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"Inafmuch as all the fulness of the Godhead is in Our Lord Jefus Chrift, therefore he hath all power both in heaven and earth; as he himself testifieth when he faith, "The Father hath given all things into the "hand of the Son," John iii. 35. and again, “ The Father hath given the Son power over all flesh, xvii. 2. and again, "All things are delivered unto me "of my Father," Matt. xi. 27. and again, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth," xxviii. 16. This plenitude of power is the Divinity of Godhead."


"They who make the humanity of the Lord to be like the humanity of another man, do not form right apprehenfions of his conception by the Godhead ; nor do they confider that the body of every person is a type or effigy of his foul, They forget also the manner of his resurrection, that he rose again with his body complete; and they forget too his appearance at his transfiguration, that his face fhone like the fun. They do not confider alfo what the Lord declared concerning faith towards himfelf, his unity with the Father, his glorification, and his power both in heaven and earth; which things do all imply divinity, and yet are spoken of his humanity. Nor do fuch perfons recollect further that the Lord is omniprefent even as to his humanity, Matt. xxviii. 20. whence the be lief of his omniprefence in the holy facrament is afferted; and omniprefence doth alfo neceffarily imply divinity. Moreover, they do not perhaps confider that the divine proceeding, which is called the Holy Ghoft, proceedeth from the Lord's glorified humanity; as is plainly declared in these words: "The Holy Ghoft was not "yet given, because Jefus was not yet glorified, ' John vii. 39. "

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"The Lord came into the world to fave man

kind, who would otherwise have perished in eternal


death; and this falvation was effected, firft, by his con queft over the powers of hell, which infefted every man at his coming into the world, and at his departure out of it and fecondly, by the glorification of his humanity, whereby he is enabled to keep the powers of hell in eternal fubjection. This conqueft over the powers of hell, and the glorification of his humanity at the fame time, was effected by means of temptations, per m lively fuffered in the humanity which he received from his mother, and in which he acquired continual victories. His paffion on the cross was his final temptation and complete victory. "

"That the Lord fubdued the powers of hell appears from his own words, when the time of his cruci fixion drew nigh: "Now is the Judgment of this world, "NOW SHALL THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD BE CAST "OUT," John xii. 27, 28, 31. and again, "Be of good "cheer, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD, " xvi. 33° and in Ifaiah, "Who is this that cometh from Edom, "with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatnes "of his ftrength? &c. Mine own arm brought falva. "tion unto me; fo he was their Saviour," lxiii. 1 to 20. and lix. 16 to 21. That he glorified his humanity, and that his paffion on the crofs was his final temptation, and complete victory, whereby he was glorified, is thus taught in his own words: "When Judas was gone 66 out, Jefus faid, Now is the Son of man glorified, and' "God is also glorified in him. If God be glorified "in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and fhall ftraightway glorify Him, "John xiii. 31, 32. and again, "Father, the hour is come, glorify thy Son, that

thy Son alfo may glorify thee," xvii, 1, 5, and again, "Now is my foul troubled, and what fhall I day? Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice

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"from heaven saying, I have both glorified it, and will "glorify it again," xii. 27, 28. and again, "Ought not "Chrift to have fuffered these things, and to enter into 16 his glory ?" Luke xxiv. 16. These things were spoken concerning his palion. To glorify, fignifieth to make divine. Hence then it is manifeft, that unless the Lord had come into the world, and been made man, and thereby had delivered from the powers of hell all those who believe on him, and love him, no flesh could have been faved. This is the meaning of that expreffion, that without the Lord there is no falvation. " "When the Lord had completely glorified his humanity, he then put off the humanity which he derived from his mother, and put on the humanity which he derived from his Father, which is the divinehumanity; fo that he was no longer the Son of Mary."

"The first and grand fundamental of the Church is to know and to acknowledge its God; for without fuch knowledge and acknowledgment there can be no conjunction with him. This is the cafe in the church without the knowledge and acknowledgment of the Lord, as he himself teacheth in these words; " He that "believeth on the Son hath eternal life, but he that "believeth not on the Son fhall not fee life, but the "wrath of God abideth on him," John iii. 36. and again, "Unless ye believe that I am, ye fhall die in 66 your fins," viii. 24.

"That there is a Trinity in the Lord, namely, the divinity itself, or divine effence, the divine-human, and the divine-proceeding, is a fecret from heaven, for the comfort and inftruction of Those who fhall be admitted into the Holy Jerufalem. "

I think, it must be fufficiently plain, from the above quoted Doctrine, compared with the facred Scriptures rightly understood, that our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

is the only true and living GOD, and that in his GLORIFIED HUMANITY dwelleth the Ever blessed and adorable Trinity of Father. Son and Holy Ghost; or to use St. Paul's clear and expreffive Language, that in Him dwelleth all the Fulness of the Goshead bodily; and confequently that He alore, as GOD--MAN, ought to be approach'd and worshipped in the Chritian Church, being Creator from Eternity-Redeemer in Time, and Regenerator for Evermore.

I shall now conclude this Note by presenting my Readers with a short Hymn of Praise, which was given Me some time ago by a Lady, which fums up the above heavenly Doctrine in a few Words, and which is intitled JEHOVA H--JESUS ALL IN ALL.

Praise JESUS CHRIST, our GOD alone;
Praise Him for all his Bleffings shown!
Praife HIM above, Ye heavenly Hoft,
He's Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft.

He is the Way, the Truth, and Light;
In Him Alone let us delight:
O praife Him, with th' Angelic Hoft,
He's Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

He's Love itself, and Truth Divine,
His Mercies all around Us fhine;
Then let us praife and love Him moft,
He's Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Against all Evil let us fight,

Fly from what's falfe, and do what's right;
In JESUS truft, who faves the loft,
He's Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft.

Let's live a Life of Faith and Love,
Then all his Bleffings We fhall prove;
Of HIM for Ever make our Boast,
Who's Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft.

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that delightful, heavenly Doctrine according to the LORD's exprefs Words, where He faith, "Thou fhalt love the LORD thy GOD with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul, and with all thy Mind. This is the first and great Commandment, and the Second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as Thyfelf. On thefe two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets · Matt. XXII. 37 to 40.


Note (s) Page CXXVIII.

Ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among You Envying and Strife, and Divifions, are Ye not carnal, and walk as Men? For while one faith, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are Ye not carnal? Is CHRIST divided? was Paul crucified for You? or were Ye baptized in the Name of Paul? I. Cor. I. 13 and III. 3. 4. Follow Peace with all Men, and Holiness, without which no Man fhall fee the LORD. Heb. XII. 14.


PIOUS Author obferves, that to the Many Caufes of Infidelity, fuch as the undue Exaltation of natural Reason, a Life of Pleasure, and confirm'd Habits of Vice, we may add the Spirit of Controversy and Difpute long ago introduc'd into the Church by the artificial Logick of Aristotle, and encourag'd and kept up in the Schools as a necessary Part of Education in Theology, to the engendering Perplexity and Doubting on every Subject, and keeping


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