Day of election for county, 40; for borough, 40. of candidate, how in such case, 5. of voter being unable to read, 47. of inability to read, form of, 72. of secrecy, by whom to be made, 58; form of, 72. Defacing nomination paper, penalty, 6; ballot paper, 6. of personation, 29. Deputy returning officer, appointment of, 13. Description of candidates in nomination paper, 41; objections Direction of writ for parliamentary election, 66; of certifi- Directions as to printing ballot paper, 71; for guidance of Disclosure of vote, prohibition against, 15. Disqualification for appointment to assist at elections, 57. of candidates found guilty of personation, 32. District borough, meaning of, 59; list of, 60. polling stations for, 45. Division of counties and boroughs into polling districts, 8. Election, notice of, to be given by returning officer, 57. transmission of certificate of, through the post, 56. writ and return, transmission of through the post to Elections for universities, saving as to, 38. procedure at, 1. offences at, 6; penalty for infringement of secrecy Elections, notice of, for counties, 39; for boroughs, 39; day Elector, how to fill up and deposit his ballot paper, 47. Equality of votes, how in such case, 6. Evidence of documents, 55. Expenses of returning officer, 13; at a municipal election, 26. Finality of decision of returning officer, 5. Forging ballot paper, penalty, 6. nomination paper, penalty, 6. Form of nomination paper to be supplied by returning Fraudulently destroying nomination paper, penalty, 6. Good Friday excluded in reckoning time, 59. House of Commons, order of, for inspection of ballot Identification of candidates, 41. Inability of voter to read, how in such case, 47; form of Incapacity of voter from blindness or other physical cause, how Indictment for offences at elections, how laid, 7. Infringement of secrecy at elections, penalty, 7. Inspection of ballot papers in custody of Clerk of the Crown in of documents relating to election in custody of Ireland, application of Act to, 18, 28, 62, 65. Jews, how they may vote if the poll be taken on a Saturday, 47. Dor M Liability of officers for misconduct, 14. List of district boroughs, 60. of municipal boroughs, 34. Local authorities, duty of, with regard to division of counties Marking of ballot paper with official mark, 47. Mayor, to mean returning officer at municipal elections, 25 Messengers employed by candidate, how if they vote at. Misconduct at polling station, authority of presiding officer in Mode of voting at polling stations, notice of, 45. Municipal borough, definition of, 34; list of, 34. poll at, 25; how as to expenses, agents, rules for, 63; jurisdiction of county court Name of agent to be transmitted to returning officer, 58. Nomination of candidates, 1, 41. Nomination paper, form of, to be supplied by returning officer, in parliamentary elections, form of, 68; in validity of objection to be decided by returning officer, 44. penalty for forging or fraudulently destroy- ing, 6; who to provide, 12. Non-attendance of agents, how in such case, 59. Non-compliance with rules, when not to invalidate election, 15. Notice of county election, 39; of borough election, 39; trans- of contested election, 42; of day of taking poll, 42. of polling stations, 45; and of mode of voting, 45. of time of counting of votes to be given by returning of withdrawal of candidate, 43. how they may be sent to agent of candidate, 58. Oath, administration of, by presiding officer, 14. Objection to description of candidate in nomination paper, Offences at elections, 6. Official mark on ballot paper, 4, 46, 47. penalty for forging or defacing, 6. on ballot paper to be kept secret, 46; when to be placed on ballot paper, 47. Opening of ballot boxes after close of poll, 5. Order at polling stations, preservation of, 13. of House of Commons for inspection of ballot boxes, Parliamentary ballot boxes, &c., use of for municipal elec- tions, 15. election, application of Act to, 37. form of notice of, 67; form of nomina- writ for, 66; direction of, 66; en- punishment for personation at, 29. rules for, 39. Personation, definition of, 29; punishment of, 29. deemed to be a corrupt practice, 32; how in Place of election, 40. Poll, when to be taken, 2. countermand of, in case of death of candidate, 3. ascertained, 5; declaration of, 5. at municipal elections, 25. at contested elections, notice of, 42. result of, how to be close of, duty of presiding officer at, 50. Polling booth to include polling station, 16. districts, division of counties and boroughs into, 8, 9 distance of, from electors, 8. station, returning officer may preside at, 57. how elector shall vote at, 47. Post, transmission of notice of election by, 39. of election through, 56; of notices to agent Postal telegraph offices, notices of contested elections in coun- Postmaster, notice as to contested election to be given to, 42; Presiding officer, appointment of, at polling station, 46; his duty of, at close of poll, 50. his authority to preserve order at polling |