the antecedent. Why is it said to be of the third person, singular number, and masculine gender? Because this is the person, number, and gender of its antecedent. Why is lives a regular verb? Because it forms its imperfect tense and perfect participle in ed. Why is virtuously an adverb? Because it is joined to a verb to qualify it. Young scholars should be thusinterrogated in regard to the reasons why they assign particular names, offices and relations, to particular words; till all the elementary principles of grammar become perfectly familiar. They may then be permitted to parse without a formal repetition of rules and reasons, except occasionally. This practice of analysing language is of great importance; it will serve not only todiscipline the mind, by quickening its powers of investigation, but will also tend, more than any thing else, to render the whole system of grammar intelligible, and make it an inter esting as well as a profitable study. PARSING LESSONS. SEC. I. Exercises on the first, second, third, and fourth Rules in Syntax. 1. The contented mind spreads cheerfulness around it. 2. Mercy is the true badge of nobility. Many words darken counsel. The school of experience teaches useful lessons. 3. To do a favor to an enemy, is truly magnanimous. To be good is to be happy. 4. Young man, I say unto thee, arise. Boys, you may now re cite your lessons. SEC. II. Exercises on the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth Rules in Syntax. 5. The general being slain, the army was scattered. The object being accomplished, they retired to their habitations. 6. The wise man's eyes are in his head. A prudent man's counsels aré of great value. 7. Columbus discovered America. Ossian wrote poems. George wrote the letter and delivered it to his friend. 8. Taking his staff, he commenced his tour. Having visited his friends, he returned. Finding his efforts unavailing, he abandoned his purpose. SEC. III. Exercises on the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth Rules in Syntax. 9. He gave me the strongest assurance of his friendship. Ever the light of nature teaches us many important lessons. He promised me a favorable reception. 10. He was denied the privilege of a home at his father's house. Although his solicitude to converse with his friend was great, he was refused admission to his presence. 11. He came from New-York to Boston. They live in great harmony. 12. His bravery as a general, and his wisdom as a magistrate, justly exalted him in the eyes of his countrymen. A SEC. IV. Exercises on the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth Rules in Syntax. 13. O me miserable! Which way shall I fly? O wretched father! he is left alone, to weep over his misfortunes. 14. The wicked are like the troubled sea. He trembled like a leaf. To try such an experiment is worth one's life. 15. He arrived at the goal, fifty feet in advance of his antagonist. He died twenty years ago. The university is three miles distant from the capitol. 16. By pursuing a judicious course, he succeeded in rising to respectability and affluence. The restraining of the passions is important to the happiness of man. SEC. V. Exercises on the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth Rules in Syntax. 17. Columbus, the discoverer of America, was persecuted by his countrymen. Fabius, the Roman General, was remarkable for his prudence. 18. Our parents and teachers are the persons who are entitled to our particular respect. I am the man who desired your presence. He is called a commander. He is considered a person of great merit. 19. The man who is faithfully attached to religion, will be relied on with confidence. The vices which we should especially avoid, are those which most easily beset us. 20. I, who speak from experience, can testify. Those who are born in high stations, are not always happy. SEC. VI. Exercises on the twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth Rules in Syntax. 21. If our friend is in trouble, we whom he knows and loves may console him. Whom ye ignorantly worship, declare I unto you. 22. That kind of pleasure tends to weaken and debase the human mind. In the genuine exercise of brotherly love, there are many enjoyments. 23. He reads well. His language was very appropriate. They are a class who are always complaining. George recites uncommonly well. Now such a course of conduct, was very dishonorale. 24. He and I commenced our studies at the same time. If we contend about trifles and violently maintain our opinion, we shall gain but few friends. SEC. VII. Exercises on the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh Rules in Syntax. 25. Vanity and presumption ruin many a promising youth. Wealth, or virtue, or any valuable acquisition, is not attainable by idle wishes. 26. The company is assembled. A herd of cattle, peacefully grazing, affords a pleasing sight. 27. He wishes to speak. Charles has a disposition to learn. He is anxious to acquire a thorough knowledge of his studies. They are endeavoring to promote an important object. He was so deluded as to suppose no obstacle opposed his course. I know not how to explain this extraordinary procedure. William is about to engage in an enterprise which is deemed of great importance. PROMISCUOUS EXERCISES IN PARSING. Virtue exalts us; vice degrades us. The day was calm; the scene was delightful. Truth and candor possess a powerful charm. A great proportion of human evils is created by ourselves. If folly entice thee resist its allurements. He who wishes to be happy should walk in the paths of wisdom and virtue. Engrave on your minds this sacred rule; "Do unto others, as you wish that they should do to you." Temper the vivacity of youth with a proper mixture of serious thought. The spirit of true religion is social, kind, and cheerful. In preparing for another world, we must not neglect the duties of his life. The manner in which we employ our present time, may decide our future happiness or misery. How feeble are the attractions of the fairest form, when nothing within corresponds to them! Can we, untouched by gratitude, view that profusion of good which the divine hand pours around us ? The smooth stream, the serene atmosphere, the mild zephyr, are the proper emblems of a gentle temper, and a peaceful life. Among the sons of strife all is loud and tempestuous. If we possess not the power of self government, we shall be the prey of every loose inclination that chances to rise. Pampered by continual indulgence, all our passions will become mutinous and headstrong. Desire, not reason, will be the ruling principle of our conduct. Absurdly we spend our time in contending about the trifles of a day, while we ought to be preparing for a higher existence. How little do they know of the true happiness of life, who are strangers to that intercourse of good offices and kind affections, which, by a pleasing charm, attaches men to one another, and circulates rational enjoyment from heart to heart. If we view ourselves, with all our imperfections and failings, in a just light, we shall rather be surprised at our enjoying so many good things, than discontented, because there are any which we want. True cheerfulness makes a man happy in himself, and promotes the happines of all around him. It is the clear and calm sunshine of a mind illuminated by piety and virtue. Let not your expectations from the years that are to come, rise too high; and your disappointments will be fewer, and more easily supported. A contented temper opens a clear sky and brightens every object around us. It is in the sullen and dark shade of discontent, that noxious passions, like venomous animals, breed and prey upon the heart. Sobriety of mind is one of those virtues, which the present condition of human life strongly inculcates. The uncertainty of its enjoyments, checks presumption; the multiplicity of its dangers, demands perpetual caution. Moderation, vigilance, and self-government, are duties incumbent on all; but especially on such as are beginning the journey of life. |