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But now, when he is coming home from the club at 2 A. M., is it considerably more. It is astonishing what changes a lamppost can make. It ties itself into bow-knots, makes itself into a sky-rocket, does the most remarkable feats, and just as Cholly approaches it to see if it is possible that he is dreaming, it forms itself into a torchlight procession and marches off, leaving Cholly to find a soft board on one of the park benches to reflect on it till morning.

EN become what they eat," said Hicks.


"You don't eat much, do, you," said Cynicus.


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IN Vassar's halls a tutor young,

'Tis said, once met his fate;

He taught her in the Calculus
To differentiate.

They're married now-at meal times oft
Discord invades their state;

For he has found that she with him
Would differ when she ate.

-Lehigh Burr.

THE late General Meigs was responsible for that architectural monstrosity, as some people designate it, known as the Pension Bureau. The story goes, as Kate Field tells it, that General Meigs once took General Phil Sheridan to see the building, and asked him what he thought of it.

"Well, Meigs," replied Sheridan, "there is only one objection, so far as I can see." "What's that?"

"I'm told the d-d thing is fire proof."-Argonaut.

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By Mr. Edgar Saltus.


"No other book is now recalled which condenses into such narrow limits such a union of splendid rhetorical pigments with so much of bold, just estimate of character."-Chicago Times.

"Mr. Saltus is an artist in words."-San Francisco Chronicle.

"A brilliant essay that shows deep study and philosophy. The book is a gem in its way." -Chicago Mail.

Cloth, 12mo. For sale everywhere, or sent postpaid upon receipt of price, $1.25, by Morrill, Higgins & Co., Publishers, Chicago.

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THERE are strange chambermaids at Sheapherd's Hotel in Cairo. A lady declares that the one who waited on her room and attended to all the duties of the calling, even to making the beds, was a Frenchman, dressed as if for a dinner-party, with white waistcoat and dress-coat, and having the air of a refined and educated gentleman. It was really embarrassing to accept his services in such a capacity. One lady, on arriving at the hotel, rang for the chambermaid, and this gentleman presented himself. Supposing him to be the proprietor, at the very least, she said:

"I wish to see the chambermaid."

"Madam," said he, politely, in the very best English he could muster, "Madam, she am I!"-Argonaut.

THACKERAY was not a vain man, and he disliked vanity in others, and made it the subject of ridicule and sarcasm. After long pleading, his family induced him to have his portrait painted, and Lawrence, a famous London artist, gladly undertook the task. Soon after the picture was completed, Thackeray chanced to be dining at his club, when a pompous officer of the Guards stopped beside the table, and said:

"Haw, Thackeray, old boy, I hear Lawrence has been painting your portrait ?" "So he has," was the response.

"Full length?"

"No; full-length portraits are for soldiers, that we may see their spurs. But the other end of the man is the principal thing with authors," said Thackeray.-Argonaut.

AN Englishman, in an article on Americanisms, mentions the word "jag" as meaning umbrella. He is positive that that is the correct meaning, as he says he saw in a newspaper that "Last Friday, when it was raining hard, Mr. Smith was seen coming down the street, carrying a large jag."-Harvard Lampoon.

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8 Per Cent. Net Oregon Investment. Prune

farms better than U. S. Bonds. Investment Share Certificates of this Company for sale on installments. CROPS AND BANKS NEVER FAIL IN OREGON. Send for our new Prospectus. THE FARM TRUST & LOAN Co., Portland, Oregon.




Gold and Silver Smiths

We can be of service to perplexed woma hood by noting a few Presents to M from our "Suggestion Book," which send upon application to far away buyers.

There's Gold Watches, from our o serviceable $50 to our $600 Repeater a Split-second-excellent value in both. Go Cigar-Cutters; Collar and Cuff Button Eye-Glass Chains and Hooks; Seal Rings are all being made from our new and fa ionable designs.

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A Graceful Act

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Of hospitality is to offer your evening guests a cup of Bouillon before leav Use Armour's Extract of Beef and boiling water; add salt, pepper and a slice of lemon to each cup. Serve with plain crackers. There are many w of using Armour's Extract. Our little Cook Book explains several. We it free.

Armour & Company, Chicago.

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LIPPINCOTT'S FOR JUNE Contains a Complete New Novel, entitled



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tions. By PROF. J. B. MCMASTER.
Being His Mother. A poem. By JAS. WHIT
COMB RILEY. With portrait of the author
the Journalist Series. By MURAT HALSTEAD. The Woman of the Plains.
Á story.
With portrait of the author.
PATIENCE STAPLETON. With illustrations
Price 25 cts., of any Newsdealer or Bookseller, or mailed, on receipt of price, by addressing


is the name of a new weekly which contains two new,
original, complete short stories, and nothing else, in each
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lowing writers:

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7 Maria Louise Pool


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1 D. C. Scott

Julia Schayer

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EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED CIGAR. We prefer you should buy of your dealer; if he does not keep them, send $1 for sample box of 10, by mail, to JACOB STAHL, JR., & CO., 168th St. and 3rd Ave., N. Y. City.

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Newport, R. I.



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One of the most extended and magnificent views in the White Mountains. Perfect drainage; electric lights; all modern improvements. Send for circular.

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391 Fifth Avenue,

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all the latest styles

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Latest improvements, Registers for Exposures, Glass Plate Attachments, Daylight Loading &c., &c., Send for catalogue. THE EASTMAN COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. Y.

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"Take an hour from business that you may do business."

Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

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Men's, 25c., 35c., 50c. Women's, 50c. Give size shoe.
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A distinguished French savant has discovered in Nature an element that is bland and harmless in its action, and which has a particularly beneficial effect on sensitive skins by allaying inflammation, and by bleaching the epidermis to a transparent whiteness. He has combined this element with an unguent that nourishes the most delicate tissues underlying the skin. This hygienic combination, composed solely of Nature's curatives, is absolutely free from all polsonous ingredients, and can be used with impunity. It revivifies the skin by restoring the natural action of the cuticle, removes redness, roughness, and chapping of the face and hands caused by our trying climate, and prevents wrin kling and aging of the exposed skin. Complexions ruined by corrosive preparations of mercury and zinc, compounded by unskilful makers, or irritated by the application of glycerine, can be restored to freshness, whiteness, and velvety softness the

Do You


Feel tired most of the time-brain throbs- eyes grow dimback aches-no appetite-don't sleep well-don't feel good anyway-Working too hard-so's about everybody-know better; so does everybody-Do better, now-be sensible-practice what you preach or stop preaching-do by yourself as you would have others do-Drugs can't help you-healthful life isn't bottled-All out doors is open-the balmy air of spring is here Haven't the time-Nonsense-Yourself as you ought to be will do more in a half a day than you do all day now-'Tisn't how much time you work, 'tis how you work-Work on a salary-long hours-can't get out-there's evenings and mornings-There's only one exercise which combines healthful everything, economical, always ready, costs nothing to maintain, renovates inside and outside, keeps you happy all the time -It's bicycling, the prominent gentlemanly and ladylike exercise of the world, the vehicle of unalloyed pleasure-Columbia bicycles are the finest bicycles, because there are no others as fine-they lead all bicycles-Call at the nearest Columbia agency, there are a thousand in the country-ask for Columbia catalogue-52 pages-41 illustrations-interesting reading of definite truth-free at the agencies-by mail, for two two-cent stamps, on application to the Pope Mfg. Co., 221 Columbus Ave., Boston.



For the Skin, Scalp and Complexion. The result of 20 years' experience in treating skin diseases. For sale by druggists, or sent by mail for 50c. A Sample Cake and 145 page book on Dermatology and Beauty sent sealed for 10 cents. Illustrated on skin, Scalp. Nervous and Blood Dis eases. Also Disfigurements like Birthmarks, Moles, Warts, India Ink and Powder Marks; Sears, Pittings, Redness of Nose, Superfluous Hair, Pimples, Facial Development, etc. Consultation free at office or by letter. JOHN H. WOODBURY, Dermatological Institute, 125 W. 42d St., New York City.



Perfumers and leading druggists. In collapsible tubes, 50 cents. Trial sample free on application by letter. THE DUMAL CO. 49 Liberty St.N.Y.Cltz

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