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" The statement of fact is that the relations between things, conjunctive as well as disjunctive, are just as much matters of direct particular experience, neither more so nor less so, than the things themselves. "
Essays in Common Sense Philosophy - Página 56
por Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad - 1919 - 252 páginas
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The Dialectic of Plotinus, Volumen2,Temas1-6

Harry Allen Overstreet - 1909 - 326 páginas of a statement of fact, and finally of a generalized conclusion. . . . "The statement of fact is that the relations between things, conjunctive...neither more so nor less so, than the things themselves. "The generalized conclusion is that therefore the parts of experience hold together from next to next...
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The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to "Pragmatism,"

William James - 1909 - 340 páginas
...exist ad libitum, but they form no part of the material for philosophic debate.] The statement of fact is that the relations between things, disjunctive, are just as much matters of direct particu|L lar experience, neither more so nor less so, than the things themselves. The generalized...
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WAS wichtiges, Volumen9

1911 - 528 páginas
...which is supposed to be fatal to them. This is what James calls 'radical empiricism,' the discovery that "the relations between things, conjunctive as...experience, neither more so nor less so, than the things themselves."2 "Adjacent minima of experience" are united by the "persistent identity of certain units,...
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The Philosophical Review, Volumen20

Jacob Gould Schurman, James Edwin Creighton, Frank Thilly, Gustavus Watts Cunningham - 1911 - 740 páginas
...which is supposed to be fatal to them. This is what James calls 'radical empiricism,' the discovery that "the relations between things, conjunctive as...experience, neither more so nor less so, than the things themselves."2 "Adjacent minima of experience" are united by the "persistent identity of certain units,...
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Essays in Radical Empiricism

William James, Ralph Barton Perry - 1912 - 316 páginas
...applications by virtue of a certain "statement of fact" concerning relations. (2) "The statement of fact is that the relations between things, conjunctive...more so nor less so, than the things themselves," (Cf. also A Pluralistic Universe, p. 280; The Will to Believe, p. 278.) This is the central doctrine...
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Present Philosophical Tendencies: A Critical Survey of Naturalism, Idealism ...

Ralph Barton Perry - 1912 - 412 páginas
...which is supposed to be fatal to them. This is what James calls " radical empiricism," the discovery that " the relations between things, conjunctive as...more so nor less so, than the things themselves." « "Adjacent minima of experience" are united by the "persistent identity of certain units, or emphases,...
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Present Philosophical Tendencies: A Critical Survey of Naturalism, Idealism ...

Ralph Barton Perry - 1912 - 416 páginas
...empiricism," the discovery that i ; " the relations between things, conjunctive as well as disjunctive, i are just as much matters of direct particular experience,...more so nor less so, than the things themselves." » "Adjacent minima of experience" are united by the "persistent identity of certain units, or emphases,...
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Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society

Aristotelian Society (Great Britain) - 1917 - 522 páginas
...that the validity of our experience of them should be established. The central doctrine of his Essay* in Radical Empiricism is that, " the relations between...more so nor less so than the things themselves."* The * Ibid., pp. 60, 74. t Problems of Philosophy, p. 148. • ' • • ./'•v ' generalised conclusion...
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The Philosophy of William James

Théodore Flournoy, Edwin Bissell Holt, William James (Jr.) - 1917 - 268 páginas
...relations between things, conjunctive as well as disjunctive (the connections as well as the separations), are just as much matters of direct particular experience,...more so nor less so, than the things themselves." This sums up what we have said above concerning the so-called categories of the mind, which it has...
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The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - 1920 - 510 páginas
...thing-in-itself, etc., do not form part of the material for philosophic debate ; (2) a statement of fact, that " the relations between things, conjunctive as...matters of direct particular experience, neither more nor less so than the things themselves " ; (3) a generalised conclusion, viz. that " all portions of...
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