Imágenes de páginas
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Russell in case of the Emily St. Pierre.

Case of the Emily St. Pierre. A similar
case during the administration of Presi-
dent Adams.


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June 23 The United States ship-of-war Saginaw or-
dered away from Hong Kong, China.

Progress of military and naval affairs

Continuance of efforts to break the block-


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June 27 Revival of commerce at New Orleans and
Memphis. Military events.


284 Mr. F. W. Seward June 30

Position of military affairs.....


to Mr. Adams.

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in regard to mediation in American

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tions of the amount destroyed. Inter-
vention will end the trade by extinguish-
ing the slave labor system.
Restrictions on transhipment of certain
merchandise at New York.
Correspondence with Earl Russell relative
to the case which occurred in 1799 simi-
lar to that of the Emily St. Pierre.

Evidence in regard to the war steamer fit-

ting out at Liverpool for the insurgents,

(the 290.)-Efforts to induce the British

government to interpose for her deten-


The struggle in America considered in its
relations to Europe. Purposes of the
American people. Consequences of in-





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entertained for the dismemberment of

the Union.

Further correspondence in regard to the
case of the Saginaw at Hong Kong.
July 31 Sailing of the 290, the British government
failing to take steps to detain her.

1 Conversation with Earl Russell in regard

to use made of Nassan by the insurgents;

the cases of the Oreto and 290, and the

guarantee of the isthmus of Panama to

New Granada.

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proceedings of British government in re-
gard to the Oreto and Nassau.

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