SPRINGFIELD FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK- Incorporated April 27, 1854. Present number of corporators, 29. WILLIAM RICE, President. DANIEL J. MARSH, Treasurer. HENRY D. MARSH, Clerk of the Corporation. Names of committee charged with the investment of its funds: Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank - Continued. Loans on Bank Stock, amount on each: On 14 shares Hadley Falls National Bank, Holyoke, On 53 shares Third National Bank, Springfield, On 49 shares Springfield National Bank, Springfield, On 45 shares Springfield National Bank, Springfield, On 25 shares National Bank of the Commonwealth, Boston, On 10 shares Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Springfield, :} On 30 shares Springfield National Bank, Springfield, $7,500 00 :} 5,400 00 5,000 00 4,900 00 3,700 00 3,400 00 3,000 00 200 00 On 2 shares Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Springfield, Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank - Continued. Detailed Statement of Bank Stocks. Total Amount of Loans, with Each Specified Rate of Interest. $202,000 00 4 per cent. $80,000 00 44 per cent. $3,057,884 00 5 per cent. Amount invested in real estate for banking purposes, . Estimated value of the same, Assessed value of the same, Net income received from same during year ending Oct. 31, 1893, $180,000 00 180,000 00 156,500 00 4,593 48 Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank - Concluded. Aggregate amount of the same, $728,059 00 551 Gross amount of interest or profits received or earned, as per books, during year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 177,136 17 Times for the dividends fixed by the by-laws: January 15 and July 15. per cent., year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 12 per cent, Number of accounts opened during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 2,196 1,961 10,936 Total expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1893 (exclusive of taxes),. 8,801 41 Amount of deposits, not including dividends, received during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 841,187 38 Number of same, 12,055 Amount of withdrawals, including dividends, during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 880,822 39 Number of same, 8,614 Date of examination by commissioner: June 13. |