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Sauces and Raggoufts, and Food difguis'd by all the Arts of Cookery, muft tempt their Palates, when their Bellies are full; and then, for fear the Stomach fhould be over-charg'd, a Pretence is found for t'other Glafs of Wine to help Digestion, tho' it only ferves to increase the Surfeit.

Is my young Mafter a little out of Order, the firft Question is, What will my Dear eat? What shall I get for thee? Eating and Drinking are inftantly prefs'd; and every Body's Invention is fet on Work to find out fomething, lufcious and delicate enough to prevail over that Want of Appetite, which Nature has wifely order'd in the Beginning of Diftempers, as a Defence againft their Increafe, that being freed from the ordinary Labour of digefting any new Load in the Stomach, the may be at Leifure to correct, and mafter the peccant Humours.

And where Children are fo happy in the Care of their Parents, as by their Prudence to be kept from the Excefs of their Tables, to the Sobriety of a plain and fimple Diet, yet there too they are fcarce to be preferv'd from the Contagion that poisons the Mind; though, by a difcreet Management whilft they are under Tuition, their Healths perhaps may be pretty well fecure, yet their Defires muft needs yield to the Leffons which every where will be read to them upon this Part of Epicurifm. The Commendation that eating well has every where, cannot fail


to be a fuccefsful Incentive to natural Appetite, and bring them quickly to the Liking and Expence of a fafhionable Table, This fhall have from every one, even the Reprovers of Vice, the Title of Living well. And what shall fullen Reafon dare to fay against the publick Teftimony? Or can it hope to be heard, if it fhould call that Luxury, which is fo much own'd, and univerfally practis'd by thofe of the beft Quality?

This is now fo grown a Vice, and has fo great Supports, that I know not whether it do not put in for the Name of Vertue; and whether it will not be thought Folly,or Want of Knowledge of the World, to open ones Mouth against it? And truly I fhould fufpect, that what I have here faid of it, might be cenfur'd as a little Satyr out of my Way, did I not mention it with this View, that it might awaken the Care and Watchfulness of Parents in the Education of their Children, when they fe how they are beset on every Side, not only with Temptations, but Inftructors to Vice, and that perhaps in thofe they thought Places of Security.

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I fhall not dwell any longer on this Subject, much lefs run over all the Particulars that would fhew what Pains are us'd to corrupt Children, and inftil Principles of Vice into them: But I defire Parents foberly to confider, what Irregularity or Vice there is, which Children are not vifibly taught, and


whether it be not their Duty and Wisdom to provide them other Inftructions.

. 38. It seems plain to me, Craving. that the Principle of all Vertue and Excellency, lies in a Power of denying our felves the Satisfaction of our own Defires, where Reafon does not authorize them. This Power is to be got and improv❜d by Custom, made easy and familiar by an early Practice.

If therefore I might be heard, I would advise, that, contrary to the ordinary Way, Children should be us'd to fubmit their Defires, and go without their Longings, even from their very Cradles. The firft Thing they fhould learn to know, fhould be, that they were not to have any Thing because it pleas'd them, but because it was thought fit for them. If Things fuitable to their Wants, were fupply'd to them, fo that they were never fufter'd to have what they once cry'd for, they would learn to be content without it, would never, with Bawling and Peeviflimefs, contend for Maftery, nor be half fo uneafy to themfelves and others, as they are, becaufe from the firft Beginning they are not thus handl'd. If they were never fuffer'd to obtain their Defire by the Impatience they exprefs'd for it, they would no more cry for other Thing, than they do for the Moon.:

§. 39. I fay not this, as if Children were not to be indulg'd in any Thing, or that I expected they should in Hanging-Sleeves,

have the Reafon and Conduct of Counsellors. I confider them as Children, who must be tenderly us'd, who muft play, and have Play-Things. That which I mean, is, that whenever they crav'd what was not fit for them to have or do, they should not be permitted it, because they were little, and defir'd it; nay, whatever they were importunate for, they fhould be fure, for that very Reafon, to be deny'd. I have feen Children at a Table, who, whatever was there, never afk'd for any Thing, but contentedly took what was given them: And at another Place, I have feen others cry for every, Thing they faw, must be ferv'd out of every Difh, and that firft too. What made this valt Difference, but this? That one was accuftom'd to have what they call'd or cry'd for, the other to go without it. The younger they are, the lefs I think are their unruly and diforderly Appetites to be comply'd with, and the lefs Reafon they have of their own, the more are they to be under the abfolute Power and Reftraint of thofe in whofe Hands they are, From which, I confefs, it will follow, that none but difcreet People fhould be about them. If the World commonly does otherwife, I cannot help that. I am faying what I think fhould be, which, if it were already in Fafhion, I fhould not need to trouble the World with a Difcourfe on this Subject. But yet I doubt not, but C


when it is confider'd, there will be others of Opinion with me, that the fooner this Way is begun with Children, the easier it will be for them, and their Governors too; and, that this ought to be obferv'd as an inviolable Maxim, that whatever once is deny'd them, they are certainly not to obtain by Crying or Importunity, unless one has a Mind to teach them to be impatient and troublesome, by rewarding them for it when they are fo.

§. 40. Those therefore that inEarly. tend ever to govern their Children, fhould begin it whilft they are very little, and look that they perfectly comply with the Will of their Parents. Would you have your Son obedient to you, when paft a Child? Be fure then to eftablifh the Authority of a Father, as foon as he is capable of Submiflion, and can understand in whofe Power he is If you would have him ftand in Awe of you, imprint it in his Infancy; and, as he approaches more to a Man, admit him nearer to your Familiarity; fo fhall you have him your obedient Subject (as is fit) whilft he is a Child, and your affectionate Friend when he is a Man. For methink they mightily misplace the Treatment due to their Children, who are indulgent and familiar, when they are little, but fevere to them, and keep them at a Distance, when they are grown up: For Liberty and Indulgence


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