FUGITIVE POETRY. IN examining some of the periodical publications of America, several Songs and short poetical Pieces were discovered, which appeared to merit insertion in the present Collection. In addition to these will be found a few Poems extracted from different volumes, from which it was not thought necessary to make larger selections. SCENES OF MY YOUTH. [From the American Monthly Magazine.] How chang'd are the scenes of my youth! I pause, as I pass through the glade, On each object which once gave me joy, But weep on the spot where I play'd, When a light-hearted, gay, thoughtless boy. No prospect now bursts on my sight, That's lost in the current of years. The oak, whose rude branches sublime, Sighs mournful for years that are past. The brook, though it still warbles low, For it murmurs a dirge to the dead. On its banks where the clear waters meet, The youth of the village once play'd; But now in that rural retreat The sires of the hamlet are laid. And children that danc'd on the heath, 'Till evening withdrew its last gleam, Are dull in the cold arms of death, And sleep by the slow winding stream. And there, when the tumult shall cease, SATURDAY NIGHT. [From the American Monthly Magazine.] SWEET to the soul the parting ray, I love the blush of vernal bloom, Hush'd is the tumult of the day, And worldly cares, and bus'ness cease, While soft the vesper breezes play, To hymn the glad return of peace; O season blest! O moments given To turn the vagrant thoughts to Heaven! What though involv'd in lurid night, O then, great source of light divine, Oft as this hallow'd hour shall come, O raise my thoughts from earthly things; "Till the last gleam of life decay HOME. [From the American Monthly Magazine.] WHAT, tho' banish'd from home, o'er the world I may rove, Still that home I have left is the first in my love; That form'd my first hopes, and sooth'd my first fears; |