Imágenes de páginas

Ponsonbys have put them on their shelves for keeps.

OR Agatha and Ambrose, who have

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everything, do everything, see everything, and who are still as excited about Christmas presents as any one of their five children:

THE AFRICAN SAGA. By Blaise Cendrars. Payson & Clarke, Ltd. $5. This is a capable translation, by Margery Bianco, of the "Anthologie Nègre," published in 1921, and much discussed in French and French-speaking literary and artistic circles. Africa possesses a rich and varied, if primitive culture, and much of it has been preserved and expressed in the oral literature, of which this is a compilation. The book is interesting, well made, and out of the ordinary.

CHINESE ART. By R. L. Hobson. The

Macmillan Company. $12.50.

This is a gorgeous picture book. It contains, to be sure, a scholarly introductory article, outlining Chinese art for the lay Occidental's understanding, and a bibliography. But what makes it the ideal present for Agatha and Ambrose is the one hundred-count 'em-color plates, reproducing pottery, porcelain, jade, paintings, etc.; things that make your mouth water and your palms itch. Every picture is beautiful. Any one from infancy to maturity can look at this book (being sure that the hands are nice and clean), and enjoy it again and again.


OR the seven people to whom in the good old days would have been given an elaborate pictorial calendar, setting forth a thought by an inspirational poet for every day in the year: ONE VOLUME OF "THE MODERN

LIBRARY." Modern Library, Inc. 95c. There are about 150 titles from among the best books of modern times in the collection, and the choice of the seven is easier and pleasanter to make on the spot, in the book-shop where the rest of the books are to be ordered.

HE editor of this department will

vice and suggestions in buying current books, whether noticed on this page or not. If you wish guidance in selecting books for yourself or to give away, we shall do the best we can for you if you will write us, giving some suggestions, preferably with examples, of the taste which is to be satisfied. We shall confine ourselves to books published within the last year or so, so that you will have no trouble in buying them through your own bookshop.

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was a knitting-ba in our family th went from relati to relative for years. It would ha been going yet if the previous yea cards "Mer Xmas to dear Ma from Aunt Kat and so on had been discovered side by an ov curious cousin. it was, the b had probably sav ten times its value in thought a money.

The editors believe that no view of current affairs is complete that does not include some account of these things.

bought a new set, all around. It wasn't until after New Year's that we discovered the first lot. "Fine!" we said. "We'll do 'em up and label 'em carefully and put 'em away, and they'll be all ready for next year." Which we did. And next year, when it was time to send them out, we had put them away so carefully that we couldn't find them. So we dashed out on Christmas Eve and again bought a new set.

It is more fun to do that, anyway. You take a list of the relatives and friends, and of such enemies as insist on sending you each year a "little remembrance," and you force your way into the nearest department store. Then you find a vacant spot and stand there deep in thought, finger to cheek, until a floorwalker comes up. If you act helpless enough, he will do practically all your buying for you. When you get home, you'll find that you haven't bought anything for Aunt Emma, but there's probably an old wedding present, or something that you got last year, that will do for her.

The most useful gifts are those that can be passed on the next year. There

Of course, there are some gifts th can't be bought this way. For one r son or another, an intelligent select has to be made in certain cases, and these cases we believe that this depa ment may be of some help to you. do not intend to give an exhaustive, even a representative list of suggesti for gifts, but many of the new thi which we have described, and will c tinue to describe, will certainly app to you as possible gifts, and you n not have heard of them or thought them before.

The Toastmaster, for instance. Th must be others like ourself who w their breakfast toast hot and crisp fi the toaster, yet who are so mentally cant early in the morning that a cur smoke rising from the bread in toaster isn't even noticed, or, if noti seems simply not worth bothering ab With the Toastmaster you put i couple of slices of bread, push down levers that turn on the current, doze happily until a faint pop ro

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In the very center of things
on the Beach

and the Boardwalk.

FIFTY years of hospitable,

homelike service, with ever-increasing material charm have made these hotels just like personal friends to those who love to go down to the sea for rest or recreation. Fall and early winter days are most delightful.

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The Round-the-World or Mediterranean Cruises are reasonably priced this year, and offer unusually interesting itineraries. Also South American, West Indies, special African tours, and California via Panama Canal are mapped out in well-built schedules. We will be glad to offer interesting literature and further details on any of these tours.

LOCAL TRIPS Our own country is crowded with worth-while and intriguing trips by motor, coastwise steamer, or railroad. For plans for your next trip write to

EVA R. DIXON, Director

Outlook Hotel and Travel Bureau 120 East 16th Street, New York City

one or two bizarre-looking instruments for which to the lay mind there seems to be no known use only makes them more interesting. You feel that they would be sure to come in handy somewhere.

Individual picnic sets-a leather case which will go into your pocket, and contains a flat glass, napkin, and folding

Summer Joys-
Right through

Autumn and Winter! -in


knife, fork, and spoon. There is variety WHY lay away the cherished golf

in these, to suit individual taste. Some have no spoon, some have no napkin, some contain two of everything. They are very neat and compact. And beyond and above these individual sets are the fitted picnic baskets and hampers which contain practically a full dinner service.

Fitted traveling bags and cases can be had in an astounding variety. Tapir calf is a new leather which is being used in some of these. It has an attractive grain, and comes in a number of col


A very useful case is the wardrobe suitcase made by the Innovation Company. It is simply a small wardrobe trunk with drawers and hangers for clothing, 34 inches long, and very light and strongly made. This company also makes a very useful combination hatand-shoe trunk.

A new development of the brief-case for travelers is the Travelers' Efficiency Case, seen at Abercrombie & Fitch's. It has nine compartments, indexed, as well as room in the bottom for a small amount of clothing and toilet articles. The cover opens like that of a suitcase, and the filing compartments open out like a fan, so that the contents are readily accessible. It is an excellent case for the business man or executive to carry with him on any overnight trip or even for regular use, if he dislikes the usual bulgy look of the overstuffed brief

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clubs, or sigh feelingly as dust gathers on the precious fishing equipment? Winter may be coming here butIt's spring in Hawaii! Just pack your clubs as baggage....board a train for Los Angeles... a luxurious LASSCO liner direct from there to Honolulu... and you can go right on playing golf for days and weeks and months!

You can swim, hike, play tennis, paddle a canoe or ride a surf board and laugh at the calendar. Or you can dream away hours in perfect relaxation under the kindliest skies in the world!

Sail direct from Los Angeles to Honolulu over the Popular Southern Route

S. S. CITY OF LOS ANGELES "Queen of the Pacific"

Newest LASSCO Luxury Liner

Most popular cabin liner


$278.50 and up

-covering every necessary ship and shore expense depending on steamship and hotel accommodations selected. Three weeks time Los Angeles to Hawaii and return, including the 3-day wonder trip from Honolulu to Hilo and Kilauea volcano.

Also PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Tours On each of their monthly sailings up to January, the giant cruisers de luxe, S. S. City of Los Angeles and S. S. City of Honolulu are carrying special tour parties, personally conducted by a LASSCO representative. Send for Special Tour Folder.

Hawaii is a part of the great Pacific Coast Empire ... Come and enjoy it all!

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Yes! In only a few spare hours AT HOME you can easily master this marvelous new system. Practical for every purpose for the executive, the professional man, the student, the stenographer, the private secretary.

Endorsed by Educational Authorities

Taught in such prominent institutions as City College of New York; The Paine School, New York; Rahway Vocational School, New Jersey; Simmons College, Boston. No signs and symbols to learn, no tedious memory-work. Not a System of Abbreviations. Written in ordinary a-b-c's, at a speed of upwards of 100 words a minute! FREE BOOK Tells How

Just send your name and address for interesting illustrated book. Read what users say of this wonderful new way. Read of its sensational success in every field. Read how YOU can save time, increase your efficiency, qualify quickly for good position. Free Employment Service. Write for Free Book NOW. No obligation.

Owen Institute of Commerce, Dept. 511
54 West 74th Street, New York, N. Y.

Scientific Facts

About Diet

CONDENSED book on diet entitled

A "Eating for Health and Efficiency" has
been published for free distribution by the
Health Extension Bureau of Battle Creek,
Mich. Contains set of health rules, many of
which may be easily followed right at home
or while traveling. You will find in this book
a wealth of information about food elements
and their relation to physical welfare.

This book is for those who wish to keep physi-
cally fit and maintain normal weight. Not in-
tended as a guide for chronic invalids as all such
cases require the care of a competent physician.
Name and address on card will bring it without
cost or obligation.



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Have It Your Own Way

Theodore Roosevelt replies to "A Public Man's Good Name

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F course I entirely disagree with your wise I would not have made the speeches I did make.

I made a number of charges in my speeches, all of which are true, and all of which I substantiated again and again, not by hearsay evidence, but by the court records.

There is widespread commercialized lawlessness in Democratic-controlled Albany County, certain Democratic for which leaders have been indicted by the Federal Government. Specifically, John and Daniel O'Connell, the brothers of the Democratic County Chairman, and other Democratic politicians are now being tried in Boston. They could have been prosecuted in this State at any time during the past three years. They went scot-free until they unwarily extended their operations beyond the State borders, where they could be reached by the United States authorities. The agents of their great gambling pool peddled their bets, not only in the State buildings, but in the State Capitol, where Governor Smith was administering the affairs of the State. These facts, in addition, are common knowledge and have been. For Governor Smith to plead lack of knowledge of these conditions is absolutely impossible. As I have said repeatedly, I do not question his personal character, or say that he profited personally thereby, but he made no attempt to stop this condition. There was a festering sore beneath his very eyes, but he did not cauterize it.

Sins of omission of this type come close to equaling sins of commission, particularly in a public servant.

What position does The Outlook take? It states, in effect, that it believes no public servant should be held to account for commercialized lawlessness which he knew of and could stop, provided he did not profit thereby or engage personally therein.

Two months ago you asked me for an article urging idealism in politics.

Today you condemn me for an attempt to drive public officials into cleaning up commercialized lawlessness.


Times have changed, and these are sorry days, indeed, when The Outlook is content with negative virtue in a public man, and does not demand positive righteousness.

In all fairness to me, I feel you should print this letter in your next issue.

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[To this letter we can now add that Daniel O'Connell and twenty-six others have pleaded guilty. John O'Connell was indicted, but has been cleared of the charge.

Colonel Roosevelt, we know, wishes to be wholly candid; but he writes under a misapprehension. The fact that The Outlook paid whole-hearted tribute to his denunciation of corruption in his own party is sufficient evidence that The Outlook is not content with "negative virtue." The days, after all, are not so sorry.

But evidence of lawlessness is one thing -in that Colonel Roosevelt's charges have been sustained. Evidence of complicity of a Governor in the lawlessness of local politicians-whether his own party or not-is another and very different thing. We believe that the American people demand "positive righteousness" in public men; but we do not believe that the American people have as yet any evidence which would

attach to Governor Smith the opprobrium that belongs to the corruptionist. -THE EDITORS.]

Criticism of the Navy

OUR editorial, "Disciplining Magruder."

to say that you are mistaken; the Admiral Magruder incident is understood by those in the Navy, and cannot be fully explained to the public because of personalities is volved. However, your first statement misleading; he was not relieved of a command because of the "Saturday Evening Post" article, but presumably because of his actions and words subsequent to the publication of the article.

I am at liberty to publish today any arti cle I choose relative to the Navy; however, I am expected to keep within bounds of propriety. What the press desires I can not write, because I will not be sensational nor make general charges which are incapable of proof.

The Navy Department is badly organized -still going on a law passed in 1842; this has been discussed many times, but Coa gress will not make any change, because it does not know, the public does not know what changes should be made.

It is quite plain that your editorial wa not written by one who knows the Nav and its needs.

I must say that many statements i your editorial are correct or nearly so. R. E. POPE,

Captain U. S. N., Commanding, U. S. S. Memphis.

"John Brown's Body"

N your issue of November 16, page 3 Body:"

This song, a sort of hymn to the fa mous anti-slaver, hanged for his activi ties in freeing the slaves, first appeared in the South just before the Civil War (Brown was executed at Charlestown Virginia, 1859). The song immediately became popular and played no small par in precipitating the declaration of war.

And in one of the volumes of his "Hi tory of the United States" Channi speaks of the origin of the song as " scure." Now in the "New England Mag zine," n. s., v. 1, for December, 1889, the is by George Kimball a very complete, e plicit, and apparently accurate account the song's origin, according to which company of recruits encamped on an isia of Boston Harbor, many of whom join the Twelfth Massachusetts Volunteers i cluded a certain Scotch John Brown who name afforded the others amusement. that if he appeared late at roll-call he w greeted, "Hurry up, John Brown, if y are going to free the slaves," to wh somebody would reply: "John Brow dead. His body lies moldering in grave," followed by exclamations of prise: "Is that so?" Little by little song grew of itself, a church organ among the soldiers, named Greenleaf, s ting to it the tune of a camp-meet hymn, "Say, brothers, will you greet u It got its introduction to the public w the regiment to which these soldiers longed sang it marching down Broadw New York, on their way to the fr Originally there were various versions, of which included the line: "John Brow whisky bottle lies empty on the shel gross perversion, John Brown having t a teetotaler. FREDERICK J. SHEP

Buffalo, New York.

The Outl:




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God's Dark, by John Martin, has twice been reprinted in JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK and has cured the complex of fear in thousands of children. God's Dark expresses the spirit of the magazine, substituting thoughts of honor, fearlessness, and generosity for the destructive, ignoble, and vulgar influences that are everywhere spread for the eyes and minds of our children.

For Children from


is completing its fifteenth year of joyous building into young lives the fine normality and splendid ideals that you want to find there.

JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK. Brings Each Month

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Stories for the up-to-twelves, expertly planned material for the

There are wonderful pages of never-ending delight in every one of the fourteen treasure-books. John Martin is one of those rare persons whose heart has never grown up. He knows exactly how it feels to be three, or five, or eight, or twelve, and so this magazine is the product of a boy's heart and a man's brain.

GIVE SOME CHILD YOU LOVE the privilege of this companionship with John Martin. Make fourteen RED-LETTER days-Christmas Daysthe days when JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK is delivered to the child personally-his regular mail.

Fables and Myths
Poetry and Jingles
Classics Retold

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down-to-threes. In fact, as one mother said, "A liberal education."


JOHN MARTIN, 33 West 49th Street, New York

I enclose $4.00 (Foreign $5.00) for Fourteen Months' subscription (regular yearly price $4.00) to JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK, beginning with December. Please send to



Donor's Name......


Outlook 11-30-27

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Mediterranean-Eastern Lands

Extensive Winter Cruise-Tours Sailing January 16, new S.S. Laurentic With Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis and other famous lecturers Cruising over sunny seas; 11 shore excursions; Egypt, Nile Cruise to Second Cataract; motoring over historic highways through rugged Palestine, the Lebanons, spectacular Petra in Arabia. Extensions through Northern Africa and Europe. Send for booklets

Europe in Springtime

Tours Sailing March, April, May Modern steamers; splendid itineraries: Scenic, artistic, and historic highspots; Extensive motoring Moderate prices. Send for booklet



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Hotels and Resorts

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The hotel you have been looking for which offers rest, comfortable appointments, thoughtful cuisine. In the heart of theatre and shopping center, just off Fifth Ave. Moderate. Further details, rates, booklets, direct, or Outlook Travel Bureau.

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Hotel LENOX.North St., west of Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y, Superior accommodations; famous for good food. Write direct or Outlook's Bureau for rates, details, bookings.

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Gleenwood Sanatorium


At Reasonable Rates-Open to all Doctors Beautiful Home-Like Surroundings G. E. GOLDEN, Registered Nurse, Superintendent 2301 Nottingham Way Telephone TRENTON 9786-R-1

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Tryon, N. C., beautifully

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tion 600 feet. Furnished bungalows, 2 to 7 rooms. Central dining-room. Electricity,

hot and cold water. Surf bathing, 20 bathhouses on beach. Tennis, horseback riding. Six miles from historic Santa Barbara, two from ocean and country club. Moderate rates. For folder address San Ysidro Ranch, Santa Barbara. Cal.

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fort, excellent food. Capt. T. D. JERVEY. Details, rates. direct or Outlook Travel Bureau.

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Good times are not hard

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Write for illustrated booklet or reservations

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Cottages For Rent
Bargains in real estate


Box 312, Daytona Beach, Flori

New York

$1,800 BUYS 10 acres

and two-st building Rockland County. Commut distance. CONBAD HESS, Spring Valley, N

North Carolina FOR RENT eight rooms, bath, san-pa screened porch, garage dry, winter season; easy driving dista all sports; health-giving long-leaf Write J. B. LITTLE, Box 106, Pine Bluff,

A Mart of the Unusu

ELIZABETH DAWSON WONDERFUL CHOCOLAT Packed in a beautiful 5-lb. b $3.00 delivered to your hom This package makes an excellent Christmas ALLEN & ANDREWS, Corning, N.

Indian River Oranges and Gra fruit, grown ou Me

Island, $5 per box, f.o.b. Cocoa. The Go
Gift Box (quarter box) packed and d-oat
with Florida fruits, especially for Chr
$2.75 per box express prepaid east
Mississippi. D. M. Fairchild, Cocoa, Fla..P.0.

Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines
Marmalades, and Pecans

Direct to consumer. Complete price request. S. L. MITCHILL, Mount Dra

Harris Tweed Direct from a

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