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American business men, whose legitimate business and investments have been blocked by German capitalists, cherish no resentment? Will American universities tolerate professors who have been slyly preaching sedition? It is far more likely that for a generation to come the very word "German" will be detested in the United States and that every German will have to show cause why he should not be regarded as a secret enemy of this country. The survivors and descendants of those who are now abetting the conspiracy against the United States in behalf of a foreign Power will be as eager as were the Copperheads after the Civil War to have their past forgotten. The hyphens will fall: the citizens of this country will be Americans and nothing else; there will be no mongrel citizenship to be used as a mask for treason. The plotters against the United States, and their accomplices, native or foreign, make the fatal mistake of supposing that Americans will long tolerate in the White House

a President who lacks courage. Courage and Honesty are the two qualities which, in the long run, they set most store by in their Presidents. Tragic would be the occasion if hostile critics identified Cowardice and Dishonesty.



Wherever Germany extends her sway, she ruins Culture. NIETZSCHE, Ecce Homo, p. 38.

Culture and the State are antagonists: a "Culture-State" is merely a modern idea. The one lives upon the other, the one flourishes at the expense of the other.... In the history of European Culture the rise of the [German] Empire signifies, above all, a displacement of the centre of gravity. Everywhere people are already aware of this: in things that really matter and these after all constitute Culture

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the Germans are no longer worth considering. The Twilight of the Idols, p. 54.

Every great crime against Culture for the last four centuries lies upon their [the German] conscience.

Ecce Homo, p. 124.

AN started among the beasts in whose


struggle for existence there is the unending play and counterplay between brute force and cunning. Man became Man by sloughing off the qualities which chain the Beast forever to the Beasts' level. Measuring by geological ages we see him emerge with incredible slowness from Beast-hood into Man-hood; and so up through Savagery and

Barbarism, till he stands erect on the lowest step of Civilization; and then he mounts, still with groping hesitation, with frequent pauses, and with actual backslidings, the ladder of Ideals. Gradually there dawn in him instincts, motives, which neither the Beast, the Savage, nor the Barbarian ever knows. These are the stuff through which he discovers that he has a soul, the august and awful inmate of his inmost self.

Thenceforward Man fares on his journey through life, a strange blend of animal and of spirit- the animal in him always on the alert to regain entire mastery, and the spirit, though often baffled and betrayed, ready to renew its divine mission. This antagonism runs through all human affairs; and when the earliest moralists looked beneath the surface of life and examined the fortunes and deeds of men, they discerned that this is a moral world in which the forces of good and the forces of evil - God and Devil-battle forever for control. Subsequent scrutiny has

always reached the conclusion that the only permanent good is spiritual. Pride of intellect, beauty of form and face, the conquests of science over the material world, the triumphs of war-lords after great battles won and imperial territories annexed- these are not the true measure of Civilization. True Civilization is of the spirit, whose treasure the world can neither give nor take away. How irrelevant, how external and fleeting in the presence of Emerson is the uncounted lucre of Cecil Rhodes or of Rockefeller! With what scorn would Washington have repelled the suggestion that he should exchange places with Frederick the Great! With what irony would Lincoln have dismissed a proffered exchange with William II! To Washington and Lincoln the possibility of being degraded to the level of Frederick and of William would have been abhorrent.

So rapid has been Man's subjugation of Nature, and so astounding the inventions by which he has turned her laws into servants of

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