch with our soul-life. From and throughs Him comes the zeal that animates Christian Missions as well as all Christian living. Finally, it is the Holy Ghost who, leading us God-ward, advances us on our sanctification, and brings us to the final goal of our spiritual life, sanctity.

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Dr. Delany, in this, his latest book, has given to the Churchs an invaluable guide to Christian living. Amid the welter of rationalistic and purely sentimental so-called religious literature that is pouring from our presses, this is a refreshingly sensible, orthodox, and conservative statement of the duty of a Christian. This is, first and foremost, to make his own life correspond to the Christian ideal, rather than to set himself up as the censor and reformer of others, and then so to live that life, that he may become an example to his neighbors.

In twenty-eight incisively written chapters, cach one treating its subject with remarkable clearness and fullness, despite brevity, the author has touched on matters that interest all who seek to lead the Christian life. Some of these topics are: The Christian Life, Regeneration. The Christian Society, Divisions of Christendom, The Struggle with Temptation, The Observation of Sunday, Money and the Soul, The Science of Self Control, Sickness and Pain, Obligation to Society, The Fear of Hell, and The Hope of Heaven.

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