CONTENTS. 123. On Seducers of Innocence-Letter to one from another ....... ADDISON 124. Letters from an University Lion-on .. BERKELEY L. EUSDEN 128. On the Demolition of Dunkirk 129. On Anger, Revenge, Duelling .. STEELE .... 130. Merit of the speculative and active Part of Mankind 131, On Habits of Sloth and Vice .... 132. Letters from a young Man in Sickness- from the Husband of a Woman that is never in the Wrong-from the Wife of one of the Dumb Club-on naked Breasts...... Lord Bruce 133. Duel between Sir Edward Sackville and 134. The Lion, how treated by the Town- Complaint of a Wife's Dress ..... BARTELETT STEELE STEELE ADDISON -Story of Schacabac 163. Letter from an insulted Chaplain-Poem .... by Sir Thomas More.. 164. On Translations-Speech of Pluto from Claudian ..... L. EUSDEN 167. Story of Helim and Abdallah 168. Character of a Mistress of a Family from the Book of Proverbs-Translation ...... 170, Extract from General Maxims of Trade. 171. Good done by the Author's Speculations -Letter from a Short Writer-in Defence of bare Necks. 172. On the Invention of Letters-Poem in praise of Writing.. 173. On laying out Gardens-whimsical Form of Yews POPE 174. On the Manners of the Bath Visitors.. STEELE 175. On Boyle's Lecture-Derham's Physico- Theology .......... .... 176. Three Letters intended for the Guardian HUGHES |