TALKS TO TEACHERS NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY LI THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT EXTENSION DIVISION STATEN ISLAND OFFICE 5 Central Avenue, Staten Island Any resident of the city of New York, bringing proper reference, may take out a book. No books should be kept longer than one week, or two weeks, according to the time fixed upon by the librarian of the school, club, institution or home - library from which the book is loaned, except that upon request a book may be once renewed. If a book is lost or injured the librarian will collect the amount represented by this loss or injury and forward the same to the office of the Extension Division. Pictures may be borrowed through a Branch or at Room 100, Central Building. They are charged on the borrower's card for two weeks. A fine of one cent a day is incurred for each picture not returned or renewed. A charge of five cents is made for each picture damaged. Borrowers finding this book pencilmarked, written upon, mutilated or unwarrantably defaced, are expected to report it to the librarian. If the binding has become loosened, or if pages are torn, mucilage must not be used, but the book should be withdrawn from circulation and returned to the office. c-ex [vi-7-27 4m] 54462 150J2 LC ΚΕΕΡ ΤHIS BOOK CLEAN DO NOT TURN DOWN THE LEAVES If the book is injured, or if this slip is torn No 22:27 De 20 278 Ja 16'28Y Fe 28 '28 Y2250 JUN 28 R22'300 YEM |