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East wind brings rain.


West wind brings clear, bright, cool weather.

North wind brings cold.

South wind brings heat.

Birds fly high when the barometer is high, and low when the barometer is low.

The way to find which way the wind is blowing, if there is only very light breeze, is to throw up little bits of dry grass, or to Direction of Wind hold up a handful of light dust and let it fall, or to suck your thumb and wet it all round and let the wind blow over it, and the cold side of it will then tell you which way the wind is blowing.

The U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau publishes a "Classification of clouds," in

colors which may be had for the Weather Bureau asking. If you are near one of the weather signal stations daily bulletins will be sent to camp upon request, also the weather map.

A set of flag signals run up each day will create interest. The flags are easily made, or may be purchased.

Keep a daily record of temperature. A boy in charge of the "Weather Bureau" will find it to be full of interest, as well as to offer an opportunity to render the camp a real service. He will make a weather vane, post a daily bulletin board, keep a

record of temperature, measure velocity of wind and rainfall.

If you have lost your bearings and it is a cloudy day, put the point of your knife blade on your thumb nail, and turn the blade around until the full shadow of the blade is on the nail. This will tell you where the sun is, and decide in which direction the camp is. Face the sun in

the morning, spread out your

arms straight from body. Be

Points of Compass fore you is the east; behind you is the west; to your right hand is the south; to the left hand is the north. For a home-made barometer you need a clear, clear glass bottle. Take one drachm each of camphor gum, saltpetre and ammonia salts, and dissolve them in thirteen drachms of pure alcohol. Shake till dissolved. Then pour in bottle and cork tightly. Hang the bottle of mixture against the wall facing north, and it will prove a perfect weather prophet. When the liquid is clear it promises fair weather. When it is muddy or cloudy it is a sign of rain. A Home-made Weather Prophet When little white flakes settle in

the bottom it means that the weather is growing colder, and the thicker the deposit the colder it becomes. Fine, starry flakes foretell a storm, and large flakes are signs of snow. When the liquid seems full of little, threadlike forms that gradually rise to the top, it means wind and sudden storm.

The dandelion is an excellent barometer, one of

[blocks in formation]

the commonest and most reliable. It is when the blooms have seeded and are in the fluffy, feathery condition that its weather Plant Barometers prophet facilities come to the fore. In fine weather the ball extends to the full, but when rain approaches, it shuts like an umbrella. If the weather is inclined to be showery it keeps shut all the time, only opening when the danger from the wet is past.

The ordinary clover and all its varieties, including the trefoil and the shamrock, are barometers. When rain is coming, the leaves shut together like the shells of an oyster and do not open again until fine weather is assured. For a day or two before rain comes their stems swell to an appreciable extent and stiffen so that the leaves are borne more upright than usual. This stem swelling when rain is expected is a feature of many towering grasses.

The fingers of which the leaves of the horse chestnut are made up keep flat and fanlike so long as fine weather is likely to continue. With the coming of rain, however, they droop, as if to offer less resistance to the weather. The scarlet pimpernel, nicknamed the "poor man's weather glass," or wind cope, opens its flowers only to fine weather. As soon as rain is in the air it shuts up and remains closed until the shower or storm is over.


Talks About the Weather-Charles Barnard. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 75 cents. A little book of valuable hints and suggestions about the weather and the philosophy of temperature and rainfall in their relation to living things. Woodcraft-Jones and Woodward. C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd., 35 cents. Contains an excellent chapter on weather lore in addition to a mass of valuable information on woodcraft.

Bulletins of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.

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