THE AMERICAN - CHURCH. MONTHLY Selden Peabody Delany, D.D., Editor January, 1922 Editorial Comment A Notable Achievement-Compassion-The Con- Mr. Shaw's Heaven The Bishop of Southern Florida Psychonalysis and Christianity Cyril E. Hudson Vol. 10 No. 5 371 380 387 Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, New Brunswick, N. J., under act of March 3, 1879. Issued by the TEMPLE PUBLISHING CO., 1 and 3 Peace Street New Brunswick, New Jersey EDWIN S. GORHAM, Business Manager THE SACRAMENTS By the Rev. FRANCIS J. HALL, D.D., Professor of Dogmatic Theology in the General Theological Seminary, New York City. Being Volume IX of Dogmatic Theology, to be completed in ten volumes. Crown 8vo. $2.25 net "This volume is very closely related to the previous one; for the Church, its ministry and its sacraments, make up in inter-connected order one appointed working system of the new covenantbased, indeed, upon Christ's redemption, but constituting the immediate machinery of the quickening, saving and sanctifying dispensation of grace through which the benefits of Christ's mediation are conveyed to us."-From the Preface. This series of ten volumes, each complete in itself, is designed to constitute a connected treat. ment of the entire range of Catholic Doctrine. Each, $2.25 net. THE COMFORT OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH By the Rev. FRANK M. CLENDENIN, D.D. Author of "Idols by the Sea," and WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH? $1.50 net. By DARWELL STONE, D.D., Principal of Pusey House, and F. W. PULLER, M.A., of the Society of St. John the Evangelist. Crown 8vo. Paper Covers. $0.40 net. This new Pusey House Paper is an examination of the statement made by the Lambeth Conference of 1920 as the foundation of its "Appeal to all Christian People," that all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and have been baptized into the name of the Holy Trinity share member ship in the Universal Church, which is the Body of Christ. CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY Discussed under the three-fold Heading of Absolute Values, Creative Evolution This volume may be regarded as a continuation and further development of the Author's previous contributions to the study of spiritual philosophy. LOTZE'S THEORY OF REALITY By the Rev. E. E. THOMAS, M.A., late Fellow of the University of Wales; This work aims at giving a detailed and critical exposition of Lotze's metaphysics. MEN OF MIGHT: Studies of Great Characters $5.00 net By A. C. BENSON, C.V.O., LL.D., Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge; CONTENTS: Socrates, Mahomet, St. Bernard, Savonarola, Michael Angelo, Carlo Borromeo, Fénelon, John Wesley, George Washington, Henry Martyn, Dr. Arnold, Livingstone, General Gordon, Father Damien. "Models of what such compositions should be; full of incident and anecdote, with the right note of enthusiasm. It is a long time since we have seen a better book for youngsters."—The Guardian. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO., Publishers FOURTH AVE. and THIRTIETH ST., NEW YORK Please mention the American Church MontHLY when answering AdvertiseMENIS AMERICAN Selden Peabody Delany, D.D., Editor February, 1922 Editorial Comment The Root of All Evil-Honor to Whom HonorChurch Unity While You Wait-Some Fruits of the Anglo-Catholic Congress-The English Modernists and Professor Lake-Is Birth Control a Sin? Mr. Wells and his Outline Frederick S. Penfold The Failure of Protestantism Frederick S. Arnold Poet, What Seest Thou? A. P. McMahon Concerning Main Street Charles C. Marshall Catholic or Secularist 451 462 473 479 485 491 Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, New Brunswick, N. J., under act of March 3, 1879. Issued by the TEMPLE PUBLISHING CO., 1 and 3 Peace Street New Brunswick, New Jersey EDWIN S. GORHAM, Business Manager The American Church Monthly For 1922 EDITED BY Rev. Selden Peabody Delany SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $3.00 "I am very fond of the MoNTILY and hope the paper stress will not affect the financial condition and future prosperity of the Magazine." Presbyter. "It is worth a lot more than $3.00. I look forward eagerly for its coming. After all, where today can reading matter of the same character and amount be purchased at so low a figure? NOWHERE." Presbyter. "I greatly enjoy your interesting magazine. I always forward it after reading to a clergyman friend." Layman. "I want to express my especial interest in the last number (March) of the Magazine. I consider it is a very ably edited MONTHLY." A Bishop. "We have been reading the AMERICAN CHURCH MONTHLY, edited by Rev. Selden P. Delany. It is the organ of advanced Anglicanism and, unlike the Living Church, it is constructive in tone. We feel sure that the spirit animating the editor and those responsible for the Magazine is an earnest desire to further the cause of Reunion." R. C. Weekly, Columbus, Ohio. Please mention THE AMERICAN CHURCH MONTHLY when answering Advertisemenis |