ATHOL SAVINGS BANK - ATHOL. Incorporated Feb. 12, 1867. Present number of corporators, 38. ALPHEUS HARDING, President. WILLIAM D. LUEY, Treasurer. WILLIAM D. LUEY, Clerk of the Corporation. Names of committee charged with the investment of its funds: Loans on Bank Stock, amount on each: On 150 shares Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Springfield, On 36 shares Athol National Bank, Athol, On 8 shares Athol National Bank, Athol, $15,000 00 2,900 00 375 00 Athol Savings Bank - Concluded. Total Amount of Loans, with Each Specified Rate of Interest. Number of loans which are of an amount not exceeding $3,000 each, . 365 $346,099 65 Total number of loans upon real estate, 454 Gross amount of interest or profits received or earned, as per books, during year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 89,590 55 Times for the dividends fixed by the by-laws: January 1 and July 1. Rate and amount of each semi-annual dividend during the (2 per cent., year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 2 per cent., Number of accounts opened during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 1,756 1,682 Total number of open accounts Oct. 31, 1893, 5,019 Total expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1893 (exclusive of taxes),. 5,378 61 Amount of deposits, not including dividends, received during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 293,013 48 Number of same, 3,343 Amount of withdrawals, including dividends, during the year ending Oct. 31, 1893, 324,237 76 Number of same, 3,167 Date of examination by commissioner: March 14. |