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This compilation was prepared under the provisions of the Act of May 14, 1915 (Pamphlet Laws, Page 474), which authorizes the Legis lative Reference Bureau "to continue the work commenced by it under the provisions of an Act, approved the twentieth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, entitled 'An act directing the Legislative Reference Bureau to prepare compilations or codes, by topics, of the existing general laws of this Commonwealth, for adoption or rejection by the General Assembly; fixing the compensation of the assistant director, and making an appropriation therefor."

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The topic for this compilation was suggested by the Governor in Veto number 195 and published in "Vetoes by the Governor of Bills and Resolutions passed by the Legislature, Session of 1915," page 460, which veto is as follows:

"I file herewith, in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
with my objection, Senate bill No. 750, entitled 'A joint resolution
authorizing the appointment of a commission to consider the revision
and amendment of the laws of the State, penal and otherwise, in
reference to juvenile courts, and all offenses or crimes committed by
minors, and the punishment thereof, and to make a report on the same,
and making an appropriation to the expenses of said commission.'

"This joint resolution provides for a commission of seven to study and
report upon all laws relating to juvenile offenders, juvenile courts, and
crimes committed by minors. It carries an appropriation of $5,000.
"This work can be done and well done by the Legislative Reference
Bureau, with the advice and assistance of the Attorney General.
expend the sum here suggested through a commission is unnecessary.
"For these reasons this bill is not approved."


We shall be gratified if the person into whose hands this compilation comes will read it carefully, criticize it fully and freely and send any resulting suggestions or recommendations to the Bureau.


April 1, 1916, Harrisburg, Penn'a.

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