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Then Saul took David to his house to live with him at his own court and receive the honors due him for so brave a victory. And at the court David saw Jonathan, Saul's son, and these two youths became close friends. All the servants in the house loved David, too; for he was kind and gentle always. And for a long time Saul loved David above his own son even, and was and was glad that the

people of the court loved him.


But, by and by, a change came into Saul's

Wretched and unhappy as he was, with God against him because he himself was not true, he began to hate those around him who were not wretched and unhappy. And when he saw the sunshine in David's face, and saw the love about him, he grew jealous and bitter towards him, and his love and pride in him changed to burning hate.

Every time David went forth into battle, Saul hoped he would be slain; but God was with David, and Saul saw him come back from each battle more and more victorious.

At one time, when David had returned victorious from a battle with the Philistines, the women of Israel went out to meet him, dancing and singing.

One company sang:


And the other company answered:


These words displeased Saul, and he was very wroth. "They sing that David has slain his ten thousands, while I have slain but thousands." And Saul was jealous; and, at last, so bitter did he become, that he commanded Jonathan and the servants of the house to slay David. Then Jonathan went to

David and said, "Hide thyself, for my father seeks to slay thee."

Then Jonathan, gentle and kind of heart as was David himself, went to Saul and pleaded for the friend he loved.

"Sin not against David, O my father and my king," he said. "Slay him not, for he is good; and never has he disobeyed thee. Remember how bravely he fought the Philistines, killing the cruel giant. Thou didst rejoice in him then; why now art thou changed?

And for a time Saul's heart was softened; and he promised that no harm should come to David.

Then David came back to the house of Saul, and again there was peace between them. But soon the Philistines came again against the Israelites, and David again went forth and conquered them.

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Now Saul rejoiced not in this victory; but rather did his heart grow black again towards David. And one day, when David sat even at his feet playing upon his harp, Saul raised a spear; and had not David escaped from the room, he would have slain him.

David at last went to Samuel at Ramah. He dared stay no longer in the house of Saul. But when Saul heard that he had fled to Samuel, he sent soldiers to take him.

But when the soldiers entered into the presence of Samuel, the wish to slay David went out from them, and in its place came sweet peace and love towards all men.

Then Saul sent more men; but they, too, grew gentle in the presence of Samuel and the holy prophets with him.

Furious then, Saul himself came; but

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