WALTHAM SAVINGS BANK - WALTHAM. Incorporated March 18, 1853. Present number of corporators, 28. ENOS T. LUCE, President. CHARLES F. STONE, Treasurer. JOSEPH F. GIBBS, Clerk of the Corporation. Names of committee charged with the investment of its funds: Open for business every business day, except Saturdays, 8.30 A.M. to 2.30 P.M; Saturdays, 8 30 A.M. to 1 P.M.; Wednesdays, for deposits only, 7 to 8 30 р.м. Loans on Bank Stock, amount on each: On 13 shares Waltham National Bank, Waltham, $40,120 32 49,000 00 $900 00 750 00 350 00 * A legal investment when made. Waltham Savings Bank - Concluded. Total Amount of Loans, with Each Specified Rate of Interest. Number of loans which are of an amount not exceeding $3,000 each, 351 $504,160 00 Total number of loans upon real estate, 468 Gross amount of interest or profits received or earned, as per books, during year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 124,591 18 Times for the dividends fixed by the by-laws: second Wednesday in April and October. year ending Oct. 31, 1893, Rate and amount of each semi-annual dividend during the 12 per cent., { 47,515 04 per cent., 48,100 62 Number of accounts opened during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 1,368 Number of accounts closed during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 1,244 Total number of open accounts Oct. 31, 1893, 9,385 Total expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1893 (exclu sive of taxes), 8,374 15 Amount of deposits, not including dividends, received during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 604,737 28 Number of same, 10,002 Amount of withdrawals, including dividends, during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 664,077 53 Number of same, 11,242 Date of examination by commissioner: April 29. WARE SAVINGS BANK - WARE. Incorporated March 5, 1850. Present number of corporators, 50. LEWIS N. GILBERT, President. FREDERICK D. GILMORE, Treasurer. GEO. W. DUNHAM, Clerk of the Corporation. Names of committee charged with the investment of its funds: Open for business every business day, except Saturday, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.; Saturday, 9 AM to 2 Ρ.Μ. National Exchange Bank, Boston, Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Boston, $6,263 42 22,479 73 32 59 * Legal investments when made. |