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A TABLE containing the TITLES of all the STATUTES
during that Period.


By DANBY PICKERING, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;
Reader of the Law Lecture to that Honourable Society.


Printed by JOSEPH BENTHAM, Printer to the UNIVERSITY;
for CHARLES BATHURST, at the Crofs-Keys, oppofite St. Dunstan's
Church in Fleet-Street, London. 1764.




Containing the Titles of all fuch Acts as are extant in print, from the Twelfth Year of Queen ANNE, to the Fifth Year of King GEORGE I.

12 Anna. Stat. 1.

granting aid to

certaining the value of freeholds of 40s. annum.

Cap. 1. FOR Majefty, to be railed Cap. 6. For the better regulating the

by a land tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1713. Cap. 2. For granting to her Majefty, duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year 1713, and for making forth duplicates of lottery tickets loft, burnt or destroyed; and for enlarging the time for adjufting claims in feveral lottery-acts; and to punish the counterfeiting or forging of lottery-orders; and for explaining a late act in relation to ftamp-duties on customary estates, which pass by deed and copy.

Cap. 3. To revive and continue the

act for taking, examining and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom; and also to continue the act for appointing commiffioners to take, examine and determine the debts due to the army, transportfervice, and fick and wounded. Cap. 4. For making inclosures of fothe part of the common-grounds, in the Weft-riding of the county of York, for the endowing poor vicarages, and chapelries, for the better support of their minifters. Cap. 5. To explain a clause in an act of the last feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for the more effectual preventing fraudulent conveyances, in order to multiply votes for electing knights of fires to ferve in parliament,

as far as the fame relates to the afVOL. XIII.

elections of members to serve in parliament for that part of Great Britain called Scotland.

Cap. 7. For the more effectual pre

venting and punishing robberies that shall be committed in houses. Cap. 8. For raifing the militia for the year 1713, although the month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid.

Cap. 9. For continuing an act made in the third and fourth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, An act for encouraging the importation of naval ftores from her Majefty's plantations in America; and for encouraging the importation of naval ftores from that part of Great Britain called Scotland, to that part of Great Britain called England. Cap. 10. For continuing the acts therein mentioned, for preventing theft and rapine upon the northern borders of England. Cap. 11. To raife 1,200,000l. for publick uses, by circulating a further fum in Exchequer-bills; and for enabling her Majefty to raife 500, oool, on the revenues appointed for the ufes of her civil government, to be applied for or towards payment of fuch debts and arrears owing to her fervants, tradefmen and others, as are therein mentioned. Cap. 12. For the better regulating the forces to be continued in her


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