Imágenes de páginas

The following table shows the receipts of the Fund and disbursements account Masonic Hall during the past ten years:

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Brought forward.

Miscellaneous household expenses, livery and other

expenses not otherwise classified...

Boiler expeuse......



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




Live stock additions..

516 20

270 81

[blocks in formation]

35,765 79

3,086 98

$1,395 27
234 84

160 68 1,073 49

159 55

175 96

3,199 79

[blocks in formation]


66 Union Trust Co., Jan. 1, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1900...

6,155 00 315 67

[blocks in formation]

For the information of the Grand Lodge and those having the obligations of the Fund, I would state that there is on deposit for the payment of the following obligations:

In the Garfield National Bank, to pay five years' notes.

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

"Union Trust Company,

[blocks in formation]

coupon 20 of income bonds.. coupons of 1st mortgage bonds Fraternally submitted,


$204 60 442 17

3.50 455 00

NEW YORK, March 31, 1900.






UTICA, N. Y., March 1, 1900.

President Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund.

Dear Sir and R.. W.. Brother: By reason of the change in the date of the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, from June to May, our seventh report comprehends a period of but eleven months.

There has been no change in the policy of the management, and we retain for regularity the same plan as heretofore in the preparation of our report.

While the ordinary expense of each year does not vary materially from those preceding, at the same time elements of extraordinary expenditure will naturally make some change in the ratio of expense. As in the past, economy has been exercised in all expenditures, and the Home building maintained upon the same level of excellence as heretofore. Such we presume to be the wish of the Craft, and we have the satisfaction of feeling that at all times the Home is in readiness for inspection, officially or otherwise.

The Home staff consists of the following: superintendent and assistant superintendent, 2; nurses, teachers, and attendants, 8; cook, baker, and kitchen assistants, 5; waitresses and housemaids, 8; laundryman and assistant, 2; janitor, 1; engineer, firemen, watchman, and carpenter, 7—totai, 33. Of this number, 23 reside in the Home.

The farm work and care of the grounds have required the employment of a farmer, barn-man, and six farm hands-three of the latter for the work. ing season only. One of the farm hands occupies part of his time as a gardener.

The extra work done last year has proven for the betterment of the front lawn, and we anticipate the coming year will further demonstrate the wisdom of the outlay.

Last fall, after the farm work had been finished, we laid out a road from the main building through the lawn to the Bleecker Street line in front, utilizing in the labor our regular farm, and some additional, help, and the

same was partially completed when operations were suspended by cold weather. We design to finish the same early in this season, and we shall then have a main driveway of thirty-six feet in width, with two paths (one on each side) to the front entrance of the Home building, which will be a great improvement. In the fall we contemplate setting out a row of trees on each side, in harmony with the plan of ornamentation carried out on the side avenues through the grounds.

The returns from the farm have been satisfactory-a full supply of vegetables in their season; also hay, corn, oats, etc., for stock purposes. We raised a large crop of potatoes-about 2,100 bushels—and it is possible that the surplus may be marketed in the spring. The piggery has furnished 12.824 pounds of pork ($826), used in the Home, and we have on hand 2 boars, 16 sows, and 125 pigs. We have utilized the building, erected as a hennery, as an additional breeding house.

We have lost by death 3 cows, and the live stock represents 1 bull and 23 cows-24 head, valued at $1,062.49. From this department there have been realized for home use 53,696 quarts of milk ($1,610.88), and also 1,870 pounds of beef. The items of pork, beef, and milk are included in the expense account, and credited to Farm Produce Sold and Used," viz. $2,531.41.

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The general health of the inmates has been good and the expense of the medical department has been confined to the ordinary demands naturally expected from the aged and those afflicted with chronic ills. This department is under the charge of a thoroughly competent nurse-the same as last year and the duties attached to the position have been discharged in a thoroughly conscientious manner.

Last year we were compelled to place one of the inmates in the Utica State Hospital, in the hope that his condition might be ameliorated, but indications are that it is, an incurable case. We regret to report that last month we were obliged to commit another brother to the same institution, his condition precluding a longer continuance in the Home. In both of these cases we still retain an interest, supplying requisitions for clothing, etc., and in the event of death shall see that their remains are properly cared for. Our facilities do not comprehend the care of the insane, although we now have under our charge several who have become demented.

Professional services have been rendered by the following members of the Medical Staff, and we can but repeat that our acknowledgments are due for the voluntary service rendered: Drs. E. J. Stephens, James G. Hunt, Charles B. Tefft, Charles G. Ward, and W. A. Burgess.

The Eye and Ear Department (Drs. Maxson and H. G. Jones), the Dental Department (Dr. W. A. Rowlands), and the Veterinary Department (Dr. W. G. Hollingsworth) have been subject to call at all times.

Under this head we may mention that the surgery room, in the Infirmary, has been fitted up with essential fixtures (operating table, atc.), and fitly prepared for emergencies.

The Day-School, of two departments, each in charge of a capable teacher-same as heretofore-has been maintained with beneficial results. Three of the older scholars passed the Regent's examination the past year in special studies. The scholar that we have in the Utica Academy is making rapid progress in his studies, and the reports of his quarterly examinations show very nearly the highest per cent. in grade.

The Sunday-School is kept up, also the Wednesday evening prayer meeting and the general song service on Sunday evening. Services are held in the chapel every Sunday at 3.30 P.M., and our indebtedness is expressed to the pastors who have graciously responded to our invitation to conduct services thereat. In the event of inability to secure a pastor, a Home service is held. The third Sunday of each month is devoted to the Episcopal service under the direction of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. We append a list of the Sunday services:

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It is a pleasure to bear testimony to a general willingness on the part of the inmates to aid in the work of the Home, especially when-as in some instances-it is done voluntarily and kept up as a matter of duty and pride. In several lines the labor is continuous the year round, but, nevertheless, not

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