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Go, little booke, God send thee good passage,
And specially let this be thy prayere,
Unto them all that thee will read or hear,
Where thou art wrong, after their help to call,
Thee to correct in any part or all.

CHAUCER'S Belle Dame sans Mercie.

In concluding a second volume of the Sketch Book, the author cannot but express his deep sense of the indulgence with which his first has been received, and of the liberal disposition that has been evinced to treat him with kindness as a stranger. Even the critics, whatever may be said of them by others, he has found to be a singularly gentle and good-natured race; it is true that each has in turn objected to some one or two articles, and that these individual exceptions, taken in the aggregate, would amount almost to a total condemnation of his work; but then he has been consoled by observing, that what one has particularly censured, another has as particularly praised; and thus, the encomiums being set off against the objections, he finds his work, upon the whole, commended far beyond its deserts.

He is aware that he runs a risk of forfeiting much of this kind favor by not following the counsel that has been liberally bestowed upon him; for where abundance of valuable advice is given gratis, it may seem a man's own fault if he should go astray. He only can say, in his vindication, that he faithfully determined, for a time, to govern himself in his second volume by the opinions passed upon his first; but de was soon brought to a stand by the contrariety of excellent counsel. One kindly advised him to avoid the ludicrous; another, to shun the pathetic; a third assured him that he was tolerable at description, but cautioned him to leave narrative alone; while a fourth declared that he had a very pretty knack at turning a story, and was really entertaining when in a pensive mood, but was grievously mistaken if he imagined himself to possess a spirit of humor.

Thus perplexed by the advice of his friends, who each in turn closed some particular path, but left him all the world beside to range in, he found that to follow all their counsels would, in fact, be to stand still. He remained for a time sadly embarrassed; when, all at once, the thought struck him to ramble on as he had begun; that his work being miscellaneous, and written for different humors, it could not be expected that any one would be pleased with the whole; but that if it should contain something to suit each reader, his end would be completely answered. Few guests sit down to a varied table with an equal appetite for every dish. One has an elegant horror of a roasted pig; another holds a curry or a devil in utter abomination; a third cannot tolerate the ancient flavor of venison and wild-fowl; and a fourth, of truly masculine stomach, looks with sovereign contempt on those knick-knacks here and there dished up for the ladies. Thus each article is condemned in its turn; and yet, amidst this variety of appetites, seldom does a dish go away from the table without being tasted and relished by some one or other of the guests.

With these considerations he ventures to serve up this second volume in the same heterogeneous way with his first; simply requesting the reader, if he should find here and there something to please him, to rest assured that it was written expressly for intelligent readers like himself; but entreating him, should he find anything to dislike, to tolerate it, as one of those articles which the author has been obliged to write for readers of a less refined taste.

To be serious. The author is conscious of the numerous faults and imperfections of his work; and well aware how little he is disciplined and accomolished in the arts of authorship. His deficiencies are lso increased by a diffidence arising from his peculiar situation. He finds himself writing in a strange land, and appearing before a public which he has been accustomed, from childhood, to regard with the highest feelings of awe and reverence. He is full of solicitude to deserve their approbation, yet finds that very solicitude continually embarrassing his powers, and depriving him of that ease and confidence which are necessary to successful exertion. Still, the kindness with which he is treated encourages him to go on, hoping that in time he may acquire a steadier footing; and thus he proceeds, half venturing, half shrinking, surprised at his own good fortune, and wondering at his own temerity.

A Short History of England's Literature, By EVA MARCH


A Student's History of English Literature. By WILLIAM EDWARD SIMONDS.

Lives of Great English Writers. From Chaucer to Browning. By W. S. HINCHMAN and FRANCIS B. GUMMERE.

Masterpieces of British Literature. Edited by HORACE


Readings in English Prose of the 18th Century. Edited by RAYMOND MACDONALD ALDEN.

A Victorian Anthology. Edited by EDMUND CLARENCE STEDStudents' Edition.



A Short History of England's and America's Literature. By EVA MARCH TAPPAN.

A Short History of America's Literature. With Selections from Colonial and Revolutionary Writers. By EVA MARCH ΤΑΡΡΑΝ.

A History of American Literature. By WILLIAM E. SIMONDS. Masterpieces of American Literature. Edited by HORACE E. SCUDDER.

Readings in English Prose of the 19th Century. Edited by RAYMOND MACDONALD ALDEN. Part I, Part II. Complete. The Chief American Prose Writers. Edited by NORMAN FOERSTER.

An American Anthology. Edited by EDMUND CLARENCE

STEDMAN. Students' Edition.

The Chief American Poets. Edited by CURTIS HIDDEN PAGE. The Little Book of Modern Verse. Edited by JESSIE B. RITTENHOUSE. R.L.S. No. 254. Library binding.

The Little Book of American Poets. Edited by JESSIE B. RITTENHOUSE. R.L.S. No. 255. Library binding.

A Treasury of War Poetry. Edited by GEORGE HERBERT CLARKE. R.L.S. No. 262. Cloth.




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