and influential religious journals now published in this country. Though the many errors and mistakes which appeared in the articles referred to, were met, and ably corrected, in a series of papers published in the Religious Monitor, for the year 1836-7-yet, how many might, and doubtless did, read and give credit to the errors, who never will see the corrections? And in every erroneous statement of even a historical fact, concerning any portion of the church of Christ, which receives credit to any extent, the general cause of truth suffers. To furnish the religious community, and the members of the Associate Church in particular, with the principal facts necessary to a correct knowledge of the rise and progress of this church in America, is the chief design both of the Historical Introduction and the Biographical Sketches. The facts stated, are all susceptible of being authenticated by the most unquestionable references. Care has been taken to state nothing that rested on doubtful evidence. When the proof is documentary, the authority, in general, is either given at the foot of the page, or referred to in the Appendix. When, also, documents appeared in a perishing condition, and might soon be irrecoverably lost, especially such as appeared to be useful for future reference, and when their nature did not properly admit of their being introduced into the text, they have been inserted in the Appendix. This has sweiled this part of the book beyond the size first contemplated; it is hoped, however, that it will be neither the least interesting nor useful part. Most, if not all of the documents, will richly compensate for their room. By some, indeed, these documents, as well as the facts published in this volume, may be deemed unseasonable, -as bringing to light the knowledge of transactions which had better been left in oblivion, which was fast spreading her mantle over them. Especially such as are connected with the formation of that Union, which gave rise to the denomination since known as the Associate Reformed Church. And had it been consistent with faithfulness and the interests of truth, the subscriber would gladly enough have suppressed any thing that he had reason to apprehend would be disrelished by any of his readers. But he had a debt to truth to discharge -a higher duty than to consult either his own feelings or the gratification of his readers. He has brought forward no fact which he did not deem important to the faithful history of the events which he has undertaken to record. He believes, also, that a knowledge of the origin of the existing divisions in the visible church, is essential to a sound healing of those divisions. As it is the first attempt, that has as yet been made public, of giving a history of the Associate Church in this country, the subscriber may not always have succeeded in arranging his facts in that order, which a more elaborate historical treatise would require; yet, he trusts, the reader will meet with no difficulty in comprehending the events in the order and connection in which they occurred. In collecting materials for the Biographical Sketches, and particularly in selecting the Discourses, the subscriber acknowledges with gratitude, the kindness and favors which he has received from a number of his brethren and friends. He regrets that he has not been able to present his readers, in this volume, with Discourses, and more particular Sketches of the lives, of Messrs. Gellatly, Arnot, Mathew Henderson, Ebenezer Henderson, and Cree; and also of the late Dr. Banks. In the hope of obtaining some of these for insertion in this volume, the publication has been delayed longer than it otherwise would have been. He also regrets, that in transcribing, an omission of a foot note occurred, referring to Mr. James Leiper, whose name appears as a member of Presbytery, on page 29, and other places. This excellent man and exemplary christian, was, at that time, ruling elder from Mr. Clarkson's congregation, in York county, Penn.; he afterwards removed to Beaver county, Pa., where he was also ruling elder in the congregation at King's Creek, a part of the charge of the late Dr. Anderson. This notice is due to the memory and the worth of this man. His religious deportment and conversation is associated with the earliest recollections of the subscriber. He came to his grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season; about the year 1813. It may also here be noticed, that Mr. Daniel Houston, another of the elders, whose name occurs as taking part in the transactions of that period, died a few years since, at an advanced age, in the bounds of the congregation of Mount Hope, Washington county, Pa., having also sustained to the last, his high character as a religious man. While in the way of filling up omissions, it may also be noticed, that the time of the appointment of Mr. Marshall, and also of Mr. Clarkson, on missions to this country, and their arrival, so far as ascertained, will be found in the Sketches of their lives. It is believed that the Discourses inserted in this volume, will prove more creditable monuments to the memories of their authors, than the most costly marble. It is proper to state, that those of Messrs. Marshall and Beveridge, Dr. Anderson, Messrs. Somerville and Pringle, had been published under the inspection of the authors themselves. That of Mr. Armstrong had been written out by himself and presented to a friend, who kindly permitted the publisher to transcribe it for this volume. Dr. Shaw's was the last preached by him, and printed soon after his decease. All the others have been selected from the manuscripts of the authors, mostly by their friends or families. The subscriber would only further avail himself of this occasion, to say to his friends and the public, and especially to the friends of other deceased ministers of the Associate Church, that if this volume should meet with a favorable reception, it is his intention, Providence permitting, to follow it shortly with another, continuing the History down to the present time; and to furnish, as far as practicable, a more particular sketch of those fathers, whose services and labors in the church are noticed in this volume, and also to complete the list of those who have since rested from their labors. JAMES P. MILLER. ARGYLE, N. Y., April 2d, 1839. CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAP. L.-The first Petition for Supply of Preaching-The Mission of Messrs. Gellatly and Arnot-Their constituting themselves into a Presbyte- ry-New Castle Presbytery's Warning-Results favorably to the cause of the Missionaries-Mr. Arnot returns-Death of Mr. Gellatly-Messrs. Proudfit, Henderson and Mason sent over by the Associate Synod-The ad- mission of, and union with some Burgher Ministers-Disapproved of by the Synod in Scotland-Arrival of Messrs. Smith and Rodger-Union with the Burgher brethren dissolved-Proposed union with the Synod of New-York CHAP. II.-Union proposed between the Reformed Presbytery and the Asso- ciate Presbytery-Conference on the subject at Donegal, in 1777-And at Pequa, in 1778-Mr. Murray's Overture-Presbytery and Conference at Middle Octorara-Diversity of opinion on the subjects discussed-Proposi- tions drawn up for future consideration-Meeting of Presbytery at Big Spring, at which other propositions were drawn up-And to which a repre- sentation and petition was sent, expressing dissatisfaction with the Union- Conference at Pequa, June, 1779-Mr. Linn's sentiments-Attempt to com- promise the difference of sentiment-Case of Mr. Rodger-Andrew Patten- James Martin-Ultimatum drawn up by Messrs. Smith and Marshall-An- swer to, from the Reformed Presbytery-Union apparently abandoned CHAP. III.-Revival of the Union-Terms drawn and agreed upon by some members privately-Subject again introduced into Presbytery-Basis pro- posed-Objections stated-Union closed by the casting vote of the Modera- tor-Protest of Messrs. Marshall, Clarkson and others-Remarks on the Union-The Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania continued-The organi- zation of the Associate Reformed Synod-Remarks-Notices of those who CHAP. IV. Proposal for re-union-Mr. Annan's Ruling Elder-Low state of the Presbytery-Application to the Synod in Scotland for more help-Arri- val of Mr. Anderson-Of Mr. Beveridge-Narrative and Testimony-Unan- imity of the Members-Revival of the Secession cause in the State of New- York-Return of Mr. Henderson-Extension of the Presbytery-The Se- cession cause spreads in western Pennsylvania-In Vermont-In Kentucky- In Tennessee-In the Carolinas and Virginia-The appointment of a Pro- fessor-The first student licensed-Public Covenanting in New-York-Act on Covenanting-On occasional communion-The Synod constituted-Re- |