WHERE there's no difference in men's worth, Titles are jests. BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. My lord comes forward; forward let him come! Ye vulgar, at your peril, give him room! Above the man by three descents less wise ! Let high birth triumph: what can be more great ? Nothing but merit in a low estate. WERE I so tall to reach the pole, YOUNG. Satires, sat. I. WATTS. Lyric Poems, part ii. WHAT tho' no gaudy titles grac'd my birth! Titles, the servile courtier's lean reward ! phants; Yet Yet heaven, that made me honest, made me more Than ever king did when he made a lord. ROWE. Jane Shore, act. ii. -WHOE'ER amidst the sons Of reason, valour, liberty, and virtue, THOMSON. HONOUR and shame from no condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honour lies. Fortune in men has some small difference made; One flaunts in rags, one flutters in brocade, The cobler apron'd, and the parson gown'd, The friar hooded, and the monarch crown'd. What differ more, you cry, than crown and cowl? I'll tell you, friend; a wise man and a fool. Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow, The rest is all but leather or prunella. Stuck o'er with titles and hung round with That thou may'st be by kings, or whores of kings, Has crept through scoundrels ever since the flood, Go Go, and pretend your family is young; POPE. Essay on Man, epist. iv. RICH AND POOR. IF you should see a flock of pigeons in a field of corn; and if (instead of each picking where, and what it liked, taking just as much as it wanted, and no more) you shall see ninety-nine of them gathering all they get into a heap; reserving nothing for themselves, but the chaff and refuse; keeping this heap for one, and that the weakest perhaps and worst pigeon of the flock; sitting round and looking on, all the winter, whilst this one was devouring, throwing about, and wasting it; and, if a pigeon more hardy or hungry than the rest, touched a grain of the hoard, all the others instantly flying upon it, and tearing it to pieces: if you should see this, you would see nothing more, than what is every day practised and established among men. Among men you see the ninety and nine, toiling and scraping together a heap of superfluities for one; getting nothing for themselves all the while, but a little of the coarsest of the provision, which their own labour produces; and this one oftentimes the feeblest and worst of the whole set, a child, a woman, a madman, $2 man, or a fool; looking quietly on, while they see the fruits of all their labour spent or spoiled; and if one of them take or touch a particle of it, the others join against him, and hang him for the theft. PALEY. Principles of Philosophy, b. iii ch. i. 1 THE most obvious division of society is into rich and poor; and it is no less obvious, that the number of the former bear a great disproportion to those of the latter. The whole busines of the poor is to administer to the idleness, folly, and luxury of the rich; and that of the rich, in return, is to find the best methods of confirming the slavery and increasing the burthens of the poor. In a state of nature it is an invariable law, that a man's acquisitions are in proportion to his labours. In a state of artificial society, it is a law as constant and as invariable, that those who labour most, enjoy the fewest things; and that those who labour not at all, have the greatest number of enjoyments. A constitution of things this strange and ridiculous beyond expression. We scarce believe a thing when we are told it, which we actually see before our eyes every day without being the least surprized. I suppose that there are in Great Britain upwards of an hundred thousand people employed in lead, tin, iron, copper, and coal mines; - these unhappy wretches scarce ever see the light of the sun; they are buried in the bowels of the earth; there they work at a severe aad dismal task, |