Modesty, pieces laid aside, N. 118. A modesty piece Mole hill, a lively image of the earth, N. 153. Ν. 163. Morning prayer recommended. N. 65. there, N. 114, Mountespan, Madam, recommended Madam Mum, Ned, his letter concerning the silent club, Myia, daughter of Pythagoras, account of her and NATURAL history, a diverting and improving study, Natural pleasures, what they are, N. 49. Ν. 169. Imitated by Art, N. 103. Necks of women immodestly exposed, N. 100, 109, 118, 121. Netherlands, their advantages over the French, N. 52. Nomenclators, who, 107. Norwood, John, peruke-maker, his petition N. 64. ODDITIES, the English famous for them, N. 144. Oedipus, faults in that tragedy, N. 110. - mals, N. 61. Strada's, N. 122. PAINTING, in Poetry, what it is, N. 86. ed in fire-works, N. 103. Ν. 57. too careful and mercenary in disposing of Paschal, Mr. his observations on Cromwel's death, Passions, disasters attending irregular passions, Ν. 8. Pastoral life, at the first period of the world, its fecility, N. 22. qualities thereof, N. 23. poetry, N. 40. criticisms thereon N. 23. 40. rules for writing it, N. 30. poetry explained by an allegory, N. 32. of Sanazarius condemned, ibid. Peace, proclaimed, and prayers on that occasion, Ν. 80. Pedants, their veneration for Greek and Latin con- demned, N. 90. Pedigrees, the vanity of them ridiculed, N. 137. Ν. 82. broke his heart for growing fat, ibid. Peripatetics of Gray's inn, 44. Persian Sultan, an instance of the justice of one, Ν. 95. Peruke, a kind of index to the mind, N. 149. Ν. 30. Ν. 32. Philogram, his letter on speech and letters, N. 172. one, N. 61. Philosopher's stone, Mr. Ironside's search after it, Ν. 166. Physicians, never take physic, N. 174. Ν. 175. Picts, woman untuckered, advised to imitate them, Ν. 140. Pidgeon, Bat, the hair cutter, recommended, N. 1. Ν. 43. his petition, Ν. 64. Pilpay, his fable on the cruel usage of animals, N. 61. Pindar, compared with. Tom D'Urfey, N. 67. Pineal, gland in the brain discovered by Des Cartes, Ν. 35. voyage through several, ibid. Pismires, nations of them described, N. 153.. Plain, Tom, his letter complaining of great hoop Plato, his opinion of a future state, N. 27. his answer to a scandalous report of him, Ν. 85. what he said of censure, N. 135. variety of, prepared for the different stages fantastical, N. 49. natural, what, ibid. sensual, the lowest, N. 62. not to be exclaimed against in the reclaim- Plotting Sisters, that play honoured by the presence Plutarch, examples of his good nature N. 61. tragic errors committed by them, N. 110. compared with dress, N. 149. - different styles required for the different kinds Polydore and Melissa, their story, N. 85. Poor, mostly provided for by the middle kind of people, N. 79. Pope, his pastorals compared with those of Phillips, Ν. 40. - his description of a war-horse, N. 86. Ν. 141. Poppy, Ned, the story-teller, described, N. 24 138. Posture-master, his frolics about clothes, N. 102. Pounce, Hugh, the iron poet, his petition, N. 64. that work, N. 63. - made by Henry IV. of France before a battle Ν. 19. - Common, of the Church of England, its ex- Prejudice, allegorically described, N. 39. Property-man at the play-house, his office, N. 82. at the play robbed, N. 95. Proteus compared to death, N. 95. Proverbs, when the use of them is insupportable, Ν. 24. concerning a good mistress of a family, N.168. Psalm, 137, translated by Sir Philip Sidney, Ν. 18. humorous mistakes concerning it, N. 58. Punning, an apology, for it, N. 36. robbed, N. 95. Puzzle, Peter, his dream, N. 106. 165. -his invention of the foundation of British |