AN ACT IN RELATION TO SAFE DEPOSIT, LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES. (Chapter 413, Acts of 1888.) SECTION 1. All safe deposit, loan and trust companies hereafter incorporated under the authority of this Commonwealth may exercise the powers and shall be governed by the rules and subject to the duties, liabilities and provisions contained in this chapter. And they shall also be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in chapter one hundred and five of the Public Statutes, so far as the same do not conflict with the provisions of this chapter, and to all general laws which now are or hereafter may be in force relating to such corporations: provided, that no safe deposit, loan or trust company, incorporated hereafter shall advance money or credits on farm property situated outside of this Commonwealth, or on the bonds or securities of any mortgage investment company. SECT. 2. The capital stock of such corporation shall not be less than one hundred thousand dollars nor more than one million dollars, divided into shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each; and no business shall be transacted by the corporation until the whole amount of its capital is subscribed for and actually paid in, and no shares shall be issued until the par value of such shares shall have actually been paid in in cash. SECT. 3. The officers of every such corporation shall consist of a president, clerk, or secretary, a board of not less than seven directors, a treasurer or actuary, or both, and such other officers as may be prescribed by its by-laws. SECT. 4. The officers of every such corporation, except the treasurer and actuary, shall be chosen at its annual mecting. The treasurer and actuary shall be appointed by the directors, and shall hold their respective offices during the pleasure of the board of directors and shall give bond for the faithful discharge of their duties to the satisfaction of said board. SECT. 5. The corporation may adopt by-laws for the proper management of its affairs consistent with law, may establish rules and regulations controlling the assignment and transfer of its shares, may determine what number of shares shall be represented at any meeting to constitute a quorum. If the quorum is not so determined, a majority in interest of the stockholders shall constitute a quorum. SECT. 6. Every such corporation is hereby authorized to receive on deposit, storage or otherwise, moneys, government securities, stocks, bonds, coin, jewelry, plate, valuable papers and documents, evidences of debt and other property of every kind, upon such terms or conditions as may be obtained or agreed upon, and at the request of the depositor to collect and disburse the interest or income upon such of said property received on deposit as produces interest or income, and to collect and disburse the principal of such of said property as produces interest or income when it becomes due, upon terms to be prescribed by the corporation, and also to advance money or credits on real property within the Commonwealth, and on personal security on terms that may be agreed upon; and all the rights and privileges necessary for the execution of such powers are hereby granted. Deposits under this section shall be general deposits, and may be made by corporations and persons acting individually or in any trust capacity. SECT. 7. Any court of law or equity, and any court of probate and insolvency of this Commonwealth, may by decree or otherwise direct any moneys or properties under its control, or that may be paid into court by parties to any legal proceedings, or which may be brought into court by reason of any order or judgment, to be deposited with such corporation, upon such terms and subject to such instructions as the court may prescribe: provided, however, that such corporation shall not be required to assume or execute any trust without its assent. APPENDIX. Such corporation shall also have power to receive and hold moneys or property in trust or on deposit from executors, administrators, assignees, guardians and trustees, upon such terms or conditions as may be obtained or agreed upon: provided, also, that all such moneys or property received under the provisions of this section shall be loaned on or invested only in the authorized loans of the United States, or of any of the New England states, or cities or counties or towns thereof, or of the states of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, or the cities or counties thereof, or stocks of state or national banks organized within this Commonwealth, or in the first mortgage bonds of any railroad company incorporated by any of the New England states and whose road is located wholly or in part in the same and which has earned and paid regular dividends on all its issues of capital stock for two years next preceding such loan or investment, or in the bonds of any such railroad company unencumbered by mortgages, or in first mortgages on real estate in this Commonwealth, or in any securities in which savings banks are allowed to invest, or upon notes, with two sureties, of manufacturing corporations established under the laws of this state, or of individuals with a sufficient pledge as collateral of any of the aforesaid securities; but all real estate acquired by foreclosure of mortgage or by levy of execution shall be sold at public auction within two years after such foreclosure or levy; provided, also, that all such money or property received, invested or loaned under this section shall be a special deposit in such corporation, and the accounts thereof shall be kept separate, and such funds, and the investment or loans of them, shall be specially appropriated to the security and payment of such deposits, and not to be subject to the other liabilities of the corporation; and for the purpose of securing the observance of this proviso, such corporation shall have a trust department into which all business authorized by this section shall be kept separate and distinct from its general business. SECT. 8. Every such corporation may be appointed trustee under any will or instrument creating a trust for xlix the care and management of property, under the same circumstances and in the same manner, and subject to the same control by the court having jurisdiction of the same, as in the case of a legally qualified person. The capital stock of such corporations, with the liabilities of the stockholders existing thereunder, together with the trust guarantee fund as hereinafter provided, shall be held as security for the faithful discharge of the duties undertaken by virtue of sections seven and eight, or of any existing similar provision of law as applicable to any such corporation heretofore chartered, and no surety shall be required upon the bonds filed by such corporation. In all proceedings in the probate court or elsewhere, connected with any authority exercised under this section, or under similar provisions relating to any such corporation heretofore chartered, all accounts, returns and other papers may be signed and sworn to, in behalf of the corporation, by any officer thereof duly authorized by it, and the answers and examinations under oath of said officer shall be received as the answers and examinations of the corporation, and the court may order and compel any and all officers of such corporation to answer and attend said examination in the same manner as if they were parties to the proceedings of inquiry instead of the corporation: provided, however, that such corporation shall not be required to receive or hold any property or moneys, or to execute any trust, without its assent; provided, also, that it shall be competent for the party making a deposit with the company, to direct whether such money and property shall be held and invested separately or invested in the general trust fund of the company, and provided, also, that the corporation shall always be bound to follow and be governed by all directions contained in any will or instrument under which it may act. SECT. 9. No money, property or securities received or held by such corporation under the provisions of sections seven and eight of this act shall be mingled with the investments of the capital stock or other moneys or property belonging to such corporation, or be liable for the debts or obligations thereof. |