I have a son, a second son, a simple child of three; How silvery sweet those tones of his, when he prattles on my knee: RING OUT, WILD BELLS. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more; Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out the old shapes of foul disease; Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring in the Christ that is to be.-TENNYSON. THE SONG OF STEAM. Hurrah! hurrah! the waters o'er The ocean pales where'er I sweep, I carry the wealth and the lord of earth, In the darksome depths of the fathomless mine Where the rocks never saw the sun decline, I bring earth's glittering jewels up And I make the fountain's granite cup I blow the bellows, I forge the steel I hammer the ore and turn the wheel And all my doings I put into print I've no muscle to weary, no breast to decay, And soon I intend you may 66 go and play," For I scorn the strength of your puny hands, SECTION IV. THE BEAUTIES, SUBLIMITIES, AND BENIGN INFLUENCES OF NATURE. ON A TASTE FOR THE BEAUTIES OF NATURE. "In contemplation of created things, That sensibility to beauty, which, when cultivated and improved we term taste, is universally diffused through the human species; and it is most uniform with respect to those objects, which, being out of our power, are not liable to variation from accident, caprice, or fashion. The verdant lawn, the shady grove, the variegated landscape, the boundless ocean, and the starry firmament, are contemplated with pleasure by every attentive beholder. But the emotions of different spectators, though similar in kind, differ widely in degree: and to relish with full delight the enchanting scenes of nature, the mind must be uncorrupted by avarice, sensuality, or ambition; quick in her sensibilities; elevated in her sentiments; and devout in her affections. He who possesses such exalted powers of perception and enjoyment, may almost say with the poet : "I care not, Fortune, what you me deny; You cannot rob me of free Nature's grace; Through which Aurora shows her brightening face; You cannot bar my constant feet to trace The woods and lawns by living streams, at eve; Let health my nerves and finer fibres brace, And I their toys to the great children leave- Perhaps such ardent enthusiasm may not be compatible with the necessary toils and active offices which Providence has assigned to the generality of men. But there are none to whom some portion of it may not prove advantageous; and if it were cherished by each P individual in that degree which is consistent with the indispensable duties of his station, the felicity of human life would be considerably augmented. From this source the refined and vivid pleasures of the imagination are almost entirely derived; and the elegant arts owe their choicest beauties to a taste for the contemplation of nature. Painting and sculpture are express imitations of visible objects; and where would be the charms of poetry, if divested of the imagery and embellishments which she borrows from rural scenes? Painters, statuaries and poets, therefore, are always ambitious to acknowledge themselves the pupils of nature; and, as their skill increases, they grow more and more delighted with every view of the animal and vegetable world. But the pleasure resulting from admiration is transient; and to cultivate taste without regard to its influence on the passions and affections, "is to rear a tree for its blossoms, which is capable of yielding the richest and most valuable fruits." Physical and moral beauty bear so intimate a relation to each other, that they may be considered as different gradations in the scale of excellence; and the knowledge and relish of the former should be deemed only a step to the nobler and more permanent enjoyment of the latter. Whoever has visited the Leasowes in Warwickshire, must feel the force and propriety of an inscription which meets the eye at the entrance into these delightful grounds : "Would you, then, taste the tranquil scene, Be sure your bosom be serene; To cherish love for all man's race." Now, such scenes contribute powerfully to inspire that serenity which is necessary to enjoy and heighten their beauties. By a sweet contagion, the soul catches the harmony which she contemplates; and the frame within assimilates itself to that which is without. For "Who can forbear to smile with nature? In this state of composure we become susceptible of virtuous impressions from almost every surrounding object; an equal and extensive benevolence is called forth into exertion: and-having felt a common interest in the gratifications of inferior beings-we shall be no longer indifferent to their sufferings, or become wantonly instrumental in producing them. But the taste for natural beauty is subservient to higher purposes than those which have been enumerated; and the cultivation of it not only refines and humanizes, but dignifies and exalts the affections. It elevates them to the admiration and love of that Being who is the Author of all that is fair, sublime and good in the creation. Scepticism and irreligion are hardly compatible with the sensibility of heart which arises from a just and lively relish of the wisdom, harmony, and order subsisting in the world around us; and emotions of piety must spring up spontaneously in the bosom that is in unison with all animated nature. Actuated by this divine inspiration, man finds a fane in every grove; and, glowing with devout fervour, he joins his song to the universal chorus, or muses the praise of the Almighty in more expressive silence. Thus they "Whom nature's works can charm, with God himself And form to his the relish of their souls." DR. PERCIVAL. GOD THE AUTHOR OF NATURE. There lives and works A soul in all things, and that soul is God. Where no eye sees them. And the fairer forms, He sets the bright procession on its way, He marks the bounds which winter may not pass, And, ere one flowery season fades and dies, But shows some touch, in freckle, streak or stain, Their balmy odours, and imparts their hues, The forms with which he sprinkles all the earth. In Nature, from the broad majestic oak To the green blade that twinkles in the sun, And wheels His throne upon the rolling worlds. COWPER. |