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The book is valuable and interesting. It arouses our deepest sympathy for the toilers who are close to the earth, bearing the burden and heat of the day. The world forgets them in its mad haste for wealth, learning, culture, and position; but the Son of man was a carpenter and a day-laborer, and belonged to the great industrial army who are our brethren, and upon whom we are all dependent.

Mr. Wyckoff has no theories to maintain, and has not attempted any deductions from his experience. Another volume will appear, and we may anticipate more philosophy in that.

Z. S. H.

THIS COUNTRY OF OURS. BY BENJAMIN HARRISON, Ex-President of the United States. Pp. 360. I 2010. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.50.

Ex-President of the United States. Pp. 32.
Y. Crowell & Co. 35 cents.

By GROVER CLEVELAND, 12mo. New York: Thomas

The American people have never been obliged to inquire seriously, "What shall we do with our Ex-Presidents?" General Grant broke his silence by his memoirs, the only happy outcome of his financial misfortunes, and the example which he set, and that is now followed by ExPresidents Harrison and Cleveland, will have its influence on succeeding Presidents.

The first of these books is a valuable and practical treatise on the machinery of our government. It is written in a popular and simple style, yet it is dignified, statesmanlike, and learned.

The last book does not fulfill the estimate which the New York Sun has placed upon the author as being a ponderous and platitudinal writer, a maker of meaningless phrases. It is a clear and interesting treatise on some phases of self-culture, is original and sensible. It was first given as an address to the students of Princeton College.

2. S. H.

PRINCIPLES OF Vocal ExpresSION; Being a Revision of the Rhetoric of Vocal Expression. By WM. B. CHAMBERLAIN, A.M. of the Chicago Theological Seminary. Together with MENTAL TECHNIQUE AND LITERARY INTERPRETATION. By S. H. CLARK, Ph.B., of the University of Chicago. Pp. xix, 479. 12mo. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co. 1897. $1.50 net.

Professor Chamberlain's part of this volume has been for some time before a limited portion of the public, and well merits the greater prominence given to it in the present form of publication. Its preeminent merit consists in the extent to which he insists upon the close identification of the thought with the form of expression. With Professor Chamberlain elocution is primarily and principally an interpretation of the thought, and his lessons in the reading of the New Testament, for example, constitute a most valuable training in exegesis. Coupled as it is

with Professor Clark's valuable discussions and an elaborate treatise up on Vocal Technique, the volume leaves little to be desired, and becomes indispensable to all teachers and special students of the subject, and of great service to every public speaker.

THE HISTORY OF ORATORY from the Age of Pericles to the Present Time. By LORENZO SEARS, L.H.D., Professor in Brown University. Pp. 440. 16mo. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co. 1897.

So far as we know, this volume of Professor Sears is the most compre hensive, discriminating, and helpful treatise which has so far been written upon the subject. So thorough is the presentation that the volume is really a cyclopedia of information as well as a highly artistic presentation of the important theme. Relating to modern oratory the reader will find discriminating critiques of the characteristics of that of the British Parliament and of America during the Colonial period, and of the Congressional speakers during the first century since the Declaration of Independence, as well as of occasional orators, such as Edward Everett, Rufus Choate, Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips, and George William Curtis, of whom our country has furnished so many brilliant examples. All classes of readers will find the volume interesting and profitable.

THE AGE OF CHARLEMAGNE (Charles the Great). (Ten Epochs of Church History.) By CHARLES L. WELLS, Ph.D., Professor of History, University of Minnesota. Pp. xiii, 472. New York: Christian Literature Co. 1897. $2.00.

This volume in the Series will prove of special interest both because of the thoroughness of its execution and of the intrinsic importance of the era under discussion. The era of Charlemagne's influence marked the transfer of the principal agencies for the propagation of the gospel from the East to the West, and makes it the key to the history of modern civilization. But the volume is of especial value in itself, apart from its connection with the general Series.

THE ANGLICAN REFORMATION. (Ten Epochs of Church History.) By WILLIAM CLARK, M.A. (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.C. Pp. viii, 482. New York: Christian Literature Co. 1897. $2.00. This volume, like the others in the Series, does not profess to make original contributions of newly discovered facts, but simply to present in concise form the more essential facts relating to the period. The Anglican Reformation sustains such a fundamental relation to the development of the history of the English-speaking people that its story cannot be too often told, especially when, as in the present instance, the thrilling events are presented in their relations to each other and to both their antecedents and their consequences. The volume is, however, much more than a bare outline of general history: it is enlivened by sufficient details to make it as interesting as a novel.

THE AGE OF THE RENASCENCE: An Outline Sketch of the History of the Papacy from the Return from Avignon to the Sack of Rome (13771527). (Ten Epochs of Church History.) By PAUL VAN DYKE. With an Introduction by HENRY VAN DYKE. Pp. xxii, 398. New York: The Christian Literature Co. $1.50.

This popular summary of what is really the most dramatic portion of modern church history is worthy of all praise, and is by no means devoid of philosophical interest. During this period John Wicklif arose in England, the new learning crossed the Alps, America was discovered, Savonarola ran his tragic career, and the printing-press began its revolutionary work. In treating the complicated and pregnant facts of the period, Dr. Van Dyke is at his best.



HEROIC STATURE. BY NATHAN SHEPPARD. Pp. 226. J2mo. $1.00; -ROMANS AND I. AND II. CORINTHIANS. By GEORGE W. CLARK, D. D. Pp. xxiv, 401. 12m10. $1.25.

THOMAS Y. CROWELL & COMPANY, New York and Boston.

IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE. BY RALPH WALDO TRINE, author of "What all the World's A-seeking." Pp. 222. I 2010. $1.25;-PERSONAL FRIENDSHIPS OF JESUS. By the Rev. J. R. MILLER, D.D., author of "Making the Most of Life," etc. Pp. 267. 16mo. $1.00.

EATON & MAINS, New York.

HOW TO MAKE THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL GO. By A. T. BREWER. Pp. 191. 16m0;-GOD, NATURE, AND ATTRIBUTES. (Studies in TheologyV.) By RANDOLPH S. FOSTER, D.D, LL.D., a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. xxxvi, 280. 8vo. $3.00; THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. BY GEORGE R. CROOKS, D.D., LL.D., late Professor of Church History in Drew Theological Seminary. Pp. xiii, 604. 8vo. $3.50;-JOHN WESLEY AS A SOCIAL REFORMER. By D. D. THOMPSON. Pp. III. 12mo. 50 cents;-THE STORY OF JOHN WESLEY, told to Boys and Girls. By MARIANNE KIRLEW. Pp. viii, 168. 12mo. 75 cents.

FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, New York and London. THE NEW DISPENSATION: An Effort to Remedy Many of the Infelicities, Defects, etc., of the New Testament. Translated from the Greek by ROBERT D. WEEKES. Pp. viii, 525. 8vo.

E. R. HERRICK & CO., New York.

THE BIBLICAL MUSEUM. BY JAMES COMPER GRAY, author of "Topics for Teachers," The Class and the Desk," etc. Revised, with Additions from the Later Biblical Literature, by Rev. GEORGE M. ADAMS, ·D. D. THE NEW TESTAMENT. Vol. I.-Containing the FOUR GOSPELS AND THE ACTS of the APOSTLES. Pp. 760. Vol. II.-Containing the EPISTLES AND THE REVELATION. Pp. 770. Svo. $2.00 each.



CHALK LINES OVER MORALS. By the Rev. CHARLES CAVERNO, A.M., LL.D., author of Treatise on Divorce," and "A Narrow Ax in Biblical Criticism." Pp. 313. 12mo.



THE BIBLE STORY RETOLD FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. THE OLD TESTAMENT STORY. By W. H. BENNETT, M.A., Hackney and New Colleges, London. THE NEW TESTAMENT STORY. By W. F. ADENEY, M.A., New College, London. With Illustrations and Maps. Pp. xiv, 404. 16m0. $1.00.


RELICS OF PRIMEVAL LIFE. Beginning of Life in the Dawn of Geological Time. By Sir J. WILLIAM DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., etc. With Sixty-five Illustrations. Pp. xiv, 336. 8vo. $1.50;-THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. BY GEORGE JACKSON, B.A. Pp. 191. 8vo. $1.00.


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HAVING lingered long in foreign climes and countries, Plutarch returned home to affirm that he had found cities. without walls, without literature, without coin or kings; peoples who knew not the forum, the theater, or gymnasium; "but," added the traveler, "there never was, nor shall there ever be, a city without temple, church, or chapel." Since Plutarch's time many centuries have come and gone, yet for thoughtful men the passing years have only strengthened the conviction that not until cities are hung in the air, instead of founded upon rock, can the ideal commonwealth be established or maintained without foundations of morals and religion. Were it possible for the ancient traveler to come forth from his tomb, and, moving slowly down the aisles of time, to step foot into the scene. and city midst which we now do dwell, he would find that, in the influence of religious teachers upon liberty, literature, art, and industry, that would fully justify the reassertion of the conviction expressed so many centuries ago. Indeed, many students of the rise and reign of the common people make the history of social progress to be very

VOL. LV. No. 219. I

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