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THE LITERARY DIGEST is published weekly by the Funk & Wagnalls Company, 354-360 Fourth Avenue, New York, and Salisbury Square, London, E. C.

Entered as second-class matter, March 24, 1890, at the Post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Entered as second-class matter at the Post-office Department, Ottawa, Canada.

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Published by Funk & Wagnalls Company (Adam W. Wagnalls, Pres.; Wilfred J. Funk, Vice-Pres.; Robert J. Cuddihy, Treas.; William Neisel, Sec'y), 354-360 Fourth Ave., New York

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ERMANY HAS ENOUGH FOOD, according to some estimates, to last two-thirds of the time to the next harvest, and workmen along the frontier are reported in cable dispatches as saying that "food-conditions are exaggerated in the press. . . obviously to appeal to the Entente sympathies." German harvests. fed the population all through the war, and only a few weeks have gone by since the 1918 crops were garnered, so that a famine now would be an economic phenomenon. Yet the air fairly thrills with wireless waves piteously begging bread. Shall we send it, when the scarcity here makes prices excruciating to the American poor and to workers facing unemployment this winter? "They will get some," sternly replies The Journal of the great flour-milling city of Minneapolis, "but not until the mouths of those whom they have starved have been fed... When there is a shortage, who should be fed first, the Belgian women and children, or the sniveling Hun?" An examination of the American press shows that the German wail, which was the first sign of life of the newborn German Government, has not aroused any large amount of compassion over here. It is remarked everywhere that German diplomacy, when it began this latest propaganda, knew that the Allied leaders, from Premiers Clemenceau and Lloyd George and President Wilson down to the wise country editors all over America, had agreed to the provisioning of Germany. Does this sudden and continued whine, in which German diplomats have utilized the voices of women and children, mean merely that Germany wants "more," or are we in the midst of another German offensive, a hunger-offensive, intended by its Teutonic contrivers to split the Allies on the question of pity, provisions, and lovingkindness for our enemy? "From all this clamor of appeal," the usually kind-hearted New York World remarks, "one gets the idea that the propaganda of Kultur is one institution that has survived the wreck of revolution and shock of defeat, shorn

not even of its clumsiness." To many observers this "propaganda" is important as the opening gun of Germany's fight for a victory at the peace table. All our late full-Germans, pro-Germans, and pacifists are expected to come out of hiding forthwith and "show mercy to the defeated." "They will

come," predicts the Kansas City Star, "bearing bouquets, asking permission to offer consolation to the prisoner and to leave tracts and flowers in the cell.... Heaven spare us now from mush!"

On the basis of a summary of the best available information in the case, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle agrees that the German superdiplomats are resorting "to their old tricks to pull the wool over the eyes of the 'stupid Yankees."" Official advices from Washington and Paris, as this and several other papers point out, indicate that "it is untrue that Germany is starving." She "reaped a harvest only three months ago, and cleared Belgium and northern France of everything." Besides, "she has requisitioned supplies from Roumania and the Ukraine." "Germany has the nerve of a pirate," cries a French editor, "to raise the cry of hunger after robbing us and Belgium." Considering the general food-situation, no less than the resolution adopted at Versailles pledging aid to the Central Powers, our editors agree almost en masse on the "nerve" shown by Dr. Solf's appeals to President Wilson "to save Germany from starvation," and by the German women's use of the government-controlled wireless to send similar appeals to Mrs. Wilson and Jane Addams. "These are they," comments the New York Times, in amazement rather than in anger, after a brief recapitulation of the German attitude toward hunger, deportation, and infanticide in other nations, "who, on the very day of their surrender, begin to use the exposition of their own deprivations as a plea for the mercy they have never shown-for the help they have never given!" There is a "peculiar shamelessness" in this attitude, the writer continues:

Keep On
Saving Food


"A strange lack of pride and dignity, an amazingly childish

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