Traces of the war were visible everywhere'= 'Traces of the war were visible wherever we went.' 'Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.' 'There' points emphatically to the preceding clause, where your treasure is.' EXERCISE 192. 1. Stay there. 2. There is no room for you here. 3. Everywhere the hedgerows are studded with trees. 4. You would not see such apples anywhere. 5. Bring him hither. 6. Where the bee sucks, there suck I. 7. The ball fell yonder. 8. Go not thither. 9. Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 10. I do remember well where I should be, Adverb of Time into Adverbial Clause. 227. 'I will do it now''I will do it while I think of it-while I have the chance-before I am a minute older.' 'Tell me, and then I will let you go'='Tell me, and when (or after) you have told me I will let you go.' 'Then' refers to the first clause, indicating the priority of the action there expressed. EXERCISE 193. 1. Come to me instantly. 2. Thereat smiled Neptune, and then told a tale. 3. He spoke to my partner, and afterwards he came to me. 4. I never heard of such a thing before. 5. We shall not talk of that yet. 6. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. 7. He protested against the proceedings, and thereupon he left the room. 8. First he agreed to our proposal, but soon afterwards he declined to entertain it. 9. When you durst do it, then you were a man. 10. When she walked abroad, the storms then fled away. Adverb of Degree into Adverbial Clause. 228. 'The management is thoroughly bad': 'The management is as bad as it could be.' = 'He was visibly moved'' He was moved so that one could see it,' or ' He was so (deeply) moved that his emotion could be seen.' = The weather is unusually severe' The weather is more severe than usual. The full clause form may be expressed thus: The weather is more severe than (it is) usual (for the weather to be severe).' EXERCISE 194. 1. The statesman is utterly corrupt. 2. The soul and the body are inextricably united. 3. He was uncommonly pleasant to-day. 4. The affairs of the company have become hopelessly involved. 5. You are not sufficiently careful. 6. The sentence is unexpectedly lenient. 7. Their proposal was unspeakably absurd. 8. The boys were quite eager for the game, 9. Confinement is intolerably irksome to him. 10. Religious enthusiasm and national enthusiasm became inseparably blended in the minds of the vanquished race. Adverb of Belief into Adverbial Clause. 229. 'Most assuredly ye shall not escape '-' As I live, ye shall not escape.' Apparently there has been some mistake'= There has been some mistake, as it appears'-' As far as one can see, there has been some mistake.' EXERCISE 195. 1. He is industrious, and he will certainly succeed. 2. We have obviously been misled. 3. They are now reconciled seemingly. 4. Perhaps he would make no objection. 5. Your uncle is truly anxious for your good. 6. Apparently we have no choice in the matter. 7. Most undoubtedly your property shall be restored to you. 8. Assuredly I have no pleasure in them. 9. He will probably have a majority. 10. Our enemies are evidently unwilling to engage. Adverb of Cause and Effect into Adverbial Clause. 230. 'He was quite incapable of governing, and therefore he was quietly deposed': 'and as (since, because, &c.) he could not govern he was quietly deposed.' Who then can be saved?'='Since this is the caseas such conditions are required-who can be saved?' EXERCISE 196. 1. There's comfort yet; they are assailable: 2. Horatius defended the bridge, and thereby prevented the enemy from crossing. 3. Pope was not content to satisfy, he desired to excel, and therefore always endeavoured to do his best. 4. I know thee not; why then should I betray thee? 5. The squire is proud and overbearing; hence he is unpopular. 6. Charles could not venture to raise, by his own authority, taxes sufficient for carrying on war. He accordingly hastened to make peace with his neighbours. 7. He made his preparations secretly, and thereby deceived his enemy. 8. They are greatly offended, and hence they will not come. 9. She's beautiful; and therefore to be woo'd: She is a woman; therefore to be won. 10. But are you sure you are fit for a school? Let me examine you a little. Have you been bred apprentice to the business? No. Then you won't do for a school. Can you dress the boys' hair? No. Then you won't do for a school. Have you had the small-pox? No. Then you won't do for a school. Can you lie three in a bed? No. Then you will never do for a school. Have you got a good stomach? Yes. Then you will by no means do for a school. Adverb of Manner into Adverbial Clause. 231. Have they done their work properly?' Have they done their work as they ought to have done it as it ought to be done?' is: 'He spoke hesitatingly'=' He spoke as if he had not quite made up his mind. The full clause form as (he might speak or he might have spoken) if he had not quite made up his mind.' Another equivalent: He spoke as one (might speak) that had not quite made up his mind."' EXERCISE 197. 1. His eye twinkled knowingly. 2. Silas placed his candle unsuspectingly on the floor near his loom. 3. He entered the room excitedly. 4. The man clasped his hands entreatingly. 5. They have drawn up their scheme judiciously. 6. He answered them defiantly. 7. You adhere to your demand very unreasonably. 8. He spoke of you admiringly. 9. She conducts her father's business satisfactorily. 10. He has described the circumstances accurately. III. ADVERB into CO-ORDINATE SENTENCE. 232. To separate the Adverb from its sentence, and to set it up in the form of a new sentence by the side of the other, is a very bold step indeed. This conversion can be justified mainly on grounds of great familiarity or of great emphasis. The expression of belief or certainty is very often separable into a new statement. And frequently there is advantage in relaxing the severe condensation of the adverbs formed from the participial adjectives. Adverb of Belief into Co-ordinate Sentence. 233. To ford the river is plainly impossible ='To ford the river is impossible: that is plain. The following form is perhaps a more important mode: 'It is plain that to ford the river is impossible.' Compare also: Anybody can see that it is impossible to ford the river." 'Possibly he is too busy to come''He is too busy to come: that is possible.' Otherwise: 'It is possible that he is too busy to come.' EXERCISE 198 1. The decision is unquestionably sound. 2. The reserves will certainly come forward at once. 3. Probably he is disappointed. 4. The task was seemingly a thankless one. 5. Clearly his intention was to take orders. 6. Perhaps he will not be the worse for this failure. 7. Apparently Dryden was much gratified by Addison's praise. 8. They are confessedly unable to resist much longer. 9. He is admittedly inferior to his predecessor. 10. Addison was probably introduced by Dryden to Congreve, and was certainly presented by Congreve to Charles Montague. Adverb (general) into Co-ordinate Sentence. 234. She looked at Silas pityingly as she went on'='She looked at Silas as she went on, and there was pity in her look.' 'He works earnestly'' He works, and he is earnest. 'Unfortunately she wanted presence of mind' = 'She wanted presence of mind; this (or which) was unfortunate.' The Adverbs of Manner or Quality naturally furnish the largest number of examples. Very prominent among these are the adverbs formed from participial adjectives, which obviously contain within them the force of the cognate verbs. The transition of adverbs of Manner from their original use to act as adverbs of Degree should again be very carefully noted. EXERCISE 199. 2. Several 1. He pleaded his own cause successfully. measures were unavoidably postponed. 3. They are still prosecuting their researches diligently. 4. The weather has been unprecedentedly severe. 5. He rode at a judiciously quiet pace. 6. Seriously, you must reconsider your decision. 7. He was fortunately taken out of the well alive. 8. The working of the Act is necessarily expensive. 9. The position of the company has been incalculably improved. 10. This fortress was situated impregnably on an insular rock. 11. The man gave false witness knowingly. 12. Luckily there were several others present. CHAPTER VI. THE PREPOSITION, 235. The PREPOSITIONS-a small, but very important class of words-find full exemplification in the Phrases described as Prepositional, whether these stand for Adjectives or for Adverbs. Few of the Prepositions are confined to a single application; and some of the more important have a very wide variety of meanings, through metaphorical extensions. But wideness of usage is naturally accompanied by wideness, vagueness, or generality |