county, city, town, township or school district thereof, may invest the sinking fund of the state or of such county, town, township or school district in warrants issued under the provisions of this act, maturing prior to the date due of the bonded indebtedness for the payment of which any such sinking fund is created. Said warrants shall also be approved collateral as security for the deposit of any public funds and for the investment of trust funds. Said warrants shall be non-taxable for any purpose. Signing and registration of warrants. Section 8. Said warrants shall be signed by the State Auditor with the seal of his office affixed and shall have interest coupons thereto attached executed with a fac simile signature of the Auditor. Said warrants shall be registered by the State Treasurer with appropriate endorsement thereon, showing such registration. Payment of warrants. Section 9. All warrants and interest thereon when issued as provided for in this act, shall become payable out of the public building fund arising from the sale or rental of section 33, and lands granted to the state in lieu thereof until all of said warrants and interest thereon are fully paid. All warrants shall be paid in the order in which they are issued. Provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to in any manner hold the State of Oklahoma liable for the payment of any of the public building warrants herein authorized or the interest thereon, but shall be paid only out of the public building fund received from the sale or rental of section 33 and lands granted in lieu thereof, as set forth in section 1 of this act. Former warrants to be redeemed at once. Section 10. The State Treasurer is hereby directed to immediately take up and redeem out of the proceeds of the rental and sale of said public land now on hand, all warrants heretofore issued under the provisions of an act entitled "An Act providing for the issuance of patents upon the sale of certain public lands; for the taking of mortgages to secure deferred payments, and to utilize the proceeds thereof. Approved March 24, 1909." Appropriation for expense of issue. Section 11. For the payment of the engraving and issuing of said warrants there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), and for the payment of the expenses of the Treasurer in advertising the sale and for the delivery of the warrants sold under this act, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary. Repeal. Section 12. Sections 1, 2 and 3 of article 3 of the Session Laws of Oklahoma of 1909, entitled "An Act to provide for the issuance of patents upon the sale of certain public lands by the taking of mortgages to secure deferred payments and utilize the proceeds thereof," are hereby repealed. Emergency. Section 13. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace and safety that this act take effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved February 18, 1910. CHAPTER 17. STATE OFFICERS-QUALIFICATIONS OF STATE PRINTER. Senate Bill No. 15. AN ACT to amend section five of article one of chapter sixty-five of the Session Laws of 1907-8, entitled "An Act creating a State Printing Department and providing for a board to manage the same, and providing for the appointment of a State Printer, and thereafter providing for the election of a State Printer on and after 1910, and declaring an emergency." Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. Section five (5) of article one (1) of chapter sixty-five (65), Session Laws of Oklahoma, 1907-08, entitled "An Act creating a State Printing Department and providing for the appointment of a State Printer, and thereafter providing for the election of a State Printer on and after 1910, and declaring an emergency," be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: Section 5. The State Printer, heretofore appointed and confirmed by the Senate, shall serve until the general election in 1910, and until his successor is elected and qualified by law. At the general election in 1910, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected a State Printer, who must have at least eight years' practical experience as a journeyman printer; and the term "journeyman printer" as in this act used, shall mean a qualified person who has first served an apprenticeship of not less than four years at the printing trade. Approved February 23, 1910. CHAPTER 18. PUBLIC HEALTH-WATER DISTRICTS FOR CITIES AND TOWNS. Senate Bill No. 44. (A Bill to be entitled) AN ACT authorizing any city or town, securing its water supply from a stream or reservoir, to establish a water district; authorizing any such city or town to enforce any rules and regulations made by the State Commissioner of Health, the county superintendent of public health, or the city superintendent of public health, for the protection of any such water supply; providing for penalties for the violation of any rule or regulation made for any such water district; and providing for the payment of expenses incident thereto by any city or town operating hereunder; and declaring an emergency. Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahomа: Section 1. Any city or town in this state, securing its water supply from a stream or reservoir located outside of its corporate limits, through its mayor and council or other law making body, shall have the power, and is hereby authorized to designate, by ordinance, a district to be known as a water district; said water district to be designated by metes and bounds, and to embrace any land or lands, directly or indirectly flowing or shedding water into any such stream or reservoir, in the discretion of said city or town; and said city or town, through its mayor and council or other law-making body, shall have the power, and is hereby authorized to enforce any rules and regulations made by the State Commissioner of Health, the county superintendent of public health, or the city superintendent of public health, for the protection of any such water supply. Publication of proceedings. Section 2. All proceedings of cities or towns made hereunder, establishing any such water district; and all rules and regulations made by the State Commissioner of Health, the county superintendent of public health, or the city superintendent of public health, for the protection of any such water supply, shall be published in a like manner as ordinances; and a copy of such published proceedings, including all rules and regulations, shall be served as provided by law in civil actions, on each person, firm, association or corporation owning property in said water district, and upon the head of each family residing in any such water district; and all rules and regulations so made shall be posted in conspicuous places in said water district. Enforcement of regulations-expenses. Section 3. The making, enforcement and penalties for the violation of any rules and regulations for the protection of any such water supply and water district shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of article 2, chapter 79, of the Session Laws of 1907-08; provided that all expenses incident to and connected with the establishment of any such water district, and the making and enforcement of any and all rules and regulations for the protection thereof, shall be borne by the city or town operating hereunder, and paid as are other claims against any said city relating to its water supply. Emergency. Section 4. An emergency is hereby declared, by reason whereof it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace and safety that this act take effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved February 23, 1910. CHAPTER 19. COURTS-TERMS OF COUNTY COURT AT SHATTUCK. House Bill No. 61. AN ACT to provide holding sessions of the county court in Shattuck, in Ellis county, Oklahoma. Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahoma: County court for Shattuck-terms. Section 1. After the passage of this act there shall be four terms of the county court of Ellis county held in each year in the town of Shattuck, Ellis county, Oklahoma. Said terms shall begin on the first Monday in February, May, August, and November, and each term shall continue until the business of the term is disposed of, not exceeding four weeks: Provided, said court shall always be open for probate business. And that the county shall not pay any money or incur any expenses for rents at said town. Jurisdiction-transfer of cases. Section 2. The said court held at Shattuck, Ellis county, Oklahoma, shall have original jurisdiction as a county court: That upon application presented after reasonable notice any action or matter pending in either court shall be transferred to or remain in the county court held in said county nearest the residence of the defendant, or one of the defendants, in said action, and, provided, further, that in case of probated wills, guardianships, administrations and the like, such matters shall on application be transferred to such county court held in such county nearest the residence of such guardian, executor or administrator. Resident clerk. Section 3. The county commissioners shall appoint a clerk of said court at Shattuck, resident of said district, at a salary not to exceed six hundred (600.00) dollars per annum, to keep the records of said court at said town; and said clerk is hereby authorized to issue process and perform such acts, ministerial in character, as are performed by the clerk of the county court. Record of judgments at county seat. Section 4. All judgments obtained in the county court at |