BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK - FRANKLIN. Incorporated Feb. 1, 1871. Present number of corporators, 39. DAVIS THAYER, Jr., President. CHARLES W. STEWART, Treasurer. CHARLES W. STEWART, Clerk of the Corporation. Names of committee charged with the investment of its funds: Open for business every business day, 9 Α.Μ. to 12 м., 1 to 4 P.M. On 50 shares Mechanics and Traders' National Bank, Portsmouth, N. H., On 4 shares New Hampshire National Bank, Portsmouth, N. H., 10,000 00 On 30 shares Second National Bank, Fall River,. On 10 shares Pocasset National Bank, Fall River, On 5 shares National Union Bank, Fall River, Loan on Railroad Bonds: On $8,000 Boston & Maine R.R. 4s, Detailed Statement of Public Funds. $8,000 00 Benjamin Franklin Savings Bank - Concluded. Detailed Statement of Railroad Bonds. Total Amount of Loans, with Each Specified Rate of Interest. Value, by books, of real estate held or owned by foreclosure or otherwise, $11,263 15 Assessed value of the same, 13,413 00 Net income received from same during year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 173 36 Number of loans which are of an amount not exceeding $3,000 each,. 265 Aggregate amount of the same, 180,697.75 Total number of loans upon real estate, 216 Gross amount of interest or profits received or earned, as per books,. during year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 26,335 67 Times for the dividends fixed by the by-laws: first Monday in January and July. Rate and amount of each semi-annual dividend during the 12 per cent., year ending Oct. 31, 1893, per cent., Number of accounts opened during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 274 Number of accounts closed during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 194 Total number of open accounts Oct. 31, 1893, 1,955 Total expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1893 (ex clusive of taxes),. 1,760 89 Amount of deposits, not including dividends, received during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 102,972 89 Number of same, 1,705 Amount of withdrawals, including dividends, during the year ending |