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suasion under the slogan "Get the boys out of the trenches before Christmas." If Mr. Ford is under an obsession it would not be the first time that a hard-headed man of affairs suffered from a mental aberration which seemed at total variance with his good judgment and common sense as displayed in the ordinary affairs of life. On the other hand the articles in the Dearborn Independent are written in a calm and restrained manner. There is no abuse and little rhetoric. The author, presumably not Mr. Ford himself but someone especially engaged to do this work, claims to recite hard facts and he offers a weighty mass of arguments, figures and illustrations to support his conclusion. He does not hesitate freely to mention names, to give instances and dates and he quotes largely from sources available to the public. Altogether the presentation of the subjects is characterized by sobriety and a lack of personal animus. Not all Jews are condemned, there are favorable exceptions, but the general tenor is to include most of the leaders in the animadversions. The main indictment brought is that of corporate race selfishness as shown in a total disregard for the interests of all who are outside the pale of Jewry. The solidarity of the Jewish race is emphasized and its calculated unscrupulousness in dealings with Gentiles is affirmed.

It is claimed that many of the statements made in these articles have the advantage of presenting facts which to a very large extent can be verified by anyone who takes the trouble to ascertain the actual conditions and that many others deal with matters which are of common knowledge. The charge is brought that Jewish leaders have successfully lobbied to conceal the numbers of Jews now in the country under the plea that such were a religious sect and not a race and this charge appears to be amply sustained by quotations from the Proceedings of the Committee of Congress to whose attention the matter was called. There

are 46 classifications as to race and nationality in the Census reports but there is none for the Jew. The plain inference is that it is the policy of the Jews to keep the public in ignorance as to how many of the race are already here lest if the truth were known, the sentiment of the country would be unfavorable to their further admission, at least in such vast numbers. Affirmations that the Jews do constitute a distinct race or nation and include all who are of Jewish birth whether they practice their religion or not are attributed to many leading Jews when dealing with the subject under other phases.

Among the subjects treated in this series of articles are, the growing ascendency of Jewish financiers in New York, the activities of leading Jews at Washington in the great war as exemplified by the career of Mr. Baruch and others, Jewish control of the theatres and the "movies," the existence of the Jewish Kehillah or Central Committee in New York with its branches in other cities and towns, the Jewish demand for "rights" in America and how these "rights" conflict with the established rights of the Christian population, the attempt to control the public schools in the interest of Jewish ideals, subservience of the press to Jewish influences, etc. Instances and names are given freely and the deductions drawn are uniformly unfavorable, indeed often sensational and even alarming.

It would be impossible to consider within the scope of a magazine article the full indictment as presented. Moreover the character of this Monthly as a religious publication would seem to preclude the introduction into its columns of issues which, though interesting and important from a political, economic and social standpoint, yet only indirectly impinge upon its special domain. Confining our consideration therefore to subjects of direct moral and religious interest it might be noted that the complete secularization of the public institutions of this country, includ

ing of course the public schools, is one of the designs attributed to the Jews as also the deletion of Christian terminology and all references to Christ in public documents. An example is given in the change which it is alleged was made in the Thanksgiving proclamation of one of the Governors of Pennsylvania whereby through Jewish instance the words "Christian Commonwealth" were altered to read "Commonwealth of freedom," and another instance of a similar sort where the same influences forced the withdrawal of the Plattsburg manual used by students in the officers' training camps because it contained the phrase "The ideal officer is a Christian gentleman." This objection to the Christian name is said to be carried to the extent of bringing pressure upon the newspapers to refuse advertisements where it is stated that the person desired for a position shall be a "Christian," Christian in this connection meaning of course a non-Jew.

Instances are given of attempts, some of which were said to be successful, to eliminate Christmas celebrations in public schools, and public places, public displays of Christmas trees and the singing of Christmas carols and Christian hymns. Petitions against reading the Bible in the public schools and against religious exercises generally including the repetition of the Lord's Prayer, all as constituting an infringement of Jewish rights, are cited. The Christian institution of the Lord's Day, as one set aside for rest and worship is alleged to be a special object of attack, while the right of the Jews to keep open their stores, factories and theatres and to trade and work on Sunday is urged. On the other hand it is asserted that efforts are made looking to the public recognition of the Jewish Sabbath and Jewish holidays, in some cases going so far as to demand the continuance of pay to public employees who absent themselves at Yom Kippur at the same time oppos

ing the continuance of pay to those Christians who desire to observe the chief days of Lent.

The recent difficulty experienced in finding Christmas and Easter cards bearing Christian emblems and mottoes is charged to Jewish influences, working through the designers and manufacturers in accordance with the policy whereby it is sought to counteract the propaganda of Christian ideas. It may be a mere coincidence but it might be mentioned here that the writer of this article last spring in looking over samples of cards offered for sale by an agent for a large publishing house dealing in this line, found few or no cards suitable for his purposes and he called the attention of the agent to the fact that his samples showed no distinctive Christian symbolism or wording. The agent appeared non-plussed at the criticism, but had no explanation to offer except that he supposed the demand for such had fallen off.

Instances are cited where Jewish influences have prevailed to the extent of eliminating "The Merchant of Venice" from the reading list of books in English literature used in the public schools and in one case extended the prohibition to "Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare" until an edition should be published which omits the play, the objection being that the character of Shylock tended to give Gentile children a wrong conception of the Jewish character.

In the Jewish control of the theatre and Jewish supremacy in the moving picture world the writer in the Dearborn Independent claims to discern the chief cause for the marked deterioration that has befallen the stage in the past twenty years and the fact that the character of the pictures shown in the popular "movies" has become so bad as to alarm the moral sense of the community. Three or four whole chapters are devoted to a detailed inquiry

into these matters and the blame for the undesirable features which today seem to have attached themselves to these sources of popular entertainment is directly laid at the door of Jewish syndicates and producers who possess a practical monopoly of the business. It is charged that a deliberate propaganda has been carried on to debauch the public taste and the public morals by stimulating the appetite for the unwholesome and the salacious.

The undue influence exercised by the Jewish element upon the newspapers of the country, directly by those which are owned by Jewish capital and indirectly by the pressure from big Jewish advertisers, is a subject discussed at some length. It is asserted that today the Jews are more complete masters of the journalistic field in New York than they are in any capital of Europe. It is claimed that this influence over the Press makes itself felt in the suppression of news regarded as unfavorable to the Jewish race or the aspirations which it cherishes and even avails to the shielding of individuals among them from the consequences of scandal and wrong-doing. The boycott and intimidation are the weapons said to be employed freely to bring recalcitrant journalists to their knees. A story is told of the successful fight of the New York Herald against a certain powerful group which sought to punish the editor for his refusal to do their bidding. The plot failed in this instance because of the editor's courage and resourcefulness, but it is intimated that such a case is an exception to the rule and that most editors are loathe to antagonize the important commercial interests upon which the advertising patronage depends.

The underlying reason for the success of the Jews in obtaining such vast power in so many different lines of activity is found according to the writer of the articles we are discussing not so much in their superior intellectual

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