i 1796.] Cornwall...South Wales... North Wales...Scotland. Best Ploughman Third best 1. S. s. d. The drivers not to exceed the age of 16. To the best ploughman, who shall be a parish apprentice, 11. 15. his driver, a parish appren tice, not exceeding the age of 16, 2s. 6d. The ploughing to be in a ley field, as før a crop of wheat; ploughs of any description to be admitted; 30 square yards of land (about the fifth part of an acre) to be the quantity alligned to each plough, which is to be ploughed in two or three split ridges, as the ground may admit of; two hours allowed for finishing. The parish apprentices to plough in a separate piece of ground by themselves. At a general meeting of the subscribers to the fcheme of the Polbrock canal, held in Bodmin, on Tuesday, the 9th of Auguft, Sir W. MOLESWORTH in the chair, it was refolved, that the line of a canal from Guinea-port, in the parish of St. Breock, to Stoney-lane and Dunmeer-bridge, in the Parish of Bodmin, on the weft fide of the river Camel, according to a plan and estimate of Mr. Rennie, be approved of, and adopted by this meeting; and that application be made at the next feffion of Parliament, for an act to enable the fubfcribers to carry the fame into effect. And it appearing to this meeting, that a branch might be eafily made from the line propof. d to Ruthernbridge (about half a mile from the line) by which the benefits arifing from the canal, in regard to the carriage of manure, would be more extended; Mr. Murray is requested to furvey that branch, and make his report thereon. Died.] In St. Stephens in Branuel, 63, Mr. P. Pinch. SOUTH WALES. NORTH WALES. 599 Died At Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, Sir Roger Mostyn, bart. M. P. for the county of Flint; which he had represented in eight parliaments; he was chosen the ninth time the last general election. W. Wynne, efq. of Wern. Died] Aged 73, the Rev. R. Rogers, rector of Bryngwyn. Miss E. Price, daughter of J. P. efq. banker, of Penybont. At Green Grove, 62, E. Vaughan, esq. one of his majesty's justices of the peace for Cardiganshire. SCOTLAND. A shark, nearly fix feet long, was lately caught by fome gentlemen, in the Clyde, at the Fairly roads. While carrying afhore in the boat, it spawned a young one; and on opening it, after reaching the shore, twenty-three others about thirteen inches each in length, and all alive, were found in it. Several of them lived some hours afterwards. Another shark, of nearly the same size, has been fince caught, at the fame place. At New Mead, John Davies, efq. one of his majesty's justices of the peace for Radnorshire. At Ty-Mawr, Mrs. Hughes, relict of J. H. efq. At Penyuan, lieut. A. H. Rees, of the royal navy. Mrs. Owen, wife of the Rev. Mr. O. of Aberythwith, and sister to Sir T. Bonfall, of Fronfraith. At Hensol Castle, Miss Davy, daughter of the late major D. At Cardiff, Mr. T. Powell, of a very ancient family, lineally defcended from Justin ap Gworgant, Lord of Glamorgan, The quantity of linen cloth stamped for fale in Scotland last year, exceeds the quantity made in the year 1792, by nearly half a million of yards. Married.] At Edinburgh, W. Buchanan, efq. of Auchmar, to Miss S. Bartlet. R. Gordon, efq. of Xeres de la Frontera, to Misfs L. Rudyerd, daughter of Major R. R. B. Dundas, efq. of Blair, to Miss E. Spital of Blairlogie. At Inverary, Capt. John Campbell, of the 3d regt. of Guards, to the Rt. Hon. Lady C. Campbell. At Forfar, Mr. C. Adam, of Dundee, to Mifs Ure, daughter of J. U. esq. At Hawkhill, James Gordon jun. efq. of Craig, to Mifs Johnstone, of Alva. At Dumfries, L. P. Broome. efq. of New York, to Miss B. Nugent, of Richmond, Yorkshire. John Swinton, jun. efq. of Swinton, to Mifs Hepburn, of Cierkington. Hon. W. Hay Carr, brother to the Earl of Errol, to Mifs Eliot, of Antigua. Died.] At Edinburgh, C. Edmontone, efq. Lieutenant Governor of Dumbarton Cafile. Miss H. Dickson, daughter of the late Sir R. D. T. M. Riddell, of Mount Riddell, efq. only fon of Sir J. R. bart. At Kirkcudbright, in confequence of a fall from his horfe, E. M'Culloch, efq. of Ardwall. At Eaftcraigs, John Stewart, efq. Lieutenant Governor of Blackness Castle. Near Dumfries, John Ranaldfon, efq. of Blairhall. At Campbelton, Mrs. M. Robertfon, wife of Dr. G. R. T. Rutherfoord, efq. of Knowfouth. At Pollok House, Capt. R. Maxwell, of the 16th reg. brother to Sir J. M. bart. At Park, Lady Hay, relict of Sir T. H. bart. At Machany, the Dowager Viscountess of Strathallan. At Narh Glaffmount, G. Bruce, efq. At Moffat, Mrs. Duff, relict of Admiral D. of Fetteresso, and daughter of the late General Abercromby. At Kinghorn, Major A. Rutherford, late of the 16th reg. of infantry. At Stromness, aged 109, James White. At Elgin, Mrs. Leflie, wife of C. L. efq. At Dundee, Mrs. M. Ogilvy, daughter of the late Sir D. O, bart. At Edinburgh, Miss Jean Chrystie, daughter of the late Right Rev. H. C. At Loudon Castle, Mrs. Douglas, wife of G.D. efq. AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE. Monthly Report for Auguft. PERHAPS at no period have the opera- fourth weeks of July and Auguft, in the 6d. warm In the northern districts, the BARLEY and OATS, and BEANS, are very far short of expectation, though the late weather has much assisted them. The PEAS promife to be a better crop. The crops of this grain have proved very full and luxuriant in the eastern and midland, and particularly so in the southern and western districts. tions of nature so completely aided present year, has been 67s. 8d. and 44s. the industry of the husbandman, as in the present season. A more abundant crop, and more favourable weather for getting it in, has scarcely been remembered. It is additionally fortunate for the public, that our cultivators of the earth, tempted by the great prices of grain during the last year, were induced to sow an unusually large proportion of their lands with wheat. Importations to a very enormous and even ruinous extent have also taken place, which, with our own superabundant produce, can scarcely fail to make Grain far more plentiful than it has been for many years. Such is the general result of a correspondence of the Conductors of the Monthly Magazine through nearly twenty diftricts of Great Britain: the particular reports of fingle districts, it is believed, will not confiderably affect it. In all the fouthern parts of the island, the harvest is in general over, and the corn has never been remembered to be got in so quickly, and so good and abundant. In Scotland, and in the Counties adjoining, the harvest is back ward, and the profpect by no means so good. The destructive insect, which occafioned fo confiderable a failure in last year's crop, and the blight, a disease which is likewife fatal, will certainly prevent the wheat crop in that part of the island from being very productive, notwithstanding a greater breadth of that crop never before covered the country. The white wheats on moist lands have fuffered the most, the Egyptian red, a species which poffeffes many fuperior properties in cultivation, has fuffered the least. In this place it may be interesting to mention the average prices of wheat, in corresponding months within the last ten years. In 1786, July, 37 6. August, 39s In 1792 39 8. In 1795 93 10. In 1796 30 4. The average in Mark-lane, in the Since our last, HAY has varied little in price in the London markets. The oldland hay, to which the rains in the lafst month proved favourable, made up for the indifferent crops of rye-grafs and clovers. The cole-feed and mustard, which is mostly got in, promises to yield well: the profpect for young cole-feed is generally good, particularly for that forward sown. TURNIPS are, in general, a failing crop. The PASTURES are also much burnt up, and many places during the late heats have been very short of water. STOCK of all kinds still, however, continue at high prices, and little variation bas yet taken place in any of the fairs or markets. In Smithfield, Beef fells now (as it did last month) from 3s. to 4s. per stone, and Mutton from 4s. to 4s. 6d. The season throughout has proved highly favourable to FALLOWING: indeed the ground never appeared in a berter state of culture. In the wool business, little has been transacted in the prefent month. The prices are in the midland counties from 218. to 24s. per ton; and in the western, Somersetshire 30s. to 33s. and Wiltshire 34s. to 36s. a weight. Hors promife variously. Complaints are made in Kent of the shortness of bine, and in Worcestershire of the mould. The whole duty is laid as low as 110,000, that of Worcestershire at 14,000. Markers very dull, and prices stationary. THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE, No. VIII.] SEPTEMBER, 1796. [VOL. II. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. SIR, YOUR correfpondent, who has with fuch very fuperior merit translated the Leonora of BÜRGER, is mistaken when he calls that ballad wholly original. He has observed that many of the ballads of the gloomy German are translated with improvements from English originals.Perhaps the story of Leonora was fuggefted by a ballad entitled, "The Suffolk Miracle, or a relation of a Young Man, who a month after his death appeared 10 bis Sweetheart, and carried ber on borseback bebind bim for forty miles, in two hours, and was never seen after but in bis grave." It is in a collection of ballads, printed 1723. The collection extended to three volumes, each published separately, and is now very rare. In this tale the spirit comes at midnight, and the maiden departs with him. When she was got her love behind, But as they did this great hafte make, And unto him she thus did say, As Bürger is well versed in this branch of English poetry, it is not improbable that this rude but striking tale may have occafioned the fublime ballad of Leonora. However this may be, it certainly contradicts a remark that has not unaptly been made upon that Poem, that the difference between a German ghost and an English one is, that the German rides on horseback, and the English one goes on foot. MONTHLY MAG. No. VIII. The imitation of the following lines from " William's Ghost", is, I think manifest. These are the lines of Leonora : "And where is then thy house and home, 1 "And where thy bridal bed?" "'Tis narrow, filent, chilly, dark, "Far hence I rest my head. "And is there any room for me, "Wherein that I may creep? "There's room enough for thee and me, "Wherein that we may fleep." Compare them with these of the En glish ballad : Now she has kilted her robes of green, A piece below her knee, And a the live-long winter night The dead corpfe followed the. Is there any room at your head, Willie? "Or any room at your fide, Willie, Leonora is in parts equal to any compofition I have ever read. The moral however is very exceptionable, and they who may abhor the vindictive justice of God, will think the punishment of Leonora exceeds her offence. The other ballad of the Parson's Daughter is, in my opinion, fuperior. The abruptness of the beginning, and the recurrence to it at the end are unequalled. Sept. 3, 1796. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. SIR, B. To my remarks on the symptoms of progreffive deficcation, inferted in page 96, of your Magazine, I wish the following to be added. In the Odyffey (book iv, v. 355) Homer tells us that the island Pharos was a day's fail from Ægypt, or from the mouth At Edinburgh £104. 12 64 16 Subscriptions are received at the houses of Sir W. FORBES and Co. and MANSFIELD, RAMSAY, and Co. bankers, and at the shops of the bookfellers in Edinburgh; in London, at the shops of Meirs. CADELL and DAVIES, NICOL, EDWARDS, WHILES, PAYNE, JOHNSON, RICHARDSON, HOOKHAM, and ARCHES, bookfellers; at Oxford, by Meffrs. FLETCHER and Co. and Mr. J. COOKE, bookfeliers; at Cambridge, by Mr. W. H. LUNN, bookfeller; and at Glasgow, by Mefirs. DUNLOP and WILSON, and BRASH and REID, bookfellers; and by Mr. MUNDELL, printer to the Univerfity of Glasgow. It is to be expected that many of your numerous readers will exhibit on this occafion a tribute of their regard to de. parted genius; and that an age which in general affects fo much mental liberality, will prove it by a bounty that shall effccually ferve thefe distressed objects. Your's, &c. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. ON SIR, N looking over the Hints on the Po pulation of England and Wales, which appeared in the First Number of your Magazine, I was rather surprised to find our rapid decline in this respect fo strongly afferted; particularly as the writer, who appears to have taken alt the facts which he produces in fupport of his opinion from Dr. Price's Effay, most probably well knew, that the Doctor, after a long and minute investigation of the fubject, requested it might be remembered, that bis opinion in this instance was by no means a clear and decided conviction; and with his usual candour allowed, that in continuing to support his former arguments, he might probably be influenced too much by a defire to maintain an affertion once delivered. From a comparison of the returns of the furveyors of house and window dutics, it is inferred, that in 87 years the number of houfes had decreased upwards of 360,000, their number in the year 1777 being 952,734. No evidence is brought forward to shew that the population from 1777 to the prefent time continued to decline; but from the deftruction of the American and present wars, it is confidered as highly probable: during the former, however, the contrary appears to have taken place, the total num ber of houses, according to the report of the surveyors in 1781, being in thas year 1,005,810; from which time to the present, the produce of the house and window duties as little indicate a decrease of habitations, as that of the duties affected by confumption do of inhabitants. It is frated as the most alarming circumstance attending the fuppofed depopulation, that it has taken place chiefly among the poorer class of the people; but if the following account of the number of houses excufed on account of poverty in 1756 and 1781 is correct, they increased during 25 years nearly 10,000$ the number being in 17-6-274,755 1781-284,459 The increase of the poor of late years, I believe few persons will be inclined to doubt; the general increase of the parifle rates, beyond the difference caufed by the enhanced value of provifions, feems to prove it; and the augmentation of the poorer class appears a more natural and certain effect of the enormous debt which depreffes the most useful part of the community, than the diminution of our numbers I 1796.] Population... Meteorological Phenoотспа." numbers. The generality of any people will submit to much inconvenience before they are driven to the determination of quitting their native country; their burchens accumulating gradually, they feel the effect without diftinguishing the cause, and frequently ascribe to adventitious circumstances that accelerating rife Ain the price of commodities, which is the inevitable confèquence of a system of increasing taxation. The tendency of our debt, which at present is augmenting with unprecedented rapidity, feems rather to be the daily introduction of a greater difparity between the conditions of the different classes of the community, by increafing the wealth of the rich, while it diminishes the comforts of the poor; and caufing a confiderable alteration in their comparative numbers, though that of the whole may remain nearly the fame, or even increase. Your Northumbrian correspondent, p. 524, with much propriety, declines entering upon the state of the population of the country at large. It is a point, which, except by a general enumeration, can only be determined from the data furnished by taxation, produce, or consumption; and the fingle instance produced of the great depopulation of a once confiderable village, though founded on the actual number of inhabitants at different periods, might be easily oppofed by correct enumerations of many villages in Yorkshire and other parts, which prove a very confiderable increase. Even this deferted village is reprefented to have been nearly in its present state for the last forty years; and though a more extenfive enquiry might have difcovered a few fimilar instances, I apprehend many more would have been found that for fome years paft have been, and still are, gradually increasing in numbers, though perhap at the fame time increasing in poverty. Of 606 parishes described in Sir John Sinclair's Statistical Account of Scotland, there are many in which the inhabitants are much less numerous than formerly, not withstanding which there has been upon the whole a very confiderable increase. In 1755 they contained 884,981 jahabitants; and by accounts taken between the years 1790 and 1793 they amounted to 1,108,522; so that the increase of fome places had not only counteracted the depopulation of others, but produced an augmentation of 223,541 inhabitants, or about 6000 per annum.This, however, it must be observed, is 605 very much below the natural rate of in- To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine, SIR, THE observations of M. of Chichester im your number for July, p.462, upon the halo round the moon, led me to the confiderations which ended in the following queries; and it occurred to me that when he fees those queries, he will find exercise for a mind which discovers much genius. Q. 1. Whether the circle or rings we frequently fee round the Sun and Moon, are not occafioned by the reflection of the circumference of the earth? 2. Whether fuch reflection is not produced by that state of our atmosphere which generally precedes rain?" On Sunday last, the 21st inftant, a very large ring was seen for a confiderable time round the fun. The sky was clear at its first appearance; in the evening, clouds appeared in the S. and S. E. to S. W. by S. Yesterday, clouds from E. and N. E. lowered confiderably, and this morning at three the whole atmosphere was overcaft, and fo continues now at nine A. М. Aug. 23, 1796. ORIENS. For the Monthly Magazine. SIR, TAM a Country Gentleman, and enjoy an estate in Northamptonshire, which formerly enabled its poffeffors to affume fome degree of confequenc: in the country; but which, for Teveral generations, has been growing less, only because it has not grown bigger, I mean, that though I have not yet been obliged to mortgage my land, or fell my timber its relative 4 H 2 |