You formerly observed to me that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life than the disparity we often find in him sick and well ; thus one of an unfortunate constitution is perpetually exhibiting a miserable example of the weakness of his... The British Essayists;: Guardian - Página 49por Alexander Chalmers - 1807Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Joseph Addison - 1733 - 382 páginas
...pubKfhingv it is at your fervice, and take it as follows. *. Hear Dear Sir. . : , YO U formerly obfcrved to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well. Thus one of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - 1734 - 382 páginas
...obferved to me that nothing made ' 1 a more ridiculous Figure in a Man's Life, than the ' Difparity we often find in him Sick and Well. Thus ' one of an unfortunate Confutation is perpetually ex' Jiibiting a miferable Example of the Weaknefs of his 'Mind, or of his... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1735 - 262 páginas
...the beft of it. I am •. . • : i Your, &c. POPE to Mr. STEELE. Julyi$, 1712. YOU formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well : Thus one of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1735 - 468 páginas
...the beft of it. I am, Your, &c. Mr. P o PE to Mr. STEEL E. jteiJ, 171 «• YO U formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well : Thus one Of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1737 - 376 páginas as well as he can, and to make the beft of it. I am Your, &c. LETTER LII. YO U formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well : thus one of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 306 páginas
...qftavQ, Page 3 and 4. , •' P, •. LETTER III. To Mr. STEELE. July 15, 1712. YOU formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well : thus one of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 304 páginas
...w.orka, oftavoi Page 3 and 4, P. LETLETTER III. To Mr. ST B:E i, E, July 15, 1712, YOU' formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well : thus one of an unfortunate conftitujion is perpetually... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 310 páginas, bftavo, Page 3 and 4. P. LETLETTER III. To Mr. STEEL E. July 15, 1712. YOU formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well : thus one of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1753 - 376 páginas worth publiming, it is at your fervice, and take it as follows. Dear 5/r, YOU formerly obferved to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find in him fick and well. Thus one of an unfortunate conftitution is perpetually... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1757 - 366 páginas
...of it. I am , t. Your, &c. LETTER HI. • .; To Mr. STEEL E. July 15, 1712. I YO U formerly obferv'd to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life, than the difparity we often find, in him fick and * The foregoing Similitudes our Author had put inro verl'e... | |
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