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the duty of Christian obedience.


same impediments which obstruct the sincere repentance, and the saving faith, of the slave, will necessarily prove an obstacle to his due observance of the commandments of God. In vain shall we look for the obedient heart, if the only efficient principle of obedience be wanting. This will account for our finding it so difficult, even when we are supported by the master's countenance and authority, to withdraw the negro from his preseut habits of sensual indulgence, and from the wilful violation of the sanctity of the sabbath: for why should he impose restraint on himself, or sacrifice any portion of his petty and unhallowed gains, when he knows not that he is required on the authority of the great God of the universe, his Creator and his future Judge, to keep holy to the Lord one day in seven, and to crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts?"

6 Gal. v. 24.

But is it true the slave is always a free agent in the services required from the creature to the Creator? Is there no constraint on the soul arising out of the mistaken views of the extent to which the recognized bondage of the body gives authority to the proprietor over his servants? When services are required which involve an unavoidable violation of the sabbath--whether it be directly for the benefit of the master,' or for the more immediate and necessary support of the slave or when encouragement is given to the sale and barter of goods, or to the public dance on the Lord's day, on the plea that no other time can be spared for these purposes, it may with truth be affirmed, that the souls of the slaves are endangered through the unwillingness of the proprietor to relax his hold upon rights which trench on their spiritual welfare. And again, when the or

The law of this island expressly authorizes the master to employ his slaves in "the casking of sugar, until ten of the clock on Sunday morning."

dinance of marriage is discountenanced, because the owner of slaves is afraid that his worldly interests may suffer by its recognition; and all the evils of an unhallowed concubinage are sanctioned, because it is deemed to be a state more in conformity with absolute servitude than the solemn and indissoluble bond which unites those who are of free condition; I cannot but admit that the slave is directly precluded from obeying the commands of the Almighty, and that the master is exercising an undue, and I must add, if I am to regulate my expressions by the laws of God, rather than by the opinions of man, an unauthorized, a sinful, control over the souls of his dependents. These and similar hindrances incidental to the condition of slavery in these colonies, and involving almost of necessity the breach of the divine commandments, assuredly ought not to exist in a Christian land, and among Christian masters.

Under the three several heads which I


have noticed as forming the groundwork of the Christian character, I have perhaps said enough to show that the proprietor who considers himself to be the purchaser of the souls of his slaves, will exercise his authority with a far less regard to their spiritual welfare, than if he limited his purchased rights to their manual and bodily labour alone. He will grudge the time necessary for the acquirement of a knowledge of their religious duties or he will harbour undue suspicions of the application of this knowledge--or he will regard even the very precepts of our religion as calculated to interfere with his secular interests, and to diminish the productive labour of his people. There will be always present to him, the apprehension of some loss which will appear to be inadequately repaid by the increased integrity and superior moral worth of the dependent.

Is he called on by the authorized minister of God's word to allow the young and

ignorant on his plantation to be instructed, so that the darkness of heathenism may give place to the light of the gospel, and their present indifference to spiritual things may be supplanted by an earnest desire to prepare for the coming of their Lord? Is the Bible brought forward, accompanied with the solemn charge of our Saviour, search the Scriptures, and does the spiritual guide of the parish urge the importance of teaching the children a knowledge of letters, that they may at their leisure read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the revealed word of God, and in seasons of sickness, or when labouring under the infirmities of old age, may have a sure solace in their affliction, and a most profitable employment to fill up the vacuity of their declining years? Hear the reply which the master who claims an absolute right to the souls of his slaves will confidently make, nor will his practice vary from it“ I can afford neither the time, nor the money,

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