Imágenes de páginas

costs 360 reals a-year, and 90 reals a quarter-in the Canaries and Balearic Isles, 400 reals a-year, and in the Indies 440 reals a-year and 110 reals a quarter. The Gaceta appears daily, and each number is sold at a cost of ten cuartos. The Parte Officiel contains, in the first place, a daily account of the health of her Majesty, which, as it is generally hearty and robust, is modified somewhat in the following fashion > La Reina Nuestra

Senora (Q DG) y su Augusta Real familia continuan en esta • corte sin novedad en su interesante salud.'

Then follow the different royal decrees under the different ministries of Estado Gobernacion, Gracia, y-Justicia, Marine, &c. These sometimes occupy three, sometimes four columns. Then follows a list of the promotions, whether as Grandees, Senators, or the Army, Navy, &c. The non-official part of the Gaceta contains the foreign news from England, France, and other countries; and then come the Noticias Nacionales, or domestic news from Alicant and Barcelona, down to Vittoria, Zaragoza, and Zamora.

If the Cortes be sitting, then follow the debates in the Senado, or Senate, and in the Congreso de los Deputados, or Spanish House of Commons, of the day before. Of original political writing, or leading article work, the Gaceta contains none; but in place of these there are, sometimes, economical and agricultural extracts, or paragraphs touching meat, drink, clothing, vegetables, gardening, and the like. The Gaceta is about the size of the French Siècle, containing twelve columns, of which not a single portion is original matter. The responsible editor is Gervallo Tzaga, and his work could be just as well done by any printer, or printer's reader, of Madrid, London, or Paris, who understood the Spanish language. The circulation of the Gazette is not known, but as it is taken in in all government offices, and by all public functionaries, it must be considerable.

The Eco del Comercio is considerably larger in size than the Gaceta; in fact, it is within an inch of the size of the Journal des Débats. The Eco del Comercio is a daily morning paper of Exaltado and Progresista principles, and was once the great organ of the Spanish liberals. It lost ground, however, when it was bought by Count Parsent, to advocate the interests of the Infant Don Francisco de Paula and his family, and still more when it joined the coalition against Espartero. Mendialdna and Meca were the proprietors of the paper, and they also

took a share in the editorship; but the principal writer in the Eco, till lately, was Juan Bautista Alonso, Under Secretary of the Home Department, or Gobernacion in the Lopes and Caballero ministry of 1843. Terradillos and Castañeira also wrote in it not very ong ago; but whether they still contribute we are unable to affirm positively. The price of the Eco in Madrid is 16 reals a month, or 96 reals a year; in the provinces it is 20 reals a month, and 234 by the year. Each number sells over the counter for 10 cuartos. The circulation of the Eco was about from 1500 to 2000 in the past year, and it is not supposed to have risen within the present. The private correspondence of the Eco, from all parts of Spain, is copious, but strongly tinged with party bias. It generally contains about three columns of leading articles, which would be equal to about one column of our Herald or Times leaders, or about one and a quarter of the Chronicle. The original writing has always appeared to us somewhat turgid and bombastic. Occasionally humorous pasquinades may be found in the back pages, but always written in a strong Progresista party spirit.

The Clamor Publico is also a morning Progresista paper, founded in 1844, and is of the same size as the Eco del Comercio. It is, however, more pithily and less turgidly written, and contains a greater quantity of leading-article matter. The articles are-a rare virtue in a Spanish newspaper-distinguished by brevity. The proprietor of the Clamor is Fernando Corradi, and the editors Perez, Calvo, Galvez, Carnero, Rascon, and Letamendi. The number of subscribers varies from about 2500 to 3000. The number of advertisements in the Clamor is from two to nine, and rarely amounts to a dozen. The folletin, or feuilleton, is generally filled with a translation from the productions of Dumas, Soulie, Balzac, or some celebrated Feuilletoniste of Paris. The price of the Clamor in Madrid is 12 reals a month, 20 in the provinces, 28 in foreign countries, and 30 in countries out of Europe.

The Heraldo, a morning and evening paper, was, two years ago, an out-and-out Narvaez organ; and, indeed, has always been friendly to the Duke of Valencia. It was entirely ministerial in 1845 and 46, when the Duke of Valencia was President of the Council and Minister of War, and was said to have been purchased for Narvaez, in the beginning of 1846, by Don Gonzalo José de Vilches, deputy for Toledo, a stock-jobber on the Stock Exchange of Madrid, and who succeeded José Salamanca, the present Minister of Hacienda, or Finance, as Narvaez's man of business. At the period of which we speak, Patricio Escosura, at present Minister of Gobernacion, was for a short time the editor, in which office he succeeded Louis José Sartorius, deputy for Cuenca, and José de Zaragoza, deputy for Ciudad Real, who were proprietors as well as editors of the paper. During their incumbency Alcala Galiano, one of the deputies for Madrid, and one of the most eloquent and learned men in Spain, was a frequent contributor, and so was Senor Ortez Canseco Coello Alfaro, who speaks and writes French with great fluency, who was, in truth, educated in France, and who is correspondent to more than one French newspaper; Andnaga and Perrot were also regular and frequent contributors. Well penned articles occasionally appear in the Heraldo; but it is a paper generally written in an insincere Jesuitical and antinational spirit. Till the middle of the past year it was the organ of the higher Moderadoes and Afrancesados, Narvaez, Mon, Pidal, Mayans, &c.; and still it represents their opinions, and, in a great degree, the personal views of Narvaez. Its circulation in 1843 and 44 amounted to 6000 or 7000 copies, but in 1846 it had fallen to 4800, and now that the Faro has been set up by Mon and Pidal, it is probable it does not circulate more than 4000 copies, if so much. The advertisements in the

, Heraldo are, for a Madrid journal, considerable. They amount from about eighteen to twenty-four daily. In its folletin there is nothing original, the feuilleton being altogether translations from French feuilletonists of celebrity. The subscription for Madrid is 12 reals a month, 20 for the provinces and foreign countries, and 24 en ultra mar, or out of Europe.

The Espanol is not particularly connected with any party; and there are queer stories current in Madrid as to the manner in which it was established. The proprietor and editor is, or was, in the past year, a person of the name of Andres Borrego, the son of a Spanish refugee. Don Andres was educated in Paris at the Ecole Militaire of St. Cyr. He was a pupil there some three or four and thirty years ago, and among his contemporaries no very creditable things are stated as to his earlier career. After he left St. Cyr, Borrego, we believe, resided some time in England, and sufficiently acquired the language to be able to write in it. In 1829, 30, and 31, he was Paris correspondent of the Morning Herald newspaper, and

, after the death of Ferdinand returned to Madrid. By the aid of the Countess Montigo, the daughter of a Mr. Kirkpatrick, formerly our Consul at Malaga, or Alicant, Don Andres was enabled to launch into Journalism, and the Espanol owes to him its paternity. From the moment it appeared it certainly was the most complete and perfect thing of the kind that had seen the light in Spain. Not merely was it well got up mechanically, but the correspondence, domestic and foreign, was the best that was published in any Spanish paper. The letters from London, Paris, Vienna, Rome, Naples, Florence, the Hague, &c., which frequently filled its columns, were skilfully and artistically compiled, though written in the Calle del Pez at Madrid. There could be no doubt whatever that Borrego had readiness, tact, and wonderful facility and flexibility; and that either from reading or travel he had acquired a very considerable knowledge of the leading political men in all the capitals of Europe. The leading articles, too, were tolerably written, with some knowledge of the subject, and without that turgid grandiloquence and wordiness for which Spanish newspapers are so remarkable. Borrego was supposed to have been aided in his labours by Chova, Campo, Amor, Seijas, Escobar, &c. But notwithstanding the unquestioned talent of his journal, its occasional original reviews and folletin, its excellent arrangement, clear type, good paper, and creditable getting up, the circulation of the Espanol fluctuated between 2000 and 3000. It certainly never exceeded, if, indeed, it ever amounted to the latter number; and its advertisements rarely amounted to ten, while they more frequently were only half the number. People asked why was this--and the reason assigned was, that no body of men, or no party in Spain, could trust Andres Borrego. Some there were who knew the man and his doings more intimately, who stated that the services of his journal, as well as his own, were secured for a consideration by a certain foreign ambassador, accredited to the Court of St. lidefonso by a first-rate power. This may be scandal, but it was, and is, universally credited.

A short time ago Borrego is understood to have sold his proprietary interest in this journal to others, though his literary connexion with it is still kept up. The journal, however, is no longer what it was two years ago. Not only is it worse managed mechanically, but it is printed on worse paper and in a worse type. The spirit of the manufactured correspondence has evaporated, and the leading articles are staler, and more tame. During the discussions on the Treaty of Utrecht, and its bearing on the Montpensier marriage, there were some good articles in the Espanol; and Borrego, who is a man of consider. able reading and research, is believed to have furnished to Mr. Henry Bulwer materials for his notes on the subject.

The price of the Espanol in Madrid is 12 reals a month, and 125 reals a year; .in the provinces it is 21 reals a month, and 220 a year. It is a morning and evening paper, i.e. there is an evening edition.

The Espectador is an Esparterist Progresista print, appearing every morning. The responsible editor is one Francisco Sales de Fuentes, and the proprietor Cordero, the rich Maragato deputy, who owns so much house and other property in Madrid, and who was obliged to fly to Lisbon at the period of the down fal of the Regent. The principal writers in the Espectador were Ortiz and Serrano. We say were, for journals in Spain repre

sent individuals and cliques, and change writers and proprietors from month to month. Unless, therefore, one has a correspondent always on the spot watching these changes, it were impossible for a monthly, still more impossible for a quarterly journal, to give an accurate account of the chances and changes befalling Spanish newspapers. The Espectador is, to our apprehension, conducted without any extraordinary ability. It is ever harping on one string—the Regent, the whole Regent, and nothing but the Regent!

A proof of the remark, touching the chances and changes in modern Spanish journals, is afforded by the history of an evening paper called the Castellano. In the early part of 1846 it was called the Castellano, and was a small Moderado organ, professing impartiality, which it proved after its own fashion, by writing every day in a different sense. Aniceto Alvarez, then and now deputy for Segovia, and administrator of the Bienees Nacionales, was the proprietor and chief editor. He was aided by Mendez Alvaro y Prida. In 1845 this journal was published at 10 reals a month; in April 1846 it reduced its price to six, and its size to one sheet of Punch; or we may, perhaps, more aptly say, to the size of a sheet of foreign post, and changed its name from Castellano to El Neutral, the latter name being adopted by the proprietor and chief editor, for no other reason but that he wished to be neutral himself. Not finding his neutrality profitable, either as a deputy or a journalist, he has in the last month given his paper the name of El Popular (the Progresistas call it the Unpopular), and it is now one of the most furious denouncers of Bulwer, and raves in very short, but very violent columns, about native industry, Catalonia, manufactures, &c. The best of the joke is, that about eight months before this last change, Alvaro was president at the dinner given to Cobden by the soi disant free-traders of Madrid. The circulation of the Castellano never exceeded 1500; and it is probable that the Neutral and Popular never exceeded 1000.

The Universal is a morning and evening paper, established in December 1845, by José Salamanca, the present Minister of Hacienda, then banker, stock-broker, and salt contractor. The price was eight reals a month. At its starting Salamanca boasted it had a circulation of 4000; but that man, with too many irons in the fire, and too little capital, moral, moneyed, or intellectual,—who was and is, like the doctors of Valencia, Medicos de Valencia haldas largas y poco ciencia—with long skirts, little science, and no truth, and who said more in a day than you could believe in a month,--did not, and does not, always speak with a proper regard to facts and figures, as the creditors of

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