Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

control. 646

abolition of, 15

dealers, licensing of, 498

and Drug Control Act, enforce-
ment of, 646

-and Fuel Control Act, extension

of, 19. 497

hoarding of, 18

inspection decisions, 646
poisoning, 647

saving, campaign for, 799
supplies, 645

warehouses, legislation on, 316
waste of, legislation on, 293

Foods, arsenic in, 647

bacteriology of, 687
cold storage of, 497

misbranding of, decisions on,

standards for, 497, 498
Foodstuffs, exports of, 549

imports of, 549, 551

Ford Co., minimum wage in, 466
Foreign Bond and Share Cor-
poration, 360
Chronology, 830-835

currencies, purchase of, 366,

-and Domestic Commerce, Bu-
reau of, 198

exchange, rates of, 366, 383, 384
Governments, Loans to, 365,

history, 123-193

Insurance Association, Amer-
ican, 397

Jurisprudence, 270-273
legislation, 270

mail service, 557

necrology, 845

Trade. See Commerce, Ex-

ports, and Imports.

-Adviser, 195

[blocks in formation]

France, commitment of, on Shan- Gelatin, optical properties of, 644

tung, 92

[blocks in formation]

transfer of Sarre Basin to, 94
treaty of alliance with, 10, 118
Franchise, public-utility, law of,


[blocks in formation]

Fraternal insurance, 392
Frauds, statute of. 270


General Staff, Army, 324
Generators, electric, 575

Genes, nature of, 667

Genetica, 666

Genetics, 666

Geodetic and Geophysical Union,
International, 622, 629

Geographical news service, 800
research, explanation and, 632-

Geography. 626-629

of France. 628

physical, 626-629
regional, 628

state publications on, 303
Geological Survey, U. S., 197
activities of, 298
-publications of, 616
surveys, state, 300-303
Geology, 615-636
-of Alaska, 616, 617
of Canada, 617
commercial, 299
dynamical, 615-617
economic, 300, 617-619
glacial, 615

paleontological, 301, 681
of South America, 617
stratigraphic, 301
structural, 615-617

of U. S., 616

Geophysical Union, International

Geodetic and, 622, 629

Fraudulent Conveyance Act, Uni- Georgia, automobile licences in,

[blocks in formation]

tions of, 753

Freight-cars, 560

mechanical handling of, 312
-rates, rulings on, 562-564

uniform classification of, 561
French literature, 786

universities, fellowships in. 811
French, Viscount. attack on, 147
Frick, Henry Clay, art benefac-
tions of, 753

Friedrich, Stephen, 154, 155
Fructose, optical properties of, 641
Fruit, standards for, 293
-trees, diseases of, 492
Fruits, breeding of, 501
diseases of, 492
exports of, 500
imports of, 500
new, 500

production of, 499

Fuel Administration, dissolution
of, 15

-revival of, in coal strike, 15
Fuels, locomotive, 586
-motor, 584, 658
-new, 582

production of, 531, 532
Full-crew laws, 472
Fungi, 492, 686

Fungicides, 493, 499
Futures, cotton, 360
-trading in, 359

GALICIA. Eastern, mandate of

Poland over, 158
hostilities in, 165
Gall midges, 680

Gallium, chemistry of, 639
Galloway, Charles M., 200, 210
Galls, insect, 680

Gambling houses, legislation on,

[ocr errors]

Game laws, 292

preserves, 503

Garbage disposal, 319, 571

Garden Army, U. S. School, 799
Garvan, Francis P., 15, 196
Gary, Elbert H., labor policies of,


Gas masks, industrial, 656

See Natural Gas.


rates, 318
turbines, 585

warfare, 192, 643, 656
Gaskill, Nelson B., 199

France, American cemeteries in. Gasoline, road tax on, 311

-storage of, for A. E. F., 566
used by Army, 189


constitution of, amendments
to, 231

feeble-mindedness in, 421

legislation in, on cattle-tick
eradication, 489

on education, 802

prohibition enforcement in. 276
State College of Agriculture,
veterinary course at, 488
tax inquisitors in, 374
taxation in. of insurance
premiums, 372, 373

of inheritances, 373, 374
of property, 374

General Land Office, 197
-Staff, Army, 196

German bridgeheads, occupation
of, 109

cables, seizure of, 103
surrender of, 105

chemical patents, sale of, 542
colonies, disposal of, 77

- Peace Treaty provisions on,

colonization in Latin America,

[blocks in formation]

missions, Peace Treaty pro-
visions on, 741

music in U. S., 764

- Peace Treaty. See Peace

propaganda in Latin America,

rivers, international, 108
trademarks, sale of, 542

Germanic languages and litera-
tures, 784-786

Germanium, chemistry of, 639

Germany, acceptance of Peace
Treaty by, 96

air force permitted to, 103
American forces in, 328

Armies of Occupation in, 105,

boundaries of, 97, 98

-maps of, 631

Cabinet of, 153

conscription in, 102

constitution of, 153

conventions and treatles with,

debt of, pre-war. 105, 106
effects of war diet in, 643

exports to. 548

finance in, 153

fortifications in. 102

history of, 152

Germany, hostilities of, with Lat-
via, 166

with Poland, 165

with Soviet Russia, 167
military force permitted to, 102
money rates in, 356
music in, 765

National Assembly of, 153
naval force permitted to, 102
naval strength of, 336
Peace Treaty with.

See Peace

Treaty, German.
relations of, with Poland, 86
reparation demanded of. 103
shipping surrender by. 104, 546
steel production in, 522
tariffs of. 106

territorial losses of, 97

zinc industry in, 527

Giardiasis, treatment of, 677

Gifts, law of, 271

Gilboa Dam, 570

Gillett, Frederick H., 3

Gilmer, Capt. Wm. W., 263
Gismonda, opera, 764

Glacial deposits, geology of, 615
Glass, Carter, 195

Glass, optical, production of, 544
-price of, export, 539

Glassware, chemical, production
of. 544

Gleaves, Adm. Albert, 332

Glidewell. Murray Lacy & Co.,

Globular clusters, 614

Glucose, optical properties of, 641
Glucuronic acid in plants, 685
Goats, slaughtered. 485
Gold and silver, 519-521

certificates in circulation, 375
coin in circulation, 375
deposits, geology of, 618
exports of, 356, 383, 535, 548
control of, 384

imports of, 356, 535, 551
metallurgy of, 520
mining. 519, 520

movements of, 357

production of, 519, 531, 532
-in U. S. by states. 533
Settlement Fund, clearings
through, 382

-stock of, in U. S., 375

-world's coinage of, 530

Goldman, Emma, 60

Goltz, General von der, 157,166,167

Gomez, Juan Vicente, 132

Gompers, Samuel, 447

Good Budget bill, 54

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gray . Whitla, 279

Gypsy moth, 495

Great Britain, by-elections in, 139 Hnation of, 163

ABIBULLAH Khan, assassi-

Cabinet of, 139

coal strike in, 142

commitment of, on Shantung,
91, 92



-Dominions of.


Dominions, 132
education in, 142

Hahn v. D. L. & N. Ry., 286
Hall insurance, 498

Haiti, history of,"128


See British

educational mission from, 810
elections in, 138
exports to, 548

food rationing in, 145
housing in, 251

-surveys in, 299

Halsey, Adm. A. S., 340

Hamilton v. Madison Water Co.,


Hand. In re, 287

Handicrafts, 756

Handley-Page airplane. 594
Hanford v. Conn. Fair Association,

Hangars, airship. 338

Soviet Hannan Memorial Hall, 414
Hannevig, Cristoffer, art bene-

- hostilities of, with
Russia, 168
Imports from, 552
industrial councils in, 144
courts in, 142, 144
legislation in, 144
relations in, 142

Irish problem of, 145
Judicial decisions in, 270
Labor party in, 140, 439
-troubles in. 142

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

orado & Southern R. R. Co.,

Green Shipping bill, 547
Greene electric furnace, 654
Greenland, explorations in. 634
Greens and marl, potash from,
301, 481

Grew, Joseph C., 195

Grossman's Estate. In re, 289
Guam, 263

agriculture in, 263
bank deposits in, 263
commerce of, 264
education in. 263

exports of, 264

exports to, 551

health conditions in, 264
imports of, 264
militia of, 263
population of, 263
roads in, 263

Guards, U. S., in war, 173
Guatemala, history of, 128
Gum salt transfusion, 691, 699
Gun steel, 523

Gutiérrez, Gen. López, 128



graphic library, of, 609
-University, Fogg Museum of,


Hawaii, 264

agriculture in, 265

bank deposits in, 264
commerce of, 265

- education in, 264

exports of, 265, 551

exports to, 551

harbor improvement in, 264
health conditions in, 264
imports from, 552

legislation in, 264

-on agricultural credit, 498

on dependent children, 420
leprosy in, 265

National Guard of, 264
pineapple production of, 500
population of, 213, 264

prohibition in, 264

University of, 264

Hawker, Harry

flight of, 596

G., Atlantic

Hay, price of, 344, 512

production of, 343, 474, 509

by states, 510

Headlights, locomotive, electric,

Health administration, Federal,


centers, movable, 419
-Red Cross, 717

conditions in U. S. Army (see
also Army), 711

Conference, Red Cross, 716
Council, National, 716
department, state, 717
education, 805

insurance, 464

-statistics of, 399

workmen's, 469

officers, district, 717

organizations, unomcial, 716
public, 711-718

relation of standards of living
to. 403

Heat. physics of, 661
Heating, electric, 579

Hebe Co. et al. v. Norman E.
Shaw et al., 647

Hedjaz, history of, 163

Hegeman, John R., 392

Heligoland, Peace Treaty pro-

[blocks in formation]

of, 154

Cabinet of, 154

tinents, 551

Highway building in Canada, 134 | Hungary, Boishevist Government | Imports of merchandise, by con-
departments, state, 311
-engineering, 311
- materials,
-tunnels, 570

investigations of,

Highways (see also Roads), 308-

-convict labor on, 434
Hire-purchaser, status of, 271
Histology, 671

History, American, 1-68

foreign, 123, 193

Hitchcock, Senator, G. M., 3

Hittite script, decipherment of,

Hobson v. City of Richmond,


Hoegbomite, 620

Hog cholera, 489

serum, 498

industry, 487

history of, 154

of, with
Slovakia, 164


- with Rumania, 115, 154, 164
Hurley, Edward N., 199
Husband and wife, law of, 289
Huszar, Karl, 155

Hydraulic engineering, 585
Hydrocarbons, chemistry of, 641
Hydro-Electric Power Commis-
sion of Ontario, turbo-genera-
tors of, 575

Hydrographic Conference, Inter-
national, 629

Office, charts of, 630

Hygiene, mental, 421, 424-430
public, 711-718

social, 422-424, 714, 806

Hogs, garbage feeding to, 319, 572 ICE cream, consumption of, 484

price of, 486, 487, 512

slaughtered, 485

statistics of, 513

thumps in, 490

Holland. See Netherlands.

Home builders, state aid to. 248
economics, education in, 799
-extension work in, 478
rule, county, 235

Ireland, 146, 147

municipal, 239

service of Red Cross, 411

Homestead entries, legislation on,


[blocks in formation]

Horticultural Board, Federal, 491

Federal, appropriations for, 494
Horticulture, 499-501

Hospital cases in A. E. F., dis-
position of, 183

social service, 413

Hospitalization in A. E. F., 183
Hospitals, A. E. F., construction
of, 566

Hotel Pennsylvania, New York
City, 761

House of Representatives, 66th
Congress, committees of, 3,

members of, 204-206

organization of, 2

Republican programme in, 2
Speaker of, 3

Housing, 246-251

Association, National, 256
bibliography of. 247

in Canada, 134, 250

Corporation, U. S., projects of,
249, 250

Federal Government and, 249
In France, 251

in Great Britain, 251

and Living Conditions, pro-
posed Federal Bureau of, 250
projects. 247. 762
shortage in, 246

--and Transportation, Industrial,
Bureau of, 199

War development of, 572
Houston, David Franklin, 195
Houston . Burns, 272
Hudson Bay Railway, 135
Hudson River shad fishery, 504
Humbert. Senator, court-martial
of, 152

Humphreys Godwin Co. v. Vicks-
burg, etc., Ry. Co., 562

patrol, international, 630

Idaho, administrative consolida-
tion in, 225, 226

Department of Law Enforce-
ment of, 226

--of Agriculture of, 483, 499

of Reclamation of, 304

drainage law of, 307

forest fires in, 502

[blocks in formation]

Independent Artists, Society of,

Indeterminate sentences, 432

Index numbers, 342, 357, 467, 738

legislation in, on irrigation, 304 India, invasion of, by Afghans, 148

-on drainage, 306

silver mining in, 520

Illegitimacy, legislation on, 420
Illinois, areal surveys in, 301

blue-sky law of, 362

Board of Equalization of, 224
coal investigations in, 300
Constitutional Convention of,
223, 230, 231

-Deep Waterway, 570

Department of Public Welfare
of, 405

executive budget in, 227
fuel investigations in, 302
geological investigations in, 301
Health Insurance Commission,
report of, 464

highway materials in. 302
legislation in, on civil service,

on illegitimacy, 420
on zoning. 245

municipal home rule in. 239
oil investigations in, 300
Pension Laws

[blocks in formation]

-political conditions in, 147

self-government plan for, 148
Indian Affairs, Office of, 197

American, Museum of, 733
anthropology, 731

lands, receipt from sales of, 298
Village Education, Commission
on, 812

Indiana, Agricultural Experiment
Station of, 477

appointment of state officers
in, 224

appropriations in, for public
health, 717

constitution of, amendments to,
226, 231

Department of Conservation of,
306, 499

-legislation in, on budget sys-
tem, 226

on dependent children, 420
on industrial safety, 472
on memorial forests, 503
on physical education, 805
on social insurance, 470
public employment offices in,

social Insurance in, 465, 469
Tax administration in, 374
taxation of property in. 374
Teachers' salaries in, 808
Indo-European philology, 793-794
Industrial Board, U. S. Depart-
ment of Commerce, 16

buildings, construction of, 568
chemistry, 655-659

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Insurance, accident, statistics of,

-agricultural, 498

-Association, American Foreign,

casualty, statistics of, 397, 398
companies, taxation of, 372
employers liability, 398

fidelity, statistics of, 400

fire, rates of, 394

-surcharge in abrograted, 395
-statistics of, 393-395

fraternal, 392

health, 464, 469

-statistics of, 399
industrial, 392
life, 388-392

companies, securities held
by, 391

statistics of, 390
effect of influenza epidemic
on, 388, 389

effect of war on, 389, 390

men, 391



new issues of, 389


policies, surrenders, lapses,
loans, and dividends of, 390
-dividends on, 391
-marine, 359

--Congressional investigation
of, 398

--statistics of, 393, 394, 397,


[blocks in formation]

mission on, 70

Office, 108, 109

organization under League
of Nations, 108

--and Socialist



-Paper Co. v. Gracie D. Cham-
ders, 277

- relations, 69-122

educational, 796, 810-813
labor, 447-449

of Latin America, 123
of U. S., with Brazil, 126
-with Colombia, 127
--with Dominican Repub-
lic, 127

--with Mexico, 120, 129
--with Uruguay, 132
with Venezuela, 132
Research Council, 629, 664
rivers, German, 108

Seismological Association, 622
Trade-Union Bureau, 447
Conference, 447
White-Pine Blister
Conference, 491


Workers' Defense League, 451
Interstate Commerce Commis-

sion, 32, 199

--control of railroads by, 38
-rulings of, 562-564

Judicial decisions on, 275
Invertebrate zoology, 676-679
Inventions, electrical, 578
Investigation, Bureau of, Depart-
ment of Justice, 196
Iodine compound, chemistry of,


Iowa, anti-tipping law of, 295
physiological function of, 675
-constitution of, amendments to,

school attendance
in, 798

-state parks in, 762


taxation of banks in, 373
Ireland, home rule for, 146, 147
political conditions in, 145
Republic of, 145

Sinn Fein activities in, 145

visit of Walsh and Dunne to,

Irish loan in U. S., 146
Irogoyen, Hipolito, 124
Iron and steel, 521-525
deposition of, by bacteria, 619
duplex, 525

electro metallurgy of, 525
exports of, 535, 550
industry, 521, 536
manufactures, exports of, 538
metallurgy of, 522

ore, production of, 521, 531,

- by states, 533

[blocks in formation]

racial equality, demands of, 75
relations of, with China, 90

secret treaties of, with Allies, 90
transfer of Shantung to, 90
Japanese flower beetle, 495
Jenkins, Wm. O., imprisonment
of, 121, 129

Jewish organizations, American,

Jews, persecution of, 750
-protection of, in Poland, 85

war service of, 751

Johnston v. Atherton Mills, 463
Johnston, Charles M., 195
Johnston v. Knipe, 280

Joint councils, industrial, 461

wrongdoers, law of, 282
Jones . Sioux City, 283

Joseph, Archduke, of Hungary,

[blocks in formation]

Judgments, declaratory, 273
Judicial decisions (see also sub-
jects), 307, 362, 564, 462-464
- American, 274

criminal law, 294-295
-foreign, 270

Judiciary, Federal, 208

state, table of, 219-221

Jugo-Slavia, history of, 160

hostilities of, with Austria, 164
recognized by Austria, 112
-by Bulgaria, 117

refusal of, to sign Austrian
Treaty, 115

-relations of, with Italy, 86
signature of Bulgarian Treaty
by, 117

Julliard, A. D., music benefac- | Labor, American Federation of, | La

tions of, 764

Junior Red Cross, 798

Jurisprudence, American, 273-295
-foreign, 270-273

Jurors, disqualification of, 287
Justesen . Pennsylvania Ry., 286
Justice, Department of, 196
-activities of, against Bolshe-
vism. 60

campaign of, against profiteer-
ing, 18

Justifiable homicide, decisions on,


[blocks in formation]

Association, 285

Kavanaugh . Kavanaugh Knit-
ting Co.. 280

Kays r. Little, 279
Keane v. Hoore, 272

Kellar v. City of Los Angeles, 283
Kelp, potash from, 650
Kennedy, Philip B., 198
Kentucky, areal surveys in, 301.
-coal investigations in. 300
-constitution of, amendments
to. 231, 232, 438
elections in, 64

geological investigations in, 301
illiteracy in, 804

legislation in, on drainage, 306
prohibition issue in, 438
Kenyon Americanization bill, 804
Kiao-Chau. Sec Shantung.
Kiel Canal, Peace Treaty pro-
visions on, 108

Kindergartens, 814

King, W. L. Mackenzie, 138
King v. Harriger. 288

Knapp. Adm. Harry S., 340

Knights of Columbus, war work

of, 745.

demands of, 22, 31


unemployment programme
of, 443

-attitude of, towards Govern-
ment ownership. 453, 450
towards immigration, 449
towards Peace Treaty, 451
towards prohibition, 450
Board War. See War Labor

Bureau, International, 448
child (see also Child labor), 469
---standards for, 418

legislation on, 471

taxation of products of. 463
collective bargaining by, 462
conditions, effect of, on build-
ing. 565

-Conference, International, 108,

conferences (see also Industrial
Conference), American, 461
-international, 447. 448, 449
Congress, national, 451
contracts, enforcement of, 473
damages assessed on, 462
demands of, 22, 31
Department of, 199

Bureau of Housing, and
Living Conditions in. 250
- Industrial Commission of,

-mediation by, 460

war bureaus of, 465
disputes (see also Strikes and
Lockouts), 453-460

injunctions in, 288, 459, 469
mediation in, 460-462, 473
educational programme of, 802
equal, equal pay for, 469
hours of, 466, 469

effect of war on, 580
legislation on, 470
international relations of, 447-

Joint councils of, 461
Judicial decisions


[blocks in formation]

Knox, Senator P. C.. resolution-relation of Federal Adminis-

of, declaring peace. 13

Kolchak, Admiral, military opera-
tions of, 156, 157, 167
-negotiations of Peace Confer-
ence with, 83

Kommel, L., & Son t. Champlain

Transportation Co., 278

Kopff's Comet, 612

Korea, history of, 163

[blocks in formation]

tration to, 21-31

-safety of, legislation on, 472
Secretary of, 199

social problem of, 402

and Socialist Conference, Inter-
national, 447

-Statistics, Bureau of, 199
-unions, in American Federa-
tion, 450

--educational movements of,

legal status of, 469, 473
liability of, 282, 462
teachers'. 809

wages of, 466

welfare of, 465

legislation on, 472

under League of Nations, 81

women's, 469

legislation on, 470

standards for, 449

[blocks in formation]

Barons, 166

with Germans, 166

with Soviet Russia, 165

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 138
Law, criminal, 291-294
-enforcement, state departments
of, 226

and jurisprudence, 270-295
Lawrence, Mass., strike, of textile
workers in. 454

Laws, state, uniform, 273
Lead. 525-527

-industry, condition of, 525
metallurgy of, 526

ores, treatment of, 526
poisoning. 526

price of. 514

production of U. S., 531, 532

by states, 533

world's, 528


by principal countries,

refining, 527

resources, investigations of, 301
smelting of, 526

League of Nations, 7, 73-82

adhesions to, 82

arbitration in, 76, 79

armament reduction in, 79

Assembly of, 76, 78

attitude of labor towards, 451
balance of power and, 76

British Dominions in, 133, 150
British plan for, 74
Commission on, 70, 73

control of Austria under, 113
control of treaties by, 81

Council of, 75, 78

Court of International Justice
of, 77

Covenant, amendments to, 82
adoption of, by Peace Con-
ference, 74

in Austrian Treaty, 115
final draft of, 74

first draft of, 73

framing of, 7. 73, 75

Monroe Doctrine and, 8. 81
objections to. 75

ratifications of. 82

in state political
tions, 64

-text of, 77

in U. S. Senate, 7


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