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A scrupulosity of temper in the use of any lawful means to promote the spiritual or
temporal welfare of mankind, receives no countenance either from reason of Revela-
tion, or from the conduct of the best and wisest men. And when to this we add the
zeal and diligence with which bad men (and eminently at the present period) practise
every device to spread universal mischief, who shall deny that it is allowable for every
good man, nay, still more, that it is ois duty, by every fair and practicable method, to
diffuse good; and when it is rejected in one form, to try whether it may not find en
tertainment in another?

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THE author of the following work was the late Mr. JOHN SATCHEL, of Kettering. It is with pleasure I express not only my approbation of its leading sentiments, but the regard I feel for the memory of my friend.

I was not intimately acquainted with him till within a few years of his death: but during that period I saw in him much to esteem. To serious cheerfulness, frankness, kindness, and generosity, were added a lively imagination, a fertile invention, and a certain spring of soul, which would not suffer him to live inactive. Whatever his hands found him to do, he did it with his might.

Having observed that much evil was conveyed to the rising generation by the enchanting works of fiction, it was his wish to convey truth and Godliness through that medium. His turn of mind was adapted to this manner of writing. His characters, though fictitious, were to him real. He would sorrow in their sorrows, rejoice in their joys, and frequently bedew his papers with tears. Being a close observer of human nature, he has exhibited a faithful representation of human life.

In his youth he was much attached to Mr. Hervey, and sometimes went to Weston-Favel to hear him. After this an intimate friendship subsisted about twenty years between him and Mr. Abraham Maddock, an evangelical clergyman at Ket

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