Leaders should not be chosen in order to secure a baseball team, or an athletic team. Select men of diverse gifts. One should know something about nature study, another about manual training, another a good story-teller, another a good athlete or baseball player, another a good swimmer, another a musician, etc. Always remember, however, that the chief qualification should be moral worth. Before camp opens it is a wise plan to send each leader a letter explaining in detail the purpose and program of the camp. A letter like the following is sent to the leaders of Camps Durrell and Becket. SUGGESTIONS TO CAMP LEADERS. The success of a boys' camp depends upon the hearty cooperation of each leader with the superintendent. The boys will imitate you. A smile is always better than a frown. "Kicking" in the presence of boys breeds discontent. Loyalty to the camp and its management is absolutely necessary if there is to be harmony in the camp life. Your personal life will either be a blessing or a hindrance to the boys in your tent. Study each boy Personal in your tent. Win his confidence. De termine to do your best in being a genuine friend of each boy. Remember in prayer daily each boy and your fellow leaders. Emphasize the camp motto, "Each for all, and all for each." Study the "tests" on pages 8 and 9 of the booklets, and be helpful to the boys in your tent who are ambitious to improve and win the honor emblems. Neatness and cleanliness must be the Tents watchword of each tent. Sweets draw ants. Decayed material breeds disease. Insist upon the observance of sanitary rules. It is unwise to have all the boys from one town or city in one tent. The tendency is to form clans, which destroy camp spirit. Get the fellows together the first thing and choose a tent name and tent yells. Appoint a boy who will be responsible for the boys and the tent when you are not present. Too much attention cannot be given to the matter of ventilation. When it rains, use a forked stick to hold the flaps open in the form of a diamond. In clear weather, tie one flap back at each end (flap toward the feet), allowing a free draft of air at all times. On rainy days encourage the boys to spend their time in the pavillion. Whenever possible, insist upon tent and blankets being thoroughly aired each morning. Three inspectors will be appointed for each day; fifteen minutes' notice will be given and boys will not be allowed in or around their tents during the period of inspection. Leaders may suggest but not participate in arranging the tent. The Honor Banner is to be given to the tent showing the best condition and held as long as marks are highest. The U. S. V. L. S. C. crews in boats will patrol whenever the boys are in swimming, and the leader of swimming must give the signal before boys go into the water. Boys who cannot Swimming swim should be encouraged to learn. The morning dip must be a dip and not a swim. No boats are to be taken unless an order has been issued by the tent leader (or by the superBoats intendent). The man at the wharf always has power to veto orders at his discretion. It is the leader's part to see that the order of the day is carried out and on time, inOrder of Day cluding the setting up drill. (See Camp Booklet.) "Follow the leader" is an old game which is still influencing boys. Three tents and their leaders are responsible for the work at camp, and will be expected to Work report to the assistant superintendent after breakfast for assignment of work. These tents are changed each day, so that the boys and leaders come on duty only one day in seven. Each tent is under its respective leader in doing the following work: Tent 1. Sanitary work, such as policing the campus, emptying garbage cans, sweeping the pavillion, disinfecting, etc. Tent 2. Preparing vegetables for the cook, drying dishes, pots, pans, cleaning up the kitchen, piazza, etc. Tent 3. Cleaning the boats, supplying wood for the kitchen, putting ice in the refrig erator, etc. The next day Tents 4, 5, and 6 will come on duty, and so on until each tent has been on duty during the week. Leaders for the day will call the squad together after breakfast and explain the day's plans. Encourage the boys to do this work cheerfully. Lead, do not drive the boys when working. Not more than three hours should be consumed in camp work. Bring rule books on athletics. Study up group games. Bring any old clothes for costumes; tambourines and bones for minstrel show, grease paint, and burnt cork-in fact, anything that you think will add to the fun of the Sports and Pastimes camp. Good stories and jokes are always in demand. Bring something interesting to read to your boys on rainy days. Think out some stunt to do at the social gatherings. If you play an instrument, be sure to bring it along with you. Encourage the boys to turn their money Bank and railroad tickets over to the camp banker instead of depositing them with you. Meetings of the leaders will be held at the call of the superintendent. Matters talked over at the council meeting should not be talked over with the boys. All matters of discipline or Camp Council anything that deals with the welfare of the camp should be brought up at this meeting. Printed report blanks will be given to each leader to be filled out and handed to the assistant superintendent each Thursday morning. Do not show these reports to the boys. Each leader will be expected to read to the boys in his tent a chapter from the Bible and have prayers before "taps" each night, also to take his turn in leading the morning devotions Bible Study at breakfast table. Groups of boys will meet for occasional Bible study at sunset under various leaders. Each session will continue twenty minutes-no longer. Sunday morning service will be somewhat formal in character, with an address. The sunset vesper service will be informal. Praying that the camp may prove a place where leaders and boys may grow in the best things of life and anticipating an outing of pleasure and profit to you, I am Your friend, In securing men for leadership, impress upon them the many opportunities for the investment of their lives in the kind of work that Opportunities builds character. In reading over a small folder, written by George H. Hogeman of Orange, N. J., I was so impressed with his excellent presentation of this theme of opportunities of leadership that the following is quoted in preference to anything I could write upon the subject: "The opportunity of the boys' camp leader is, first, to engage in the service that counts most largely in securing the future welfare of those who will soon be called upon to carry on the work that we are now engaged in. Most people are so busy |