Imágenes de páginas


Abbot of Inisfalen, The, Armada, The, 524

[blocks in formation]

ell), 321

Abraham Lincoln (Stod-
dard), 318

Alexander's Feast, 158
Allegro, L', 152

All Things Wait Upon
Thee, 119
Almond Blossoms, 69
American Flag, The, 311
Angels, The, 636

Angler's Invitation, The,

Angler's Reveille, The,

Annie Laurie, 243
Apple Orchard in the
Spring, An, 63
April and May, 9
April in England, 8
Arethusa, 165

Ariel's Songs, 147

Autumn, 15

Autumn's Mirth, 90

Autumn's Processional, 16

Bailiff's Daughter of Is-
lington, The, 555
Ballad, 422
Bannockburn, 539
Barbara Frietchie, 337
Barefoot Boy, The, 214
Battle of Agincourt, The,

Battle of Blenheim, The,


Battle of the Baltic, 511
Battle-Hymn of the Re-
public, 331

Baucis and Philemon, 375
Bee, The, 116

Bees, Commonwealth of
the, 631

Before the Rain, 31

Bells, The, 189

Belshazzar, Vision of, 500

Bermudas, 272

Be True, 610

Be Useful, 633

Bicycling Song, 196
Bind-Weed, 74

Black Regiment, The, 326
Blood Horse, The, 225
Blowing Bubbles, 195
Bobolinks, The, 103
Bonniest Bairn in a' the

Warl', The, 125
Border Ballad, 286
Boy's Prayer, A, 626
Brightest and Best of the
Sons of the Morning,

Brook, The, 40

Brook in Winter, The, 42
Brother and Sister, 129
Bugle Song, 181

Burial of Moses, The, 504
Burial of Sir John Moore,
The, 295

Captain Reece, 387
Captain Sword, 403
Carmen Bellicosum, 309
Cataract of Lodore, The,

Cavalier's Escape, The,

Cavalier's Song, The, 280
Ceremonies for Christmas,


Chambered Nautilus, The,


Chanted Calendar, A, 1
Charade, 370

Charge of the Light Bri-
gade, The, 537
Chartless, 626
Chevy-Chace, 582
Child-Musician, The, 463
Child of Twelve, A, 237
Child's Talk in April, 109
Chloe, 238

Christmas Carol, 650
Christmas Carol, A, 635
Christmas Hymn, A, 646
Christmas in England,

[blocks in formation]

Crossing the Plains, 314
Cuddle Doon, 126
Culprit Fay, The (Ex-
tracts), 168

Daffodils, The, 79
Daffodils, To, 78
Daybreak, 1

Dear Land of All My
Love, 301

Death of the Flowers, The,

December, 622

Descend, Ye Nine, 212
Destruction of Sennache-
rib, The, 548

Dirge, for One Who Fell

in Battle, 293

Dirge for the Year, 25



[blocks in formation]

Elixir, The, 629
Enchanted Shirt, The,


End of the Play, The, 623
English Language, The
(Extracts), 346
Eternal Spring, The, 5
Étude Réaliste, 139
Evening in Paradise, 2
Evening at the Farm, 136
Evening Song, 3

Extracts from "L'Alle-
gro," 152

Fairy Folk, The, 174
Fairy Land, 145
Fairy Songs and Songs of
Fancy, 145

Faith and Freedom, 345
Farewell, A, 625
Fatherland, The, 298
Feigned Courage, 374
Fife and Drum, 280
Fine Day, A, 5

First, Best Country, The,

Flag Goes By, The, 324
Flight of the Birds, The,


For Home and Country,


Forbearance, 603

Forsaken, Merman, The,

Garden of Girls, A, 231
Gathering Song of Donuil
Dhu, 287

Glad Evangel, The, 635
Glenlogie, 597

Glove and the Lions, The,

God Rest Ye, Merry Gen-
tlemen, 653
Going A-Maying, 197
Going A-Nutting, 219
Goldfinches, 107

Gos-hawk, The Gay, 569
Gracious Time, The, 661
Grass, The, 81

Grasshopper and Cricket,
On the, 114

[blocks in formation]

Highland Cattle, 50
Hohenlinden, 542
Home, 131

Home Song, 138
Housekeeper, The, 400
How Sleep the Brave! 292
How they Brought the
Good News from Ghent
to Aix, 464
How's My Boy? 462
Humble-Bee, The, 116
Hunter's Song, The, 223
Hunting Song, 222
Hymn for Christmas, 639
Hynde Horn, 593

I Am Lonely, 128

I Love My Jean, 252
In a Child's Album, 602
In August, 14

In Merry Mood, 353
Inchcape Rock, The, 468
Incident of the French

Camp, 544
Indians, 313

Inglenook, The, 121

Invocation to Rain in
Summer, 34

Ivry, 530

Jessie, 246

Jock of Hazeldean, 430
Jog On, Jog On, 200

[blocks in formation]

Knight's Tomb, The, 292 Maple Leaves, 17

Kubla Khan, 160

Lady of Shalott, The, 431

Landing of the Pilgrim
Fathers, 305

Latter Rain, The, 35

Leolin and Edith, 218
Life, 601

Life Lessons, 601

Life on the Ocean Wave,
A, 257

Lincoln, the Great Com-

moner, 319




Car Moved On,

The, 162

March, 6

Marco Bozzaris, 545

May, 9

Mermaid, The, 178

Merman, The, 177

Midwinter, 23

Mine Host of "The Gold-
en Apple," 64
Minnows, 45

Minstrel-Boy, The, 278
Minstrels and Maids, 654
Monkey, The, 401

Morning, 1

Lion and the Cub, The, Morning Song, A, 2

Little Bell, 234
Lochinvar, 427

Long White Seam, The,

Lord Beichan and Susie
Pye, 563

Mother's Song, 123

Music's Silver Sound, 210
My Heart's in the High-
lands, 277

My Nannie's Awa', 253
My Native Land, 276
My Peggy, 243

Lord Ullin's Daughter, Myth, A, 173

[blocks in formation]
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