Studies in the Sermon on the MountWm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1971 - 585 páginas A spiritual classic, this detailed and comprehensive study by one of the greatest expository preachers of our time explains Christ's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount and incisively applies it to the Christian life. With characteristic vigor and emotional vitality Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents a brilliant and detailed exposition of one of the best known but most frequently misunderstood passages of Scripture. Here is a comprehensive and exhaustive study of our Lord's words as recorded in Matthew chapter five. This beautiful portion of the Sermon on the Mount is carefully analysed, its contents outlined and thoughtfully arranged, and vastly rich and abundant truths are gleaned for the reader's spiritual nurture. The author brought a wealth of devoted study as well as a profound spiritual appreciation to the work of interpreting this greatest address of our delightful experience in meditation. It presents depth of thought in simple language and beauty of style and contains a veritable thesaurus of spiritual truths drawn from the entire Bible. |
Preface | 3 |
General Introduction | 5 |
General View and Analysis | 15 |
An Introduction to the Beatitudes | 24 |
Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit | 33 |
Blessed Are They That Mourn | 43 |
Blessed Are the Meek | 52 |
Righteousness and Blessedness | 61 |
Living the Righteous Life | 289 |
How to Pray | 300 |
Fasting | 310 |
When Ye Pray | 321 |
Prayer Adoration | 332 |
Prayer Petition | 341 |
Treasures on Earth and in Heaven | 351 |
God or Mammon | 358 |
The Tests of Spiritual Appetite | 71 |
Blessed Are the Merciful | 80 |
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart | 90 |
Blessed Are the Peacemakers | 100 |
The Christian and Persecution | 110 |
Rejoicing in Tribulation | 119 |
The Salt of the Earth | 129 |
The Light of the World | 138 |
Let Your Light So Shine | 148 |
Christ and the Old Testament | 157 |
Christ Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets | 165 |
Righteousness Exceeding That of the Scribes and Pharisees | 174 |
The Letter and the Spirit | 184 |
Thou Shalt Not Kill | 194 |
The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin | 204 |
The Mortification of Sin | 213 |
Christs Teaching on Divorce | 222 |
The Christian and the Taking of Oaths | 231 |
An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth | 239 |
The Cloak and the Second Mile | 247 |
Denying Self and Following Christ | 256 |
Love Your Enemies | 264 |
What Do Ye More than Others? | 274 |
Sins Foul Bondage | 368 |
Be Not Anxious | 378 |
Birds and Flowers | 387 |
Little Faith | 395 |
Increasing Faith | 404 |
Worry Its Causes and Cure | 414 |
Judge Not | 424 |
The Mote and the Beam | 435 |
Spiritual Judgment and Discrimination | 446 |
Seeking and Finding | 456 |
The Golden Rule | 466 |
The Strait Gate | 476 |
The Narrow Way | 487 |
False Prophets | 497 |
The Tree and the Fruit | 507 |
False Peace | 516 |
Unconscious Hypocrisy | 526 |
The Signs of Selfdeception | 536 |
The Two Men and the Two Houses | 546 |
Rock or Sand? | 556 |
The Trial and the Tests of Faith | 565 |
Conclusion | 575 |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount David Martyn Lloyd-Jones,Martin Lloyd-Williams Vista de fragmentos - 1976 |